source("incl/start.R") library("listenv") options(future.debug = FALSE) ## IMPORTANT: Since we're killing parallel workers, some of them will not ## get a chance to clean up their R temporary folders. Here we configuring ## them to use temporary folders with this R process temporary folder. ## This way they'll be removed when this R process terminates Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = tempdir()) message("*** cluster() - terminating worker ...") message("Library paths: ", paste(sQuote(.libPaths()), collapse = ", ")) message("Package path: ", sQuote(system.file(package = "future"))) message("TMPDIR for parallel workers: ", sQuote(Sys.getenv("TMPDIR"))) types <- "PSOCK" ## Speed up CRAN checks: Skip on CRAN Windows 32-bit if (isWin32) types <- NULL if (supportsMulticore()) types <- c(types, "FORK") pid <- Sys.getpid() message("Main PID (original): ", pid) cl <- NULL for (type in types) { message(sprintf("Cluster type %s ...", sQuote(type))) cl <- parallel::makeCluster(1L, type = type, timeout = 60) print(cl) ## Crashing FORK:ed processes seems too harsh on R (< 3.3.0) if (type != "FORK" || getRversion() >= "3.3.0") { message("*** cluster() - crashed worker ...") plan(cluster, workers = cl, .skip = FALSE) x %<-% 42L stopifnot(x == 42L) ## Force R worker to terminate ## It's not safe to use quit() here when using type = "FORK" [1] ## [1] x %<-% tools::pskill(pid = Sys.getpid()) res <- tryCatch(y <- x, error = identity) print(res) stopifnot( inherits(res, "error"), inherits(res, "FutureError") ) ## Cleanup print(cl) ## FIXME: Why doesn't this work here? It causes the below future to stall. # parallel::stopCluster(cl) ## Verify that the reset worked cl <- parallel::makeCluster(1L, type = type, timeout = 60) print(cl) plan(cluster, workers = cl, .skip = FALSE) x %<-% 43L stopifnot(x == 43L) message("*** cluster() - crashed worker ... DONE") } ## if (type != "FORK" || getRversion() >= "3.3.0") ## Sanity checks pid2 <- Sys.getpid() message("Main PID (original): ", pid) message("Main PID: ", pid2) stopifnot(pid2 == pid) ## Cleanup print(cl) str(cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl) ## Sanity checks pid2 <- Sys.getpid() message("Main PID (original): ", pid) message("Main PID: ", pid2) stopifnot(pid2 == pid) message(sprintf("Cluster type %s ... DONE", sQuote(type))) } ## for (type ...) message("*** cluster() - terminating worker ... DONE") ## Sanity checks pid2 <- Sys.getpid() message("Main PID (original): ", pid) message("Main PID: ", pid2) stopifnot(pid2 == pid) source("incl/end.R")