source("incl/start.R") library("listenv") oopts <- c(oopts, options( future.debug = FALSE )) message("*** Globals inside local() environments ...") for (strategy in supportedStrategies()) { message(sprintf("- plan('%s') ...", strategy)) plan(strategy) message("- Missing global variable") g <- function() a h <- function() { a <- 1 g() } res <- tryCatch({ f <- future(h()) v <- value(f) }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) message("- Missing global variable (v2)") g <- function() a h <- function(g) { a <- 1 g() } res <- tryCatch({ f <- future(h(g)) v <- value(f) }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) message("- Missing global variable (v3)") g <- function() a res <- tryCatch({ f <- future(local({ a <- 1 g() })) v <- value(f) }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) message("- Non-missing global variable") a <- 2 g <- function() a f <- future(local({ a <- 1 g() }), lazy = TRUE) rm(list = "a") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_IDEAL")))) { v <- value(f) stopifnot(v == 2) } else { v <- value(f) stopifnot(v == 2) } message("- Non-missing global variable (inside local())") ## FIXME: This works and fails in non-expected ways /HB 2022-05-26 local({ a <- 2 g <- function() a f <- future(local({ a <- 1 g() }), lazy = TRUE) rm(list = "a") truth <- 2 message("truth: ", truth) res <- tryCatch({ v <- value(f) }, error = identity) print(res) if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_IDEAL")))) { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } else if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.keepWhere", FALSE))) { if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.globalsOf.locals", TRUE))) { if (strategy %in% c("sequential", "multicore")) { stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } }) message("- Name clashing of globals across local() environments") ## Closures with local globals of the same name g <- local({ a <- 2; function() a }) h <- local({ a <- 1; function() a }) truth <- g() + h() message("truth: ", truth) ## FIXME: This works and fails in non-expected ways /HB 2022-05-26 ## With: ## ## f <- future(g() + h()) ## ## there is a risk that global 'a' of g() overwrites global 'a' of h(), ## resulting in h() == 2, rather than h() == 1. Vice versa, with: ## ## f <- future(h() + g()) ## ## 'a' of h() might overwride 'a' of g() so that g() == 1. ## This has to be fixed. ## ## See also f <- future(g() + h()) v <- tryCatch(value(f), error = identity) utils::str(list(strategy = strategy, v = v)) if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_IDEAL")))) { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } else if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.keepWhere", FALSE))) { if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.globalsOf.locals", TRUE))) { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } else { if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.globalsOf.locals", TRUE))) { if (strategy %in% c("sequential", "multicore")) { stopifnot(identical(v, 4)) ## <= SERIOUS BUG! } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } else { if (strategy %in% c("sequential", "multicore")) { stopifnot(inherits(v, "error")) } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } } } ## for (strategy ...) message("*** Globals inside local() environments ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")