source("incl/start.R") library(methods) message("*** Globals - S4 methods ...") setGeneric("my_fcn", function(x) standardGeneric("my_fcn")) setMethod("my_fcn", signature(x = "numeric"), function(x) { -x }) org_my_fcn <- my_fcn truth <- my_fcn(3) for (strategy in supportedStrategies()) { message("Type of future: ", strategy) plan(strategy) ## Assert that S4 generic function 'my_fcn()' is exported f <- future({ my_fcn }, lazy = TRUE) rm(list = "my_fcn") v <- value(f) print(v) stopifnot( is.function(v), inherits(v, class(org_my_fcn)[1]) ) my_fcn <- org_my_fcn ## FIXME: ## Just like S3 methods, S4 methods are not picked up ## f <- future({ my_fcn(3) }, lazy = TRUE) rm(list = "my_fcn") v <- tryCatch(value(f), error = identity) print(v) if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_IDEAL")))) { if (getOption("future.globals.keepWhere", TRUE)) { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } else { stopifnot(inherits(v, "error")) } } else if (isTRUE(getOption("future.globals.keepWhere", FALSE))) { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } else { if (strategy %in% c("sequential", "multicore")) { stopifnot(inherits(v, "error")) } else { stopifnot(identical(v, truth)) } } my_fcn <- org_my_fcn } message("*** Globals - S4 methods ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")