source("incl/start.R") message("*** future_*apply() and 'future.stdout' ...") options(future.debug = TRUE) truth <- list() out <- utils::capture.output({ y <- lapply(1:0, FUN = function(x) { print(x) }) }) truth[["lapply"]] <- list(value = y, stdout = out) out <- utils::capture.output({ y <- mapply(1:0, 0:1, FUN = function(x, y) { print(list(x = x, y = y)) }) }) truth[["mapply"]] <- list(value = y, stdout = out) for (cores in 1:availCores) { message(sprintf(" - Testing with %d cores ...", cores)) options(mc.cores = cores) for (strategy in supportedStrategies(cores)) { message(sprintf("* plan('%s') ...", strategy)) plan(strategy) for (fun in names(truth)) { for (stdout in c(FALSE, TRUE, NA)) { message(sprintf("* future_%s(x, ..., future.stdout = %s) ...", fun, stdout)) out <- utils::capture.output({ if (fun == "lapply") { y <- future_lapply(1:0, FUN = function(x) { Sys.sleep(x / 2) ## make futures resolve out of order print(x) }, future.stdout = stdout) } else if (fun == "mapply") { y <- future_mapply(1:0, 0:1, FUN = function(x, y) { Sys.sleep(x / 2) ## make futures resolve out of order print(list(x = x, y = y)) }, future.stdout = stdout) } }) stopifnot(identical(y, truth[[fun]]$value)) if (isTRUE(stdout)) { stopifnot(identical(out, truth[[fun]]$stdout)) } else if ( { } else { stopifnot(nchar(out) == 0) } message(sprintf("* future_%s(x, ..., future.stdout = %s) ... DONE", fun, stdout)) } ## for (stdout ...) } ## for (fun ...) message(sprintf("* plan('%s') ... DONE", strategy)) } message(sprintf(" - Testing with %d cores ... DONE", cores)) } message("*** future_*apply() and 'future.stdout' ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")