R Under development (unstable) (2024-07-02 r86866 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > source("incl/start.R") Loading required package: future [13:30:38.699] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [13:30:38.701] List of future strategies: [13:30:38.701] 1. mirai_multisession: [13:30:38.701] - args: function (expr, substitute = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), ..., workers = availableCores()) [13:30:38.701] - tweaked: FALSE [13:30:38.701] - call: future::plan(future.mirai::mirai_multisession) [13:30:38.718] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... [13:30:38.719] < mirai [$data] > [13:30:38.725] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:38.725] Not searching for globals [13:30:38.726] - globals: [0] [13:30:38.726] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:38.727] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:38.727] [13:30:38.727] - globals: [0] [13:30:38.727] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:38.975] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:38.976] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] base::local({ [13:30:38.977] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:38.977] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:38.977] if (has_future) { [13:30:38.977] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:38.977] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:38.977] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:38.977] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] version <- NULL [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:38.977] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:38.977] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:38.977] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:38.977] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:38.977] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:38.977] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:38.977] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:38.977] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:38.977] info) [13:30:38.977] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:38.977] if (!has_future) { [13:30:38.977] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:38.977] info) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:38.977] info, version) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] base::stop(msg) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] }) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:38.977] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:38.977] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:38.977] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:38.977] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:38.977] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:38.977] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:38.977] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:38.977] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:38.977] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:38.977] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:38.977] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] if (FALSE) { [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] if (TRUE) { [13:30:38.977] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:38.977] open = "w") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:38.977] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:38.977] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:38.977] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:38.977] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:38.977] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:38.977] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:38.977] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:38.977] if (FALSE) { [13:30:38.977] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:38.977] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:38.977] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:38.977] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(NA)) [13:30:38.977] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:38.977] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:38.977] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:38.977] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:38.977] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:38.977] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:38.977] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:38.977] c <- base::c [13:30:38.977] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:38.977] length <- base::length [13:30:38.977] list <- base::list [13:30:38.977] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:38.977] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:38.977] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:38.977] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:38.977] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:38.977] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:38.977] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:38.977] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:38.977] 3L)] [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] function(cond) { [13:30:38.977] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:38.977] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:38.977] NULL) [13:30:38.977] if (is_error) { [13:30:38.977] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:38.977] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:38.977] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:38.977] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:38.977] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:38.977] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:38.977] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:38.977] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:38.977] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:38.977] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:38.977] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:38.977] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:38.977] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:38.977] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:38.977] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:38.977] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:38.977] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:38.977] if (muffled) [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:38.977] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:38.977] if (muffled) [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:38.977] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:38.977] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:38.977] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:38.977] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:38.977] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:38.977] name <- restart$name [13:30:38.977] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:38.977] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:38.977] break [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] invisible(muffled) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] if (TRUE) { [13:30:38.977] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:38.977] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:38.977] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:38.977] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:38.977] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:38.977] if (muffled) [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:38.977] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:38.977] if (muffled) [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:38.977] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:38.977] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:38.977] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:38.977] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:38.977] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:38.977] name <- restart$name [13:30:38.977] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:38.977] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:38.977] break [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] invisible(muffled) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] })) [13:30:38.977] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:38.977] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:38.977] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:38.977] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:38.977] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:38.977] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:38.977] }, finally = { [13:30:38.977] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:38.977] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:38.977] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:38.977] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:38.977] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:38.977] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:38.977] names <- names(envs) [13:30:38.977] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:38.977] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:38.977] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:38.977] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:38.977] envs[common]] [13:30:38.977] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:38.977] args <- list() [13:30:38.977] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:38.977] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:38.977] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:38.977] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:38.977] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:38.977] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:38.977] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:38.977] next [13:30:38.977] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:38.977] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:38.977] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:38.977] 0L) { [13:30:38.977] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:38.977] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:38.977] base::options(opts) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] { [13:30:38.977] NULL [13:30:38.977] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:38.977] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:38.977] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:38.977] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:38.977] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:38.977] .init = FALSE) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] }) [13:30:38.977] if (TRUE) { [13:30:38.977] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:38.977] if (TRUE) { [13:30:38.977] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] else { [13:30:38.977] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:38.977] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:38.977] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:38.977] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:38.977] ...future.result [13:30:38.977] } [13:30:39.096] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE [13:30:39.097] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2 > > message("*** Futures - labels ...") *** Futures - labels ... > > strategies <- c("mirai_cluster", "mirai_multisession") > > for (strategy in strategies) { + mprintf("- plan('%s') ...", strategy) + plan(strategy) + + for (label in list(NULL, sprintf("strategy_%s", strategy))) { + fcn <- get(strategy, mode = "function") + stopifnot(inherits(fcn, strategy)) + f <- fcn(42, label = label) + print(f) + stopifnot(identical(f$label, label)) + v <- value(f) + stopifnot(v == 42) + + f <- future(42, label = label) + print(f) + stopifnot(identical(f$label, label)) + v <- value(f) + stopifnot(v == 42) + + v %<-% { 42 } %label% label + f <- futureOf(v) + print(f) + stopifnot(identical(f$label, label)) + stopifnot(v == 42) + + } ## for (label ...) + + mprintf("- plan('%s') ... DONE", strategy) + } ## for (strategy ...) [13:30:39.126] - plan('mirai_cluster') ...[13:30:39.127] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [13:30:39.127] List of future strategies: [13:30:39.127] 1. mirai_cluster: [13:30:39.127] - args: function (expr, substitute = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), ..., workers = "") [13:30:39.127] - tweaked: FALSE [13:30:39.127] - call: plan(strategy) [13:30:39.154] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... [13:30:39.155] < mirai [$data] > [13:30:39.155] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.155] Not searching for globals [13:30:39.156] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.156] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.156] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.156] [13:30:39.156] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.157] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.157] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.158] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] base::local({ [13:30:39.159] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.159] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.159] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.159] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.159] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.159] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.159] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] version <- NULL [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.159] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.159] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.159] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.159] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.159] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.159] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.159] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.159] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.159] info) [13:30:39.159] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.159] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.159] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.159] info) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.159] info, version) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] }) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.159] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.159] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.159] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.159] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.159] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.159] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.159] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.159] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.159] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.159] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.159] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.159] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.159] open = "w") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.159] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.159] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.159] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.159] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.159] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.159] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.159] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.159] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.159] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.159] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.159] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.159] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(NA)) [13:30:39.159] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.159] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.159] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.159] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.159] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.159] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.159] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.159] c <- base::c [13:30:39.159] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.159] length <- base::length [13:30:39.159] list <- base::list [13:30:39.159] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.159] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.159] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.159] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.159] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.159] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.159] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.159] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.159] 3L)] [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] function(cond) { [13:30:39.159] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.159] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.159] NULL) [13:30:39.159] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.159] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.159] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.159] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.159] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.159] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.159] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.159] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.159] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.159] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.159] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.159] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.159] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.159] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.159] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.159] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.159] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.159] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.159] if (muffled) [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.159] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.159] if (muffled) [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.159] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.159] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.159] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.159] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.159] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.159] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.159] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.159] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.159] break [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.159] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.159] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.159] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.159] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.159] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.159] if (muffled) [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.159] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.159] if (muffled) [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.159] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.159] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.159] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.159] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.159] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.159] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.159] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.159] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.159] break [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] })) [13:30:39.159] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.159] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.159] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.159] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.159] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.159] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.159] }, finally = { [13:30:39.159] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.159] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.159] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.159] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.159] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.159] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.159] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.159] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.159] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.159] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.159] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.159] envs[common]] [13:30:39.159] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.159] args <- list() [13:30:39.159] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.159] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.159] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.159] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.159] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.159] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.159] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.159] next [13:30:39.159] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.159] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.159] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.159] 0L) { [13:30:39.159] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.159] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.159] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] { [13:30:39.159] NULL [13:30:39.159] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.159] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.159] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.159] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.159] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.159] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] }) [13:30:39.159] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.159] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.159] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.159] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] else { [13:30:39.159] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.159] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.159] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.159] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.159] ...future.result [13:30:39.159] } [13:30:39.274] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE [13:30:39.275] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2 [13:30:39.275] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.276] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.279] [13:30:39.280] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.280] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.280] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.280] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.281] [13:30:39.281] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.281] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.282] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.282] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] base::local({ [13:30:39.283] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.283] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.283] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.283] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.283] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.283] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.283] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] version <- NULL [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.283] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.283] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.283] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.283] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.283] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.283] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.283] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.283] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.283] info) [13:30:39.283] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.283] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.283] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.283] info) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.283] info, version) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] }) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.283] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.283] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.283] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.283] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.283] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.283] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.283] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.283] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.283] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.283] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.283] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.283] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.283] open = "w") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.283] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.283] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.283] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.283] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.283] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.283] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.283] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.283] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.283] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.283] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.283] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.283] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.283] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.283] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.283] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.283] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.283] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.283] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.283] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.283] c <- base::c [13:30:39.283] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.283] length <- base::length [13:30:39.283] list <- base::list [13:30:39.283] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.283] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.283] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.283] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.283] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.283] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.283] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.283] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.283] 3L)] [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] function(cond) { [13:30:39.283] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.283] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.283] NULL) [13:30:39.283] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.283] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.283] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.283] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.283] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.283] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.283] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.283] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.283] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.283] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.283] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.283] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.283] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.283] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.283] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.283] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.283] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.283] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.283] if (muffled) [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.283] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.283] if (muffled) [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.283] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.283] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.283] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.283] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.283] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.283] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.283] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.283] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.283] break [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.283] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.283] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.283] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.283] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.283] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.283] if (muffled) [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.283] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.283] if (muffled) [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.283] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.283] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.283] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.283] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.283] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.283] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.283] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.283] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.283] break [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] })) [13:30:39.283] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.283] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.283] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.283] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.283] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.283] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.283] }, finally = { [13:30:39.283] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.283] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.283] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.283] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.283] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.283] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.283] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.283] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.283] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.283] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.283] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.283] envs[common]] [13:30:39.283] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.283] args <- list() [13:30:39.283] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.283] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.283] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.283] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.283] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.283] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.283] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.283] next [13:30:39.283] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.283] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.283] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.283] 0L) { [13:30:39.283] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.283] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.283] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] { [13:30:39.283] NULL [13:30:39.283] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.283] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.283] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.283] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.283] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.283] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] }) [13:30:39.283] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.283] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.283] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.283] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] else { [13:30:39.283] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.283] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.283] } [13:30:39.283] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.283] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.283] ...future.result [13:30:39.283] } MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.289] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.289] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.289] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.290] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.290] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.290] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.291] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.291] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.291] [13:30:39.292] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.292] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.292] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.293] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.293] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.293] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.294] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.294] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.294] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.294] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.295] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.295] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.295] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.295] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.295] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.296] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.296] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.296] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.296] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.297] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.297] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.297] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.297] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.297] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.298] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.298] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.298] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.298] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.298] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.299] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.299] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.299] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] base::local({ [13:30:39.300] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.300] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.300] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.300] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.300] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.300] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.300] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] version <- NULL [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.300] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.300] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.300] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.300] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.300] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.300] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.300] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.300] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.300] info) [13:30:39.300] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.300] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.300] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.300] info) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.300] info, version) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] }) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.300] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.300] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.300] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.300] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.300] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.300] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.300] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.300] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.300] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.300] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.300] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.300] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.300] open = "w") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.300] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.300] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.300] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.300] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.300] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.300] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.300] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.300] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.300] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.300] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.300] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.300] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.300] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.300] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.300] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.300] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.300] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.300] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.300] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.300] c <- base::c [13:30:39.300] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.300] length <- base::length [13:30:39.300] list <- base::list [13:30:39.300] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.300] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.300] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.300] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.300] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.300] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.300] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.300] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.300] 3L)] [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] function(cond) { [13:30:39.300] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.300] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.300] NULL) [13:30:39.300] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.300] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.300] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.300] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.300] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.300] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.300] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.300] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.300] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.300] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.300] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.300] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.300] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.300] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.300] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.300] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.300] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.300] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.300] if (muffled) [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.300] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.300] if (muffled) [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.300] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.300] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.300] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.300] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.300] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.300] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.300] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.300] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.300] break [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.300] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.300] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.300] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.300] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.300] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.300] if (muffled) [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.300] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.300] if (muffled) [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.300] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.300] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.300] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.300] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.300] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.300] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.300] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.300] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.300] break [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] })) [13:30:39.300] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.300] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.300] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.300] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.300] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.300] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.300] }, finally = { [13:30:39.300] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.300] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.300] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.300] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.300] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.300] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.300] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.300] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.300] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.300] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.300] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.300] envs[common]] [13:30:39.300] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.300] args <- list() [13:30:39.300] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.300] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.300] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.300] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.300] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.300] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.300] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.300] next [13:30:39.300] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.300] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.300] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.300] 0L) { [13:30:39.300] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.300] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.300] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] { [13:30:39.300] NULL [13:30:39.300] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.300] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.300] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.300] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.300] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.300] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] }) [13:30:39.300] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.300] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.300] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.300] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] else { [13:30:39.300] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.300] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.300] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.300] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.300] ...future.result [13:30:39.300] } [13:30:39.304] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.305] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.311] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.311] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.311] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.311] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.312] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.312] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.314] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.314] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.316] - globals found: [1] '{' [13:30:39.316] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.316] Resolving globals: FALSE [13:30:39.317] [13:30:39.317] [13:30:39.317] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.318] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.318] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.318] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.319] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.319] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.319] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.320] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.320] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.320] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.321] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.321] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.321] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.322] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.322] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.322] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.322] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.323] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.323] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.323] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.324] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.324] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.324] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.324] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.325] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.325] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.325] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.326] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.326] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.326] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] base::local({ [13:30:39.327] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.327] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.327] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.327] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.327] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.327] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.327] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] version <- NULL [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.327] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.327] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.327] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.327] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.327] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.327] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.327] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.327] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.327] info) [13:30:39.327] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.327] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.327] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.327] info) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.327] info, version) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] }) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.327] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.327] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.327] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.327] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.327] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.327] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.327] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.327] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.327] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.327] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.327] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.327] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.327] open = "w") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.327] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.327] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.327] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.327] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.327] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.327] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.327] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.327] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.327] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.327] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.327] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.327] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ [13:30:39.327] 42 [13:30:39.327] })) [13:30:39.327] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.327] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.327] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.327] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.327] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.327] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.327] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.327] c <- base::c [13:30:39.327] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.327] length <- base::length [13:30:39.327] list <- base::list [13:30:39.327] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.327] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.327] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.327] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.327] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.327] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.327] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.327] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.327] 3L)] [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] function(cond) { [13:30:39.327] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.327] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.327] NULL) [13:30:39.327] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.327] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.327] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.327] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.327] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.327] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.327] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.327] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.327] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.327] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.327] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.327] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.327] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.327] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.327] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.327] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.327] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.327] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.327] if (muffled) [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.327] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.327] if (muffled) [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.327] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.327] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.327] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.327] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.327] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.327] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.327] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.327] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.327] break [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.327] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.327] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.327] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.327] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.327] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.327] if (muffled) [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.327] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.327] if (muffled) [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.327] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.327] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.327] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.327] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.327] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.327] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.327] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.327] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.327] break [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] })) [13:30:39.327] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.327] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.327] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.327] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.327] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.327] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.327] }, finally = { [13:30:39.327] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.327] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.327] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.327] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.327] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.327] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.327] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.327] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.327] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.327] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.327] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.327] envs[common]] [13:30:39.327] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.327] args <- list() [13:30:39.327] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.327] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.327] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.327] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.327] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.327] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.327] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.327] next [13:30:39.327] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.327] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.327] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.327] 0L) { [13:30:39.327] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.327] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.327] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] { [13:30:39.327] NULL [13:30:39.327] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.327] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.327] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.327] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.327] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.327] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] }) [13:30:39.327] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.327] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.327] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.327] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] else { [13:30:39.327] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.327] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.327] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.327] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.327] ...future.result [13:30:39.327] } [13:30:39.331] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.332] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: { 42 } Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.333] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.333] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.333] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.333] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.334] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.334] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.334] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.335] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.335] [13:30:39.335] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.335] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.336] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.336] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.336] [13:30:39.336] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.336] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.337] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.337] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] base::local({ [13:30:39.338] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.338] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.338] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.338] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.338] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.338] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.338] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] version <- NULL [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.338] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.338] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.338] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.338] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.338] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.338] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.338] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.338] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.338] info) [13:30:39.338] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.338] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.338] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.338] info) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.338] info, version) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] }) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.338] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.338] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.338] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.338] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.338] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.338] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.338] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.338] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.338] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.338] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.338] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.338] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.338] open = "w") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.338] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.338] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.338] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.338] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.338] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.338] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.338] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.338] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.338] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.338] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.338] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.338] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.338] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.338] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.338] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.338] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.338] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.338] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.338] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.338] c <- base::c [13:30:39.338] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.338] length <- base::length [13:30:39.338] list <- base::list [13:30:39.338] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.338] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.338] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.338] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.338] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.338] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.338] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.338] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.338] 3L)] [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] function(cond) { [13:30:39.338] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.338] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.338] NULL) [13:30:39.338] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.338] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.338] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.338] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.338] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.338] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.338] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.338] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.338] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.338] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.338] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.338] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.338] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.338] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.338] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.338] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.338] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.338] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.338] if (muffled) [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.338] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.338] if (muffled) [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.338] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.338] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.338] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.338] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.338] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.338] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.338] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.338] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.338] break [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.338] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.338] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.338] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.338] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.338] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.338] if (muffled) [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.338] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.338] if (muffled) [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.338] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.338] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.338] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.338] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.338] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.338] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.338] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.338] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.338] break [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] })) [13:30:39.338] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.338] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.338] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.338] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.338] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.338] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.338] }, finally = { [13:30:39.338] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.338] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.338] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.338] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.338] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.338] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.338] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.338] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.338] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.338] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.338] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.338] envs[common]] [13:30:39.338] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.338] args <- list() [13:30:39.338] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.338] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.338] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.338] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.338] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.338] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.338] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.338] next [13:30:39.338] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.338] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.338] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.338] 0L) { [13:30:39.338] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.338] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.338] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] { [13:30:39.338] NULL [13:30:39.338] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.338] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.338] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.338] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.338] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.338] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] }) [13:30:39.338] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.338] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.338] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.338] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] else { [13:30:39.338] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.338] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.338] } [13:30:39.338] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.338] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.338] ...future.result [13:30:39.338] } MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_cluster' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.342] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.342] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.343] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.343] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.343] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.343] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: FALSE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.344] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.344] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.344] [13:30:39.345] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.345] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.345] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.345] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.345] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.346] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.346] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.346] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.346] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.347] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.347] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.347] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.347] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.347] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.348] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.348] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.348] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.348] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.348] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.349] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.349] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.349] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.349] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.349] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.350] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.350] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.350] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.350] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.350] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.350] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.351] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.351] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] base::local({ [13:30:39.351] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.351] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.351] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.351] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.351] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.351] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.351] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] version <- NULL [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.351] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.351] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.351] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.351] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.351] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.351] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.351] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.351] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.351] info) [13:30:39.351] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.351] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.351] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.351] info) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.351] info, version) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] }) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.351] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.351] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.351] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.351] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.351] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.351] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.351] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.351] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.351] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.351] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.351] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.351] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.351] open = "w") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.351] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.351] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.351] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.351] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.351] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.351] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.351] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.351] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.351] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.351] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.351] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.351] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.351] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.351] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.351] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.351] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.351] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.351] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.351] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.351] c <- base::c [13:30:39.351] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.351] length <- base::length [13:30:39.351] list <- base::list [13:30:39.351] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.351] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.351] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.351] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.351] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.351] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.351] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.351] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.351] 3L)] [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] function(cond) { [13:30:39.351] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.351] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.351] NULL) [13:30:39.351] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.351] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.351] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.351] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.351] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.351] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.351] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.351] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.351] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.351] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.351] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.351] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.351] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.351] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.351] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.351] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.351] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.351] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.351] if (muffled) [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.351] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.351] if (muffled) [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.351] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.351] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.351] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.351] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.351] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.351] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.351] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.351] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.351] break [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.351] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.351] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.351] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.351] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.351] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.351] if (muffled) [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.351] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.351] if (muffled) [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.351] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.351] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.351] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.351] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.351] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.351] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.351] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.351] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.351] break [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] })) [13:30:39.351] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.351] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.351] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.351] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.351] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.351] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.351] }, finally = { [13:30:39.351] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.351] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.351] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.351] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.351] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.351] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.351] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.351] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.351] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.351] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.351] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.351] envs[common]] [13:30:39.351] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.351] args <- list() [13:30:39.351] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.351] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.351] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.351] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.351] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.351] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.351] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.351] next [13:30:39.351] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.351] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.351] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.351] 0L) { [13:30:39.351] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.351] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.351] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] { [13:30:39.351] NULL [13:30:39.351] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.351] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.351] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.351] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.351] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.351] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] }) [13:30:39.351] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.351] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.351] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.351] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] else { [13:30:39.351] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.351] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.351] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.351] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.351] ...future.result [13:30:39.351] } [13:30:39.355] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.356] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_cluster' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.356] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.356] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.357] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.357] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.357] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.357] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.358] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.358] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.359] - globals found: [1] '{' [13:30:39.359] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.359] Resolving globals: FALSE [13:30:39.359] [13:30:39.360] [13:30:39.360] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.360] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.360] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.361] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.361] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.361] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.361] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.361] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.362] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.362] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.362] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.362] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.362] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.366] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.367] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.367] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.367] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.367] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.367] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.368] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.368] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.368] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.368] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.368] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.369] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.369] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.369] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.369] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.369] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.370] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] base::local({ [13:30:39.370] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.370] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.370] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.370] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.370] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.370] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.370] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] version <- NULL [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.370] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.370] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.370] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.370] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.370] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.370] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.370] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.370] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.370] info) [13:30:39.370] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.370] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.370] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.370] info) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.370] info, version) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] }) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.370] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.370] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.370] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.370] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.370] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.370] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.370] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.370] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.370] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.370] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.370] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.370] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.370] open = "w") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.370] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.370] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.370] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.370] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.370] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.370] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.370] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.370] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.370] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.370] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.370] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.370] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ [13:30:39.370] 42 [13:30:39.370] })) [13:30:39.370] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.370] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.370] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.370] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.370] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.370] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.370] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.370] c <- base::c [13:30:39.370] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.370] length <- base::length [13:30:39.370] list <- base::list [13:30:39.370] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.370] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.370] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.370] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.370] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.370] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.370] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.370] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.370] 3L)] [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] function(cond) { [13:30:39.370] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.370] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.370] NULL) [13:30:39.370] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.370] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.370] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.370] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.370] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.370] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.370] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.370] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.370] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.370] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.370] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.370] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.370] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.370] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.370] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.370] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.370] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.370] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.370] if (muffled) [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.370] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.370] if (muffled) [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.370] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.370] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.370] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.370] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.370] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.370] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.370] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.370] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.370] break [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.370] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.370] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.370] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.370] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.370] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.370] if (muffled) [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.370] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.370] if (muffled) [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.370] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.370] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.370] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.370] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.370] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.370] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.370] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.370] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.370] break [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] })) [13:30:39.370] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.370] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.370] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.370] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.370] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.370] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.370] }, finally = { [13:30:39.370] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.370] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.370] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.370] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.370] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.370] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.370] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.370] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.370] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.370] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.370] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.370] envs[common]] [13:30:39.370] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.370] args <- list() [13:30:39.370] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.370] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.370] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.370] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.370] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.370] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.370] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.370] next [13:30:39.370] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.370] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.370] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.370] 0L) { [13:30:39.370] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.370] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.370] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] { [13:30:39.370] NULL [13:30:39.370] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.370] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.370] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.370] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.370] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.370] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] }) [13:30:39.370] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.370] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.370] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.370] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] else { [13:30:39.370] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.370] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.370] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.370] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.370] ...future.result [13:30:39.370] } [13:30:39.374] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.374] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_cluster' Expression: { 42 } Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.375] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.375] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.375] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.376] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.376] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.376] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: FALSE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.377] - plan('mirai_cluster') ... DONE[13:30:39.377] - plan('mirai_multisession') ...[13:30:39.377] plan(): Setting new future strategy stack: [13:30:39.378] List of future strategies: [13:30:39.378] 1. mirai_multisession: [13:30:39.378] - args: function (expr, substitute = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), ..., workers = availableCores()) [13:30:39.378] - tweaked: FALSE [13:30:39.378] - call: plan(strategy) [13:30:39.378] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... [13:30:39.378] < mirai [$data] > [13:30:39.381] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.381] Not searching for globals [13:30:39.381] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.381] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.382] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.382] [13:30:39.382] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.382] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.383] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.383] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] base::local({ [13:30:39.383] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.383] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.383] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.383] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.383] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.383] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.383] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] version <- NULL [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.383] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.383] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.383] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.383] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.383] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.383] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.383] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.383] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.383] info) [13:30:39.383] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.383] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.383] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.383] info) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.383] info, version) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] }) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.383] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.383] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.383] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.383] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.383] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.383] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.383] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.383] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.383] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.383] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.383] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.383] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.383] open = "w") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.383] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.383] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.383] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.383] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.383] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.383] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.383] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.383] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.383] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.383] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.383] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.383] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(NA)) [13:30:39.383] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.383] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.383] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.383] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.383] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.383] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.383] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.383] c <- base::c [13:30:39.383] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.383] length <- base::length [13:30:39.383] list <- base::list [13:30:39.383] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.383] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.383] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.383] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.383] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.383] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.383] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.383] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.383] 3L)] [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] function(cond) { [13:30:39.383] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.383] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.383] NULL) [13:30:39.383] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.383] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.383] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.383] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.383] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.383] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.383] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.383] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.383] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.383] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.383] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.383] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.383] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.383] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.383] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.383] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.383] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.383] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.383] if (muffled) [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.383] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.383] if (muffled) [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.383] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.383] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.383] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.383] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.383] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.383] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.383] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.383] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.383] break [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.383] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.383] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.383] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.383] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.383] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.383] if (muffled) [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.383] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.383] if (muffled) [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.383] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.383] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.383] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.383] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.383] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.383] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.383] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.383] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.383] break [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] })) [13:30:39.383] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.383] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.383] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.383] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.383] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.383] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.383] }, finally = { [13:30:39.383] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.383] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.383] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.383] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.383] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.383] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.383] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.383] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.383] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.383] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.383] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.383] envs[common]] [13:30:39.383] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.383] args <- list() [13:30:39.383] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.383] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.383] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.383] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.383] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.383] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.383] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.383] next [13:30:39.383] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.383] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.383] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.383] 0L) { [13:30:39.383] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.383] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.383] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] { [13:30:39.383] NULL [13:30:39.383] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.383] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.383] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.383] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.383] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.383] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] }) [13:30:39.383] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.383] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.383] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.383] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] else { [13:30:39.383] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.383] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.383] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.383] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.383] ...future.result [13:30:39.383] } [13:30:39.389] plan(): plan_init() of 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' ... DONE [13:30:39.389] plan(): nbrOfWorkers() = 2 [13:30:39.392] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.392] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.392] [13:30:39.392] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.392] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.393] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.393] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.393] [13:30:39.393] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.393] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.394] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.394] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] base::local({ [13:30:39.394] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.394] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.394] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.394] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.394] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.394] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.394] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] version <- NULL [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.394] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.394] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.394] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.394] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.394] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.394] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.394] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.394] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.394] info) [13:30:39.394] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.394] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.394] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.394] info) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.394] info, version) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] }) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.394] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.394] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.394] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.394] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.394] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.394] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.394] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.394] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.394] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.394] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.394] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.394] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.394] open = "w") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.394] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.394] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.394] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.394] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.394] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.394] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.394] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.394] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.394] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.394] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.394] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.394] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.394] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.394] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.394] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.394] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.394] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.394] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.394] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.394] c <- base::c [13:30:39.394] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.394] length <- base::length [13:30:39.394] list <- base::list [13:30:39.394] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.394] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.394] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.394] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.394] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.394] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.394] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.394] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.394] 3L)] [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] function(cond) { [13:30:39.394] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.394] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.394] NULL) [13:30:39.394] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.394] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.394] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.394] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.394] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.394] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.394] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.394] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.394] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.394] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.394] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.394] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.394] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.394] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.394] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.394] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.394] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.394] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.394] if (muffled) [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.394] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.394] if (muffled) [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.394] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.394] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.394] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.394] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.394] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.394] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.394] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.394] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.394] break [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.394] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.394] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.394] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.394] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.394] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.394] if (muffled) [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.394] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.394] if (muffled) [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.394] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.394] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.394] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.394] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.394] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.394] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.394] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.394] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.394] break [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] })) [13:30:39.394] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.394] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.394] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.394] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.394] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.394] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.394] }, finally = { [13:30:39.394] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.394] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.394] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.394] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.394] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.394] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.394] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.394] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.394] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.394] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.394] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.394] envs[common]] [13:30:39.394] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.394] args <- list() [13:30:39.394] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.394] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.394] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.394] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.394] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.394] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.394] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.394] next [13:30:39.394] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.394] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.394] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.394] 0L) { [13:30:39.394] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.394] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.394] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] { [13:30:39.394] NULL [13:30:39.394] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.394] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.394] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.394] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.394] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.394] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] }) [13:30:39.394] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.394] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.394] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.394] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] else { [13:30:39.394] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.394] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.394] } [13:30:39.394] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.394] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.394] ...future.result [13:30:39.394] } MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.399] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.399] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.399] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.399] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.399] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.399] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: FALSE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.400] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.400] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.401] [13:30:39.401] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.401] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.401] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.402] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.402] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.402] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.404] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.405] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.405] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.405] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.405] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.405] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.405] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.406] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.406] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.406] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.406] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.406] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.407] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.408] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.408] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.408] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.408] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.408] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.409] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.409] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.409] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] base::local({ [13:30:39.410] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.410] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.410] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.410] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.410] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.410] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.410] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] version <- NULL [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.410] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.410] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.410] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.410] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.410] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.410] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.410] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.410] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.410] info) [13:30:39.410] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.410] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.410] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.410] info) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.410] info, version) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] }) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.410] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.410] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.410] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.410] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.410] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.410] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.410] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.410] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.410] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.410] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.410] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.410] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.410] open = "w") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.410] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.410] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.410] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.410] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.410] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.410] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.410] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.410] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.410] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.410] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.410] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.410] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.410] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.410] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.410] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.410] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.410] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.410] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.410] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.410] c <- base::c [13:30:39.410] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.410] length <- base::length [13:30:39.410] list <- base::list [13:30:39.410] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.410] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.410] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.410] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.410] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.410] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.410] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.410] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.410] 3L)] [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] function(cond) { [13:30:39.410] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.410] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.410] NULL) [13:30:39.410] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.410] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.410] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.410] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.410] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.410] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.410] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.410] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.410] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.410] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.410] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.410] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.410] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.410] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.410] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.410] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.410] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.410] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.410] if (muffled) [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.410] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.410] if (muffled) [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.410] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.410] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.410] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.410] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.410] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.410] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.410] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.410] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.410] break [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.410] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.410] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.410] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.410] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.410] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.410] if (muffled) [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.410] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.410] if (muffled) [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.410] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.410] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.410] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.410] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.410] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.410] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.410] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.410] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.410] break [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] })) [13:30:39.410] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.410] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.410] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.410] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.410] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.410] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.410] }, finally = { [13:30:39.410] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.410] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.410] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.410] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.410] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.410] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.410] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.410] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.410] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.410] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.410] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.410] envs[common]] [13:30:39.410] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.410] args <- list() [13:30:39.410] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.410] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.410] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.410] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.410] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.410] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.410] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.410] next [13:30:39.410] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.410] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.410] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.410] 0L) { [13:30:39.410] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.410] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.410] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] { [13:30:39.410] NULL [13:30:39.410] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.410] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.410] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.410] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.410] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.410] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] }) [13:30:39.410] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.410] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.410] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.410] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] else { [13:30:39.410] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.410] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.410] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.410] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.410] ...future.result [13:30:39.410] } [13:30:39.413] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.414] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.414] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.414] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.414] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.415] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.415] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.415] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.416] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.416] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.417] - globals found: [1] '{' [13:30:39.419] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.419] Resolving globals: FALSE [13:30:39.420] [13:30:39.420] [13:30:39.420] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.420] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.421] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.421] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.423] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.423] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.424] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.424] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.424] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.424] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.424] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.425] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.426] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.426] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.426] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.426] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.426] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.427] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.427] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.427] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.427] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.427] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.427] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.428] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.428] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] base::local({ [13:30:39.428] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.428] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.428] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.428] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.428] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.428] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.428] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] version <- NULL [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.428] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.428] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.428] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.428] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.428] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.428] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.428] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.428] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.428] info) [13:30:39.428] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.428] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.428] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.428] info) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.428] info, version) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] }) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.428] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.428] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.428] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.428] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.428] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.428] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.428] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.428] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.428] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.428] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.428] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.428] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.428] open = "w") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.428] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.428] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.428] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.428] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.428] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.428] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.428] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.428] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.428] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.428] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.428] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.428] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ [13:30:39.428] 42 [13:30:39.428] })) [13:30:39.428] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.428] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.428] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.428] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.428] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.428] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.428] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.428] c <- base::c [13:30:39.428] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.428] length <- base::length [13:30:39.428] list <- base::list [13:30:39.428] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.428] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.428] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.428] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.428] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.428] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.428] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.428] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.428] 3L)] [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] function(cond) { [13:30:39.428] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.428] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.428] NULL) [13:30:39.428] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.428] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.428] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.428] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.428] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.428] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.428] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.428] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.428] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.428] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.428] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.428] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.428] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.428] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.428] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.428] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.428] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.428] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.428] if (muffled) [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.428] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.428] if (muffled) [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.428] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.428] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.428] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.428] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.428] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.428] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.428] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.428] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.428] break [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.428] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.428] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.428] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.428] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.428] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.428] if (muffled) [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.428] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.428] if (muffled) [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.428] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.428] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.428] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.428] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.428] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.428] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.428] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.428] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.428] break [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] })) [13:30:39.428] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.428] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.428] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.428] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.428] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.428] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.428] }, finally = { [13:30:39.428] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.428] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.428] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.428] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.428] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.428] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.428] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.428] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.428] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.428] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.428] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.428] envs[common]] [13:30:39.428] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.428] args <- list() [13:30:39.428] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.428] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.428] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.428] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.428] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.428] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.428] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.428] next [13:30:39.428] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.428] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.428] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.428] 0L) { [13:30:39.428] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.428] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.428] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] { [13:30:39.428] NULL [13:30:39.428] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.428] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.428] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.428] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.428] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.428] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] }) [13:30:39.428] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.428] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.428] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.428] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] else { [13:30:39.428] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.428] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.428] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.428] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.428] ...future.result [13:30:39.428] } [13:30:39.432] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.432] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: '' Expression: { 42 } Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.433] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.433] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.434] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.434] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.434] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.434] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.436] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.437] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.437] [13:30:39.437] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.437] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.438] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.438] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.438] [13:30:39.438] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.438] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.439] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.439] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] base::local({ [13:30:39.439] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.439] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.439] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.439] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.439] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.439] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.439] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] version <- NULL [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.439] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.439] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.439] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.439] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.439] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.439] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.439] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.439] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.439] info) [13:30:39.439] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.439] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.439] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.439] info) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.439] info, version) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] }) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.439] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.439] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.439] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.439] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.439] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.439] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.439] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.439] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.439] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.439] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.439] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.439] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.439] open = "w") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.439] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.439] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.439] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.439] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.439] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.439] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.439] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.439] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.439] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.439] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.439] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.439] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.439] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.439] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.439] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.439] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.439] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.439] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.439] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.439] c <- base::c [13:30:39.439] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.439] length <- base::length [13:30:39.439] list <- base::list [13:30:39.439] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.439] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.439] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.439] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.439] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.439] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.439] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.439] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.439] 3L)] [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] function(cond) { [13:30:39.439] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.439] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.439] NULL) [13:30:39.439] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.439] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.439] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.439] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.439] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.439] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.439] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.439] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.439] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.439] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.439] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.439] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.439] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.439] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.439] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.439] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.439] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.439] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.439] if (muffled) [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.439] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.439] if (muffled) [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.439] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.439] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.439] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.439] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.439] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.439] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.439] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.439] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.439] break [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.439] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.439] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.439] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.439] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.439] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.439] if (muffled) [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.439] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.439] if (muffled) [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.439] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.439] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.439] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.439] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.439] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.439] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.439] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.439] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.439] break [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] })) [13:30:39.439] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.439] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.439] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.439] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.439] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.439] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.439] }, finally = { [13:30:39.439] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.439] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.439] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.439] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.439] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.439] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.439] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.439] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.439] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.439] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.439] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.439] envs[common]] [13:30:39.439] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.439] args <- list() [13:30:39.439] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.439] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.439] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.439] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.439] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.439] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.439] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.439] next [13:30:39.439] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.439] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.439] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.439] 0L) { [13:30:39.439] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.439] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.439] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] { [13:30:39.439] NULL [13:30:39.439] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.439] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.439] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.439] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.439] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.439] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] }) [13:30:39.439] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.439] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.439] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.439] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] else { [13:30:39.439] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.439] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.439] } [13:30:39.439] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.439] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.439] ...future.result [13:30:39.439] } MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_multisession' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.444] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.444] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.444] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.444] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.444] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.445] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: FALSE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.445] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.445] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.446] [13:30:39.446] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.446] - globals: [0] [13:30:39.446] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.447] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.447] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.447] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.449] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.450] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.450] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.450] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.450] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.450] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.450] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.451] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.452] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.453] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.453] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.453] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.453] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.454] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.454] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.454] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] base::local({ [13:30:39.454] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.454] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.454] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.454] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.454] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.454] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.454] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] version <- NULL [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.454] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.454] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.454] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.454] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.454] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.454] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.454] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.454] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.454] info) [13:30:39.454] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.454] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.454] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.454] info) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.454] info, version) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] }) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.454] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.454] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.454] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.454] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.454] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.454] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.454] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.454] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.454] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.454] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.454] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.454] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.454] open = "w") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.454] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.454] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.454] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.454] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.454] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.454] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.454] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.454] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.454] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.454] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.454] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.454] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local(42)) [13:30:39.454] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.454] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.454] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.454] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.454] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.454] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.454] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.454] c <- base::c [13:30:39.454] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.454] length <- base::length [13:30:39.454] list <- base::list [13:30:39.454] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.454] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.454] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.454] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.454] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.454] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.454] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.454] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.454] 3L)] [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] function(cond) { [13:30:39.454] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.454] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.454] NULL) [13:30:39.454] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.454] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.454] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.454] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.454] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.454] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.454] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.454] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.454] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.454] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.454] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.454] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.454] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.454] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.454] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.454] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.454] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.454] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.454] if (muffled) [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.454] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.454] if (muffled) [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.454] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.454] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.454] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.454] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.454] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.454] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.454] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.454] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.454] break [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.454] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.454] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.454] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.454] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.454] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.454] if (muffled) [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.454] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.454] if (muffled) [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.454] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.454] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.454] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.454] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.454] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.454] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.454] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.454] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.454] break [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] })) [13:30:39.454] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.454] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.454] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.454] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.454] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.454] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.454] }, finally = { [13:30:39.454] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.454] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.454] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.454] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.454] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.454] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.454] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.454] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.454] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.454] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.454] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.454] envs[common]] [13:30:39.454] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.454] args <- list() [13:30:39.454] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.454] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.454] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.454] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.454] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.454] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.454] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.454] next [13:30:39.454] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.454] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.454] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.454] 0L) { [13:30:39.454] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.454] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.454] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] { [13:30:39.454] NULL [13:30:39.454] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.454] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.454] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.454] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.454] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.454] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] }) [13:30:39.454] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.454] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.454] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.454] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] else { [13:30:39.454] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.454] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.454] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.454] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.454] ...future.result [13:30:39.454] } [13:30:39.458] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.458] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_multisession' Expression: [1] 42 Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.459] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.459] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.459] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.460] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.460] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.460] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.461] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... [13:30:39.461] Searching for globals... [13:30:39.461] - globals found: [1] '{' [13:30:39.462] Searching for globals ... DONE [13:30:39.462] Resolving globals: FALSE [13:30:39.462] [13:30:39.462] [13:30:39.462] getGlobalsAndPackages() ... DONE [13:30:39.463] run() for 'Future' ... [13:30:39.463] - state: 'created' [13:30:39.465] - Future backend: 'FutureStrategy', 'mirai_multisession', 'mirai_cluster', 'mirai', 'multiprocess', 'future', 'function' [13:30:39.467] - Future class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.468] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... [13:30:39.468] - Field: 'label' [13:30:39.468] - Field: 'local' [13:30:39.468] - Field: 'owner' [13:30:39.468] - Field: 'envir' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'packages' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'gc' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'conditions' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'expr' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'uuid' [13:30:39.469] - Field: 'seed' [13:30:39.470] - Field: 'version' [13:30:39.470] - Field: 'result' [13:30:39.470] - Field: 'asynchronous' [13:30:39.470] - Field: 'calls' [13:30:39.470] - Field: 'globals' [13:30:39.471] - Field: 'stdout' [13:30:39.471] - Field: 'earlySignal' [13:30:39.471] - Field: 'lazy' [13:30:39.471] - Field: 'state' [13:30:39.471] - Field: '.cluster' [13:30:39.471] - Copy elements of temporary 'MiraiFuture' to final 'Future' object ... done [13:30:39.472] - Launch lazy future ... [13:30:39.472] Packages needed by the future expression (n = 0): [13:30:39.472] Packages needed by future strategies (n = 0): [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] base::local({ [13:30:39.473] has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", [13:30:39.473] quietly = TRUE) [13:30:39.473] if (has_future) { [13:30:39.473] ns <- base::getNamespace("future") [13:30:39.473] version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] [13:30:39.473] if (is.null(version)) [13:30:39.473] version <- utils::packageVersion("future") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] version <- NULL [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { [13:30:39.473] info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", [13:30:39.473] "", base::R.version$version.string), [13:30:39.473] platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", [13:30:39.473] base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), [13:30:39.473] os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", [13:30:39.473] "release", "version")], collapse = " "), [13:30:39.473] hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) [13:30:39.473] info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), [13:30:39.473] info) [13:30:39.473] info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") [13:30:39.473] if (!has_future) { [13:30:39.473] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", [13:30:39.473] info) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", [13:30:39.473] info, version) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] base::stop(msg) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] }) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.strategy.old <- future::plan("list") [13:30:39.473] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.473] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.473] future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.workdir <- getwd() [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) [13:30:39.473] ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, [13:30:39.473] future.globals.maxSize = NULL, future.globals.method = NULL, [13:30:39.473] future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, [13:30:39.473] future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, [13:30:39.473] future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, [13:30:39.473] future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) [13:30:39.473] ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), [13:30:39.473] base::names(...future.oldOptions)) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.473] ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), [13:30:39.473] open = "w") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, [13:30:39.473] windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.473] base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { [13:30:39.473] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.473] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.473] }, add = TRUE) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() [13:30:39.473] ...future.conditions <- base::list() [13:30:39.473] ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed [13:30:39.473] if (FALSE) { [13:30:39.473] ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.473] "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ [13:30:39.473] base::withCallingHandlers({ [13:30:39.473] ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ [13:30:39.473] 42 [13:30:39.473] })) [13:30:39.473] future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, [13:30:39.473] visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.473] ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) [13:30:39.473] list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), [13:30:39.473] ...future.globalenv.names)) [13:30:39.473] else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") [13:30:39.473] }, condition = base::local({ [13:30:39.473] c <- base::c [13:30:39.473] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.473] length <- base::length [13:30:39.473] list <- base::list [13:30:39.473] seq.int <- base::seq.int [13:30:39.473] signalCondition <- base::signalCondition [13:30:39.473] sys.calls <- base::sys.calls [13:30:39.473] `[[` <- base::`[[` [13:30:39.473] `+` <- base::`+` [13:30:39.473] `<<-` <- base::`<<-` [13:30:39.473] sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { [13:30:39.473] calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - [13:30:39.473] 3L)] [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] function(cond) { [13:30:39.473] is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") [13:30:39.473] ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, [13:30:39.473] NULL) [13:30:39.473] if (is_error) { [13:30:39.473] sessionInformation <- function() { [13:30:39.473] list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), [13:30:39.473] rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), [13:30:39.473] search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.473] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), [13:30:39.473] cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), [13:30:39.473] timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) [13:30:39.473] signalCondition(cond) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.473] signal <- FALSE && inherits(cond, character(0)) [13:30:39.473] ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + [13:30:39.473] 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) [13:30:39.473] if (FALSE && !signal) { [13:30:39.473] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.473] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.473] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.473] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.473] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.473] if (muffled) [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.473] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.473] if (muffled) [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.473] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.473] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.473] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.473] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.473] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.473] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.473] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.473] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.473] break [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.473] muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] inherits <- base::inherits [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart [13:30:39.473] is.null <- base::is.null [13:30:39.473] muffled <- FALSE [13:30:39.473] if (inherits(cond, "message")) { [13:30:39.473] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") [13:30:39.473] if (muffled) [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart("muffleMessage") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { [13:30:39.473] muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") [13:30:39.473] if (muffled) [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart("muffleWarning") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { [13:30:39.473] if (!is.null(pattern)) { [13:30:39.473] computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts [13:30:39.473] grepl <- base::grepl [13:30:39.473] restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) [13:30:39.473] for (restart in restarts) { [13:30:39.473] name <- restart$name [13:30:39.473] if (is.null(name)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] if (!grepl(pattern, name)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] invokeRestart(restart) [13:30:39.473] muffled <- TRUE [13:30:39.473] break [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] invisible(muffled) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] })) [13:30:39.473] }, error = function(ex) { [13:30:39.473] base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, [13:30:39.473] conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, [13:30:39.473] ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, [13:30:39.473] finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, [13:30:39.473] version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") [13:30:39.473] }, finally = { [13:30:39.473] if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) [13:30:39.473] setwd(...future.workdir) [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { [13:30:39.473] ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] base::options(...future.oldOptions) [13:30:39.473] if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { [13:30:39.473] old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) [13:30:39.473] envs <- base::Sys.getenv() [13:30:39.473] names <- names(envs) [13:30:39.473] common <- intersect(names, old_names) [13:30:39.473] added <- setdiff(names, old_names) [13:30:39.473] removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) [13:30:39.473] changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != [13:30:39.473] envs[common]] [13:30:39.473] NAMES <- toupper(changed) [13:30:39.473] args <- list() [13:30:39.473] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.473] name <- changed[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] NAMES <- toupper(added) [13:30:39.473] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.473] name <- added[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] args[[name]] <- "" [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] NAMES <- toupper(removed) [13:30:39.473] for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { [13:30:39.473] name <- removed[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] [13:30:39.473] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) [13:30:39.473] next [13:30:39.473] args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] if (length(args) > 0) [13:30:39.473] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) [13:30:39.473] args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > [13:30:39.473] 0L) { [13:30:39.473] opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) [13:30:39.473] base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded [13:30:39.473] base::options(opts) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] { [13:30:39.473] NULL [13:30:39.473] options(future.plan = NULL) [13:30:39.473] if (is.na(NA_character_)) [13:30:39.473] Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") [13:30:39.473] else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) [13:30:39.473] future::plan(...future.strategy.old, .cleanup = FALSE, [13:30:39.473] .init = FALSE) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] }) [13:30:39.473] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.473] base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) [13:30:39.473] if (TRUE) { [13:30:39.473] ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] else { [13:30:39.473] ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] base::close(...future.stdout) [13:30:39.473] ...future.stdout <- NULL [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.473] ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions [13:30:39.473] ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() [13:30:39.473] ...future.result [13:30:39.473] } [13:30:39.476] - Launch lazy future ... done [13:30:39.477] run() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done MiraiFuture: Label: 'strategy_mirai_multisession' Expression: { 42 } Lazy evaluation: FALSE Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE Local evaluation: TRUE Environment: R_GlobalEnv Capture standard output: TRUE Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing') Globals: Packages: L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: (seed = FALSE) [13:30:39.477] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... [13:30:39.477] - state: 'running' [13:30:39.478] - run: TRUE [13:30:39.478] - result: 'NULL' [13:30:39.478] - resolved: FALSE [13:30:39.478] resolved() for 'MiraiFuture' ... done Resolved: TRUE Value: Conditions captured: Early signaling: FALSE Owner process: 5a12fbe7-c19c-c828-a130-25fe3c0633c3 Class: 'MiraiFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment' [13:30:39.479] - plan('mirai_multisession') ... DONE> > message("*** Futures - labels ... DONE") *** Futures - labels ... DONE > > source("incl/end.R") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.53 0.12 1.06