test_that("image geom with full paths", { data <- mtcars %>% rownames_to_column("id") %>% arrange(desc(mpg)) %>% head(20) %>% mutate(type = c(rep("test_images/ice.png", 10), rep("test_images/electric.png", 10))) column_info <- tribble( ~id, ~group, ~name, ~geom, ~palette, ~options, "id", NA, "", "text", NA_character_, list(hjust = 0, width = 6), "mpg", NA, "Miles / gallon", "bar", NA_character_, list(width = 4, legend = FALSE), "type", NA, "Type of engine", "image", NA_character_, lst() ) g <- funky_heatmap( data = data, column_info = column_info, position_args = position_arguments(expand_xmax = 4) ) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(g)) }) test_that("image geom with directory and extension options", { data <- mtcars %>% rownames_to_column("id") %>% arrange(desc(mpg)) %>% head(20) %>% mutate(type = c(rep("ice", 10), rep("electric", 10))) column_info <- tribble( ~id, ~group, ~name, ~geom, ~palette, ~options, "id", NA_character_, "", "text", NA_character_, list(hjust = 0, width = 6), "mpg", NA_character_, "Miles / gallon", "bar", NA_character_, list(width = 4, legend = FALSE), "type", NA_character_, "Type of engine", "image", NA_character_, list(directory = "test_images/", extension = "png") ) g <- funky_heatmap( data = data, column_info = column_info, position_args = position_arguments(expand_xmax = 4) ) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(g)) })