# Previously generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_history/flat_history_core.Rmd: now deprecated. # Test full ---- dummypackage <- tempfile("inflate.tests") dir.create(dummypackage) # {fusen} steps fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE)) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { # More complicated example for tests testfile <- "tests-templates/dev-template-tests.Rmd" file.copy( system.file(testfile, package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) usethis::use_mit_license("Statnmap") suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("inflate - description is ok", { # Description with version expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION"))) desc <- desc::desc(file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION")) version_line <- desc$get("Config/fusen/version") expect_equal(length(version_line), 1) expect_equal( as.character(version_line), as.character(utils::packageVersion(pkg = "fusen")) ) }) test_that("inflate - number of files is ok", { # Number of files expect_equal(length(list.files(file.path(dummypackage, "R"))), 11) expect_equal(length(list.files(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"))), 1) expect_equal(length(list.files(file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat"))), 4) }) my_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_median.R") my_other_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_other_median.R") my_third_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_third_median.R") my_fourth_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_fourth_median.R") my_fifth_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_fifth_median.R") my_sixth_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my-sixth-median_function.R") myuppercasefunctionfile <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "myuppercasefunction.R") my_noroxfunctionfile <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_norox.R") my_norox2functionfile <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_norox2.R") my_spacefunctionfile <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_space.R") my_space2functionfile <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_space2.R") test_that("inflate - named R files exist", { # R files expect_true(file.exists(my_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(my_other_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(my_third_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(my_fourth_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(my_fifth_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(my_sixth_median_file)) expect_true(file.exists(myuppercasefunctionfile)) # Found with chunk named `fun` expect_true(file.exists(my_noroxfunctionfile)) # Found with chunk named `fun-norox2` expect_true(file.exists(my_norox2functionfile)) # Found with chunk named `fun_space` expect_true(file.exists(my_spacefunctionfile)) expect_true(file.exists(my_space2functionfile)) }) test_that("inflate - R files contents are ok", { # examples in R files my_median_lines <- readLines(my_median_file) expect_equal(my_median_lines[1], "# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand # nolint: line_length_linter.") expect_true(all(my_median_lines[12:14] == c( "#' @examples", "#' my_median(2:20)", "#' my_median(1:12)" ))) my_other_median_lines <- readLines(my_other_median_file) expect_equal(my_other_median_lines[1], "# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand # nolint: line_length_linter.") expect_true(all(my_other_median_lines[12:15] == c( "#' @examples", "#' my_other_median(1:12)", "#' my_other_median(8:20)", "#' my_other_median(20:50)" ))) my_fourth_median_lines <- readLines(my_fourth_median_file) expect_true(all(my_fourth_median_lines[11:13] == c( "#' @examples", "#' my_fourth_median(1:12)", "#' my_fourth_median(8:20)" ))) # _no example my_third_median_lines <- readLines(my_third_median_file) expect_true(all(!grepl("#' @examples", my_third_median_lines))) my_fifth_median_lines <- readLines(my_fifth_median_file) expect_true(all(!grepl("#' @examples", my_fifth_median_lines))) # dot in name my_sixth_median_lines <- readLines(my_sixth_median_file) expect_true(all(my_sixth_median_lines[11:13] == c( "#' @examples", "#' my.sixth.median_function(1:12)", "#' my.sixth.median_function(8:20)" ))) # _no roxygen at all my_norox_lines <- readLines(my_noroxfunctionfile) expect_true(all(my_norox_lines == c( "# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand # nolint: line_length_linter.", "", "#' @noRd", "my_norox <- function(x) {", " x + 10", "}" ))) # _no roxygen but examples my_norox2_lines <- readLines(my_norox2functionfile) expect_equal( my_norox2_lines, c( "# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand # nolint: line_length_linter.", "", "#' @noRd", "#' @examples", "#' \\dontrun{", "#' # comment", "#' my_norox2(10)", "#' }", "#'", "#' \\dontrun{", "#' # comment", "#' my_norox2(12)", "#' }", "my_norox2 <- function(x) {", " x + 10", "}" ) ) # _extra empty line and examples my_space_lines <- readLines(my_spacefunctionfile) expect_true(all(my_space_lines[8:12] == c( "#' @examples", "#' my_space(10)", "#' @export", "", "my_space <- function(x) {" ))) # _extra empty line and noRd my_space2_lines <- readLines(my_space2functionfile) expect_true(all(my_space2_lines[8:10] == c( "#' @noRd", "", "my_space2 <- function(x) {" ))) }) test_that("inflate - vignette is ok", { # vignette the_vignette <- file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes", "get-started.Rmd") expect_true(file.exists(the_vignette)) vignette_lines <- readLines(the_vignette) # Do not edit by hand after yaml pos.dash <- grep("---", vignette_lines) donotedit <- grep( "", vignette_lines ) expect_equal(length(donotedit), 1) expect_true(pos.dash[2] < donotedit) # No dev chunks in the vignette expect_false(any(grepl("```{r dev}", vignette_lines, fixed = TRUE))) expect_false(any(grepl("```{r development-1", vignette_lines, fixed = TRUE))) }) test_that("inflate - tests files are ok", { # tests test_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_median.R") expect_true(file.exists(test_file)) test_lines <- readLines(test_file) expect_equal( test_lines, c( "# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_full.Rmd: do not edit by hand # nolint: line_length_linter.", "", "test_that(\"my_median works properly and show error if needed\", {", " expect_error(my_median(\"text\"))", "})" ) ) expect_true(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_other_median.R") )) expect_true(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my-sixth-median_function.R") )) expect_true(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-myuppercasefunction.R") )) # no test expect_false(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_norox.R") )) expect_false(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_space2.R") )) }) test_that("inflate - namespace is ok", { # Namespace expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "NAMESPACE"))) }) }) # Test package no check errors ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { test_that("inflate() output error", { # Do not check inside check if on CRAN skip_on_os(os = c("windows", "solaris")) check_out <- rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck( path = ".", quiet = TRUE, args = c("--no-manual") ) # No errors expect_true(length(check_out[["errors"]]) == 0) # 1 warning = License => Now a note... # expect_true(length(check_out[["warnings"]]) == 1) # expect_true(grepl("license", check_out[["warnings"]][1])) # No Notes or only one if CRAN ? skip_on_cran() expect_true(length(check_out[["notes"]]) <= 2) if (length(check_out[["notes"]]) %in% 1:2) { # if tested as cran # 1 note on CRAN for new submission print(check_out[["notes"]]) note_expected <- grepl( "New submission|future file timestamps|Package vignette without corresponding tangle output", check_out[["notes"]] ) expect_true(all(note_expected)) if (!all(note_expected)) { # Keep here to see the notes when CI fails expect_equal(check_out[["notes"]], expected = "no other note") } } else { expect_true(length(check_out[["notes"]]) == 0) } }) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) # Test no problem with special character in YAML ---- dummypackage.special <- tempfile("dummypackage.special") dir.create(dummypackage.special) # {fusen} steps fill_description(pkg = dummypackage.special, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) dev_file <- add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage.special, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] usethis::with_project(dummypackage.special, { testfile <- "tests-templates/dev-template-tests-special-char.Rmd" file.copy( system.file(testfile, package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage.special, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("inflate with special yaml worked correctly", { # R files my_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage.special, "R", "my_median.R") expect_true(file.exists(my_median_file)) }) }) # Test no attachment and no check when asked ---- unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION"), recursive = TRUE) fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) dev_file <- add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, document = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) desc_lines <- readLines(file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION")) test_that("no attachment run", { expect_false("Imports:" %in% desc_lines) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) }) # Tests no errors - no example, no tests ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { file.copy( system.file("tests-templates/dev-template-no-example-no-tests.Rmd", package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("inflate() output no error", { expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes", "get-started.Rmd"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_median.R"))) expect_true(!file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_median.R"))) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) }) # Tests no errors - empty ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { file.copy( system.file("tests-templates/dev-template-test-parse-nothing.Rmd", package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) test_that("inflate() output message", { suppressMessages( expect_message( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) ) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) }) # Tests errors - vignette already exists ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, overwrite = "yes", open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("inflate() output error when second time (not interactive)", { expect_error( suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) ) expect_error( suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, overwrite = "no", open_vignette = FALSE ) ) ) }) # No error with overwrite = 'yes' suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, overwrite = "yes", open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("inflate() output no error", { expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes", "get-started.Rmd"))) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) }) # Tests errors - duplicate functions ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { file.copy( system.file("tests-templates/dev-template-stop-duplicate-fun.Rmd", package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) test_that("inflate() output error duplicate functions", { expect_error( suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) ) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) # Tests errors - duplicate chunk names file.copy( system.file("tests-templates/dev-template-stop-duplicate-label.Rmd", package = "fusen"), flat_file, overwrite = TRUE ) test_that("inflate() - {lightparser} fixes duplicate label names in vignette", { expect_error( suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ), regexp = NA ) }) # Clean R, tests and vignettes unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "tests"), recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(dummypackage, "dev", "config_fusen.yaml"), recursive = TRUE) }) # Test no errors - inflate with .Rproj and no .here ---- usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { file.remove(file.path(dummypackage, ".here")) file.remove(file.path(dummypackage, ".Rbuildignore")) cat( "", file = file.path( dummypackage, paste0(basename(dummypackage), ".Rproj") ) ) # Add # {fusen} steps dev_file <- add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE) suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) test_that("add_flat_template inflates with .Rproj and no .here", { expect_true(file.exists(flat_file)) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, ".here"))) rbuildignore_file <- file.path(dummypackage, ".Rbuildignore") expect_true(file.exists(rbuildignore_file)) rbuildignore_lines <- readLines(rbuildignore_file) expect_true(any(grepl("dev", rbuildignore_lines, fixed = TRUE))) expect_false(any(grepl("[.]here", rbuildignore_lines))) # R files my_median_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "R", "my_median.R") expect_true(file.exists(my_median_file)) # vignette expect_true(file.exists(file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes", "get-started.Rmd"))) # tests expect_true(file.exists( file.path(dummypackage, "tests", "testthat", "test-my_median.R") )) }) }) # Delete dummy package unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE) # Test no errors - clean vignette_name for vignette ---- # Create a new project dummypackage <- tempfile("clean.vignette") dir.create(dummypackage) # {fusen} steps fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE)) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "# y \\ _ p n@ \u00E9 ! 1", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ) # Vignette name is also cleaned by {usethis} for special characters vignette_path <- file.path(dummypackage, "vignettes", "y-p-n-e-1.Rmd") test_that("vignette is created with clean vignette_name", { expect_true(file.exists(vignette_path)) # usethis::use_vignette writes in UTF-8 vig_lines <- readLines(vignette_path, encoding = "UTF-8") expect_true(sum(grepl(enc2utf8("# y - _ p n@ \u00E9 ! 1"), vig_lines, fixed = TRUE)) == 2) expect_equal(vig_lines[2], enc2utf8('title: "# y - _ p n@ \u00E9 ! 1"')) expect_equal(vig_lines[5], enc2utf8(" %\\VignetteIndexEntry{# y - _ p n@ \u00E9 ! 1}")) }) }) # Delete dummy package unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE) # Test stop when no DESCRIPTION file ---- dummypackage <- tempfile("descpackage") dir.create(dummypackage) dev_file <- add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { test_that("stop when no DESCRIPTION file", { expect_error( suppressMessages( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE ) ), "DESCRIPTION file" ) }) }) # Delete dummy package unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE) if (exists("dummypackage.special")) { unlink(dummypackage.special, recursive = TRUE) } # Inflate fails or not if no flat_file ---- test_that("inflate fails without flat file", { expect_error(inflate(overwrite = FALSE), regexp = "directly in the console") }) dummypackage <- tempfile("flatfile.empty") dir.create(dummypackage) # {fusen} steps fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) dev_file <- suppressMessages(add_flat_template(pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE)) flat_file <- dev_file[grepl("flat_", dev_file)] # If interactive in RStudio if ( requireNamespace("rstudioapi") && rstudioapi::isAvailable() && rstudioapi::hasFun("navigateToFile") && rstudioapi::hasFun("documentId") && rstudioapi::hasFun("documentClose") ) { print("Test with RStudio") # current position curr_editor <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext() curr_position <- curr_editor$selection[[1L]]$range$start # Change file rstudioapi::navigateToFile(flat_file) Sys.sleep(1) id <- rstudioapi::documentId() usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { test_that("inflate works without flat file when current is Rmd", { expect_message( inflate( pkg = dummypackage, # flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE ), regexp = "The current file will be inflated" ) }) }) # # Back to current position rstudioapi::navigateToFile(curr_editor$path, line = curr_position[1]) if (rstudioapi::hasFun("documentClose")) { rstudioapi::documentClose(id) } }