context("Test plot methods") pdf(file=NULL) argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01) # 1D object1D <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), sin(argvals))) # 2D X <- array(0, dim = c(2, length(argvals), length(argvals))) X[1,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin((x-pi)^2 + (y-pi)^2)}) X[2,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin(2*x*pi) * cos(2*y*pi)}) object2D <- funData(list(argvals, argvals), X) # multivariate m <- multiFunData(extractObs(object1D, obs = 1:2), object2D) # irreg i <- as.irregFunData(object1D) test_that("plots", { # funData 1D / 2D # check errors expect_error(plot(object1D, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(object1D, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(object1D, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(object1D, plotNA = "Yes"), "Parameter 'plotNA' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(plot(object1D, plotNA = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "Parameter 'plotNA' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(plot(object1D, add = "Yes"), "Parameter 'add' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(plot(object1D, add = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "Parameter 'add' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(plot(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6,3:7), X = array(10*5*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5,5)))), "plot is implemented only for functional data with one- or two-dimensional domain") expect_error(plot(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6), X = array(10*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5))), obs = 1:2), "Specify one observation for plotting") expect_error(plot(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6), X = array(10*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5))), obs = 1, add = TRUE), "Option add = TRUE not implemented for images") # check functionality expect_null(plot(object1D, main = "One-dimensional functional data")) expect_null(plot(object1D, plotNA = TRUE)) expect_null(plot(object2D, main = "Two-dimensional functional data (obs 1)", obs = 1)) expect_null(plot(object2D, main = "Two-dimensional functional data (obs 1)", obs = 1, legend = FALSE)) # multiFunData # check errors expect_error(plot(m, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, dim = "1"), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, dim = 0), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, dim = 5), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(plot(m, par.plot = 1:2), "Parameter 'par.plot' must be either NULL or passed as a list.") expect_error(plot(m, main = 1:3), "Parameter 'main' must be either NULL or have lengths 1 or 2.") expect_error(plot(m, ylim = list(1:2,3:4,4:5)), "The ylim argument must be either a vector (used for all elements) or a list with values for each element.", fixed = TRUE) # check functionality expect_null(plot(m, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "title", obs = 1)) expect_null(plot(m, xlab = c("x1", "x2"), ylab = c("y1", "y2"), main = c("title1", "title2"), obs = 2, par.plot = list(cex = 5))) expect_null(plot(multiFunData(object1D, exp(object1D)), log = c("","y"), ylim = list(c(-2,2), c(0.1,4)))) expect_null(plot(multiFunData(object1D + 2, exp(object1D)), log = "y", ylim = c(0.2,5))) # irregFunData # check errors expect_error(plot(i, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(i, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(i, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(plot(i, add = "Yes"), "Parameter 'add' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(plot(i, add = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "Parameter 'add' must be passed as a logical.") expect_warning(plot(as.irregFunData(object1D), add = TRUE, log = "y"), "Parameter 'log' cannot be reset when 'add = TRUE'.", fixed = TRUE) # check functionality expect_null(plot(i)) expect_null(plot(i, col = c("green", "red"))) }) test_that("ggplots", { if(!(requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))) # if ggplot2 is not available { expect_warning(autoplot(object1D), "Please install the ggplot2 package to use the autoplot function for funData objects.") expect_warning(autolayer(object1D), "Please install the ggplot2 package to use the autolayer function for funData objects.") expect_warning(autoplot(m), "Please install the ggplot2 package to use the autoplot function for multifunData objects.") expect_warning(autoplot(i), "Please install the ggplot2 package to use the autoplot function for irregfunData objects.") expect_warning(autolayer(i), "Please install the ggplot2 package to use the autolayer function for irregfunData objects.") } else { library("ggplot2") # load package g <- ggplot2::ggplot() # empty plot # funData 1D / 2D # check errors expect_error(autoplot(object1D, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(autoplot(object1D, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(autoplot(object1D, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(autoplot(object1D, plotNA = "Yes"), "Parameter 'plotNA' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(g + autolayer(object1D, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(object1D, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(object1D, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(object1D, plotNA = "Yes"), "Parameter 'plotNA' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(autoplot(object1D, plotNA = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "Parameter 'plotNA' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(autoplot(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6,3:7), X = array(10*5*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5,5)))), "plot is implemented only for functional data with one- or two-dimensional domain") expect_error(autoplot(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6), X = array(10*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5))), obs = 1:2), "Specify one observation for plotting") expect_error(autolayer(funData(argvals = list(1:5,2:6), X = array(10*5*5, dim = c(10,5,5))), obs = 1), "autolayer is implemented only for functional data with one-dimensional domain") # check functionality expect_s3_class(autoplot(object1D), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(autoplot(object2D, obs = 1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(autoplot(object1D, plotNA = TRUE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(g + autolayer(object1D), "ggplot") expect_s3_class(g + autolayer(object1D, plotNA = TRUE), "ggplot") # multiFunData # check errors expect_error(autoplot(m, dim = "1"), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(autoplot(m, dim = 0), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(autoplot(m, dim = 5), "Parameter 'dim' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 2.") expect_error(autoplot(m, plotGrid = "Yes"), "Parameter 'plotGrid' must be passed as a logical.") expect_error(autoplot(m, plotGrid = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "Parameter 'plotGrid' must be passed as a logical.") # check functionality expect_equal(length(autoplot(multiFunData(object1D, 2*object1D), plotGrid = TRUE)), 2) expect_equal(length(autoplot(multiFunData(object1D, 2*object1D), plotGrid = FALSE)), 2) # irregFunData # check errors expect_error(autoplot(i, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(autoplot(i, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(autoplot(i, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(i, obs = "1"), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(i, obs = 0), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") expect_error(g + autolayer(i, obs = 50), "Parameter 'obs' must be a vector of numerics with values between 1 and 11.") # check functionality expect_s3_class(autoplot(as.irregFunData(object1D)), "ggplot") ### deprecated ggplot functions expect_warning({tmp <- funData::ggplot(object1D)}); expect_s3_class(tmp, "ggplot") expect_warning({tmp <- funData::ggplot(object2D, obs = 1)}); expect_s3_class(tmp, "ggplot") expect_warning({tmp <- g + funData::ggplot(object1D, add = TRUE)}); expect_s3_class(tmp, "ggplot") expect_warning({tmp <- funData::ggplot(multiFunData(object1D, 2*object1D), plotGrid = TRUE)}); expect_equal(length(tmp), 2) expect_warning({tmp <- funData::ggplot(multiFunData(object1D, 2*object1D), plotGrid = FALSE)}); expect_equal(length(tmp), 2) expect_warning({tmp <- funData::ggplot(as.irregFunData(object1D))}); expect_s3_class(tmp, "ggplot") expect_warning({tmp <- g + funData::ggplot(as.irregFunData(object1D), add = TRUE)}); expect_s3_class(tmp, "ggplot") } })