Package: BFS Check: tests New result: ERROR Running ‘testthat.R’ [19s/123s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * > # * > > library(testthat) > library(BFS) > > test_check("BFS") =>----------------------------- 5% | ETA: 22s ======>------------------------ 18% | ETA: 18s ==========>-------------------- 32% | ETA: 15s ==============>---------------- 46% | ETA: 12s ==================>------------ 59% | ETA: 9s ======================>-------- 73% | ETA: 6s ==========================>---- 86% | ETA: 3s ==============================> 99% | ETA: 0s [ FAIL 7 | WARN 1 | SKIP 0 | PASS 38 ] ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:5:3'): Get Switzerland base map data as sf works ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "suis") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:5:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:13:3'): Get Cantons base map data as sf works ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "kant") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:13:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:21:3'): Get Canton Capitals base map data as sf works ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "stkt", type = "Pnts", category = "kk") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:21:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:29:3'): Get Lake base map data as sf works ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "seen", category = "11") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:29:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:43:3'): bfs_get_base_maps() with gf_ch category ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "suis", category = "gf_ch") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:43:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:51:3'): bfs_get_base_maps() with 'polg' geom and date ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: argument is of length zero Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "polg", date = "20230101") at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:51:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) ── Error ('test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:59:3'): bfs_get_base_maps() with 'polg' geom and recent date different ── Error in `if (nchar(dsn) < 1) stop("`dsn` must point to a source, not an empty string.", call. = FALSE)`: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "kant", most_recent = TRUE) at test-bfs_get_base_maps.R:59:3 2. └─sf::read_sf(file_selected) 3. ├─sf::st_read(...) 4. └─sf:::st_read.character(...) [ FAIL 7 | WARN 1 | SKIP 0 | PASS 38 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted