set.seed(0) x <- seq(1, 10, length = 25) y11 <- cos(x) y21 <- cos(2 * x) y12 <- sin(x) y22 <- sin(2 * x) df <- data.frame(id = factor(rep(1:2, each = length(x))), x = rep(x, times = 2), y1 = c(y11, y21), y2 = c(y12, y22)) data_list <- list(y1 = rbind(y11, y21), y2 = rbind(y12, y22)) data_array <- aperm(simplify2array(data_list), c(2, 1, 3)) test_that("domain must be a vector of 2 numbers", { expect_error(get_mfd_df(dt = df, domain = c(1, 10, 20), arg = "x", id = "id", variables = c("y1", "y2")), "domain must be a vector with two numbers.") }) test_that("check parallel", { expect_no_error(get_mfd_df(dt = df, domain = c(1, 10), arg = "x", id = "id", variables = c("y1", "y2"), ncores = 2)) }) test_that("get_mfd functions work", { expect_is(get_mfd_df(dt = df, domain = c(0, 1), arg = "x", id = "id", variables = c("y1", "y2"), lambda = 1e-2), "mfd") expect_is(get_mfd_df_real_time(dt = df, domain = c(1, 10), arg = "x", id = "id", variables = c("y1", "y2"), lambda = 1e-2, k_seq = seq(0.5, 1)), "list") expect_is(get_mfd_list(data_list = data_list), "mfd") expect_is(get_mfd_list_real_time(data_list = data_list, lambda = 1e-2, k_seq = seq(0.5, 1)), "list") expect_is(get_mfd_array(data_array = data_array), "mfd") expect_is(get_mfd_array_real_time(data_array = data_array, lambda = 1e-2, k_seq = seq(0.5, 1)), "list") }) test_that("plot mfd functions work", { mfdobj <- data_sim_mfd() p <- plot_mfd(mfdobj) expect_is(p, "ggplot") mfdobj_y <- data_sim_mfd(nbasis = 15) mfdobj_x <- data_sim_mfd(nbasis = 15) mod <- fof_pc(mfdobj_y, mfdobj_x) p <- plot_bifd(mod$beta_fd) expect_is(p, "ggplot") p <- plot_bifd(mod$beta_fd, type_plot = "contour") expect_no_error(plot_bifd(mod$beta_fd, type_plot = "perspective")) library(ggplot2) data("air") xlist <- list(NO2 = air$NO2[1:2, ]) mfdobj <- get_mfd_list(xlist) p <- plot_mfd(mfdobj = mfdobj, type_mfd = "raw") expect_is(p, "ggplot") p <- lines_mfd(p, mfdobj = mfdobj) expect_is(p, "ggplot") }) test_that("cbind rbind mfd work", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd() expect_is(cbind_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "mfd") expect_is(rbind_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "mfd") }) test_that("get_mfd_fd correctly converts fd objects", { bs <- fda::create.bspline.basis(nbasis = 10) fdobj <- fda::fd(basisobj = bs) expect_equal(get_mfd_fd(fdobj), mfd(coef = array(0, dim = c(10, 1, 1)), basisobj = fdobj$basis, fdnames = fdobj$fdnames)) expect_equal({ mfdobj <- data_sim_mfd() fdobj <- fda::fd(mfdobj$coefs, mfdobj$basis, mfdobj$fdnames) get_mfd_fd(fdobj[1, 1:2]) }, mfdobj[1, 1:2]) expect_equal({ mfdobj <- data_sim_mfd() fdobj <- fda::fd(mfdobj$coefs, mfdobj$basis, mfdobj$fdnames) get_mfd_fd(fdobj[1:2, 1]) }, mfdobj[1:2, 1]) }) test_that("tensor_product_mfd works with multivariate objects", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd(nobs = 1, nvar = 3) mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd(nobs = 1, nvar = 2) expect_is(tensor_product_mfd(mfdobj1), "bifd") expect_is(tensor_product_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "bifd") expect_equal({ tp <- tensor_product_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2) dim(tp$coef) }, c(5, 5, 1, 3 * 2)) }) test_that("scale_mfd returns error with one single obs", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd(nobs = 1) expect_error({ scale_mfd(mfdobj2) }, "There is only one observation in the data set") expect_error({ pca_mfd(mfdobj2) }, "There is only one observation in the data set") expect_s3_class({ mfdobj1_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj1) mfdobj2_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj2, center = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center"), scale = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale")) mfdobj2_scaled }, "mfd") }) test_that("scale_mfd requires center to be fd object", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd() # Normal scaling mfdobj1_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj1) expect_s3_class(mfdobj1_scaled, "mfd") expect_s3_class(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center"), "fd") expect_is(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale"), "fd") # Only scale mfdobj1_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj1, center = FALSE) expect_s3_class(mfdobj1_scaled, "mfd") expect_null(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center")) expect_is(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale"), "fd") # Only center mfdobj1_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj1, scale = FALSE) expect_s3_class(mfdobj1_scaled, "mfd") expect_s3_class(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center"), "fd") expect_null(attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale")) # Provide center, scale TRUE mfdobj2_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj2, center = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center")) expect_s3_class(mfdobj2_scaled, "mfd") expect_s3_class(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:center"), "fd") expect_is(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:scale"), "fd") # Provide center, scale FALSE mfdobj1_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj1) mfdobj2_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj2, center = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:center"), scale = FALSE) expect_s3_class(mfdobj2_scaled, "mfd") expect_s3_class(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:center"), "fd") expect_null(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:scale")) # Provide scale, center TRUE mfdobj2_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj2, scale = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale")) expect_s3_class(mfdobj2_scaled, "mfd") expect_s3_class(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:center"), "fd") expect_is(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:scale"), "fd") # Provide scale, center FALSE mfdobj2_scaled <- scale_mfd(mfdobj2, scale = attr(mfdobj1_scaled, "scaled:scale"), center = FALSE) expect_s3_class(mfdobj2_scaled, "mfd") expect_null(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:center")) expect_is(attr(mfdobj2_scaled, "scaled:scale"), "fd") }) test_that("inprod functions work", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd() expect_is(inprod_mfd_diag(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "matrix") mfdobj3 <- data_sim_mfd(nbasis = 10) expect_is(inprod_mfd_diag(mfdobj1, mfdobj3), "matrix") expect_is(inprod_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj3), "array") }) test_that("norm_mfd works", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() expect_no_error(norm.mfd(mfdobj1)) }) test_that("cov_mfd and cor_mfd functions work", { mfdobj1 <- data_sim_mfd() mfdobj2 <- data_sim_mfd() expect_is(cov_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "bifd") expect_is(cor_mfd(mfdobj1, mfdobj2), "bifd") }) test_that("mean_mfd works", { mfdobj <- data_sim_mfd() expect_is(mean_mfd(mfdobj), "mfd") })