R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-15 r87442 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly = TRUE)) { + tinytest::test_package("fritools") + } Attaching package: 'fritools' The following object is masked from 'package:base': tapply test_boolean.R................ 0 tests test_boolean.R................ 0 tests test_boolean.R................ 0 tests test_boolean.R................ 0 tests test_boolean.R................ 1 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 1 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 1 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 1 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 2 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 2 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 2 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 2 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 2 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 3 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 3 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 3 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 4 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 4 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 4 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 4 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 5 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 5 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 5 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 6 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 6 tests OK test_boolean.R................ 7 tests OK 66ms test_call.R................... 0 tests test_call.R................... 0 tests test_call.R................... 0 tests test_call.R................... 1 tests OK test_call.R................... 1 tests OK test_call.R................... 1 tests OK test_call.R................... 1 tests OK test_call.R................... 2 tests OK test_call.R................... 2 tests OK test_call.R................... 2 tests OK test_call.R................... 3 tests OK test_call.R................... 4 tests OK 5ms test_char2factor.R............ 0 tests test_char2factor.R............ 0 tests test_char2factor.R............ 0 tests test_char2factor.R............ 0 tests test_char2factor.R............ 1 tests OK 2ms test_column_sums.R............ 0 tests test_column_sums.R............ 0 tests test_column_sums.R............ 0 tests test_column_sums.R............ 1 tests OK 7ms test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 0 tests test_compare_vectors.R........ 1 tests OK test_compare_vectors.R........ 2 tests OK 17ms test_convert_umlauts_to_ascii.R 0 tests test_convert_umlauts_to_ascii.R 2 tests OK test_convert_umlauts_to_ascii.R 2 tests OK 4ms test_convert_umlauts_to_tex.R. 0 tests test_convert_umlauts_to_tex.R. 1 tests OK test_convert_umlauts_to_tex.R. 1 tests OK 2ms test_count_groups.R........... 0 tests test_count_groups.R........... 0 tests test_count_groups.R........... 0 tests test_count_groups.R........... 1 tests OK 4ms test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 0 tests test_csv.R.................... 1 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 1 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 2 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 2 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 2 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 2 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 3 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 3 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 3 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 3 tests OK Set csv type to standard! test_csv.R.................... 3 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 4 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 5 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 6 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 6 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 6 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 7 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 7 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 7 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 7 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 8 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 9 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 10 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 10 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 10 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 11 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 11 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 11 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 11 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 11 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 12 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 12 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 12 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 13 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 13 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 13 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 13 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 14 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 15 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 15 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 15 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 16 tests OK test_csv.R.................... 17 tests OK 3.2s test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_blank_lines.R 1 tests OK 6ms test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 0 tests test_delete_trailing_whitespace.R 1 tests OK 4ms test_file_copy.R.............. 0 tests test_file_copy.R.............. 0 tests test_file_copy.R.............. 0 tests test_file_copy.R.............. 1 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 1 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 1 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 1 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 2 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 3 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 4 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 4 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 5 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 5 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 7 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 8 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 8 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 8 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 9 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 9 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 10 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 11 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 11 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 11 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 11 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 12 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 12 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 12 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 12 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 12 tests OK test_file_copy.R.............. 13 tests OK 4.1s test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 0 tests test_file_modified_last.R..... 1 tests OK test_file_modified_last.R..... 1 tests OK test_file_modified_last.R..... 1 tests OK test_file_modified_last.R..... 1 tests OK test_file_modified_last.R..... 2 tests OK 4.1s test_file_save.R.............. 0 tests test_file_save.R.............. 0 tests test_file_save.R.............. 1 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 2 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 2 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 3 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 4 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 4 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 5 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 5 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 5 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 6 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 7 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 8 tests OK test_file_save.R.............. 9 tests OK 8ms test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 0 tests test_find_files.R............. 1 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 1 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 1 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 2 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 2 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 2 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 3 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 3 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 3 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 4 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 5 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 6 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 6 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 6 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 7 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 8 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 8 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 8 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 9 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 9 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 9 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 10 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 10 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 10 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 11 tests OK test_find_files.R............. 12 tests OK 22ms test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 0 tests test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 0 tests test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 0 tests test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 0 tests test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 1 tests OK [1] "D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/fritools/source/man/fritools-package.Rd" test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 1 tests OK test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 2 tests OK test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 2 tests OK test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 3 tests OK character(0) test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 3 tests OK test_find_missing_see_also.R.. 4 tests OK 0.6s test_fritools.R............... 0 tests test_fritools.R............... 0 tests test_fritools.R............... 0 tests test_fritools.R............... 0 tests Set csv type to standard! test_fritools.R............... 0 tests test_fritools.R............... 1 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 2 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 2 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 3 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 4 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 5 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 5 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 6 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 6 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 6 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 7 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 7 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 7 tests OK test_fritools.R............... 8 tests OK 11ms test_fromto.R................. 0 tests test_fromto.R................. 0 tests test_fromto.R................. 0 tests test_fromto.R................. 0 tests test_fromto.R................. 1 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 1 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 1 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 2 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 2 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 2 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 3 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 3 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 3 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 4 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 4 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 4 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 5 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 5 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 5 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 5 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 6 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 6 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 6 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 7 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 7 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 7 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 8 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 9 tests OK test_fromto.R................. 10 tests OK 4ms test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 0 tests test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 0 tests test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 0 tests test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 0 tests test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 1 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 1 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 2 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 2 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 2 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 2 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 3 tests OK test_get_german_umlauts.R..... 4 tests OK 2ms test_get_package_version.R.... 0 tests test_get_package_version.R.... 0 tests test_get_package_version.R.... 1 tests OK test_get_package_version.R.... 2 tests OK 2ms test_get_unique_string.R...... 0 tests test_get_unique_string.R...... 0 tests test_get_unique_string.R...... 0 tests test_get_unique_string.R...... 1 tests OK 0.1s test_golden_ratio.R........... 0 tests test_golden_ratio.R........... 0 tests test_golden_ratio.R........... 0 tests test_golden_ratio.R........... 0 tests test_golden_ratio.R........... 1 tests OK 2ms You are using 'tinytest::' to express test expectations. The results from these tests are not collected. Found the following occurrences: > test_grep_file.R#011: tinytest::expect_true > test_grep_file.R#047: tinytest::expect_true Remove the 'tinytest::' prefix to register the test results.FALSE test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests test_grep_file.R.............. 0 tests 30ms test_importing.R.............. 0 tests test_importing.R.............. 0 tests 2ms test_installed.R.............. 0 tests CRANWIN3 windows test_installed.R.............. 0 tests test_installed.R.............. 1 tests OK test_installed.R.............. 2 tests OK test_installed.R.............. 3 tests OK 11ms test_is_cran.R................ 0 tests test_is_cran.R................ 0 tests test_is_cran.R................ 0 tests 3ms test_is_difftime_less.R....... 0 tests test_is_difftime_less.R....... 0 tests test_is_difftime_less.R....... 0 tests test_is_difftime_less.R....... 0 tests test_is_difftime_less.R....... 1 tests OK Time difference between 1970-01-01 and 1970-01-01 23:59:59 is less than 1 days. test_is_difftime_less.R....... 2 tests OK test_is_difftime_less.R....... 3 tests OK Time difference between 1970-01-01 and 1970-01-01 23:59:59 is less than 1 days. test_is_difftime_less.R....... 4 tests OK 5ms test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 0 tests test_is_files_current.R....... 1 tests OK test_is_files_current.R....... 2 tests OK test_is_files_current.R....... 3 tests OK test_is_files_current.R....... 4 tests OK 2.1s test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 0 tests test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 0 tests test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 1 tests OK test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 2 tests OK test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 3 tests OK test_is_of_length_zero.R...... 4 tests OK 3ms test_is_path.R................ 0 tests test_is_path.R................ 1 tests OK test_is_path.R................ 1 tests OK test_is_path.R................ 2 tests OK test_is_path.R................ 2 tests OK test_is_path.R................ 3 tests OK 2ms test_is_success.R............. 0 tests test_is_success.R............. 0 tests test_is_success.R............. 0 tests test_is_success.R............. 1 tests OK test_is_success.R............. 1 tests OK test_is_success.R............. 1 tests OK test_is_success.R............. 2 tests OK 2ms test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 0 tests test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 0 tests test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 1 tests OK test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 2 tests OK test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 3 tests OK [qsec, carb] is a valid primary key for mtcars. test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 4 tests OK test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 4 tests OK test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 4 tests OK [id] is a valid primary key for cars. test_is_valid_primary_key.R... 5 tests OK 9ms test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 0 tests test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 0 tests test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 1 tests OK test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 1 tests OK test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 2 tests OK test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 2 tests OK test_is_version_sufficient.R.. 3 tests OK 2ms test_is_windows.R............. 0 tests test_is_windows.R............. 0 tests test_is_windows.R............. 0 tests test_is_windows.R............. 1 tests OK 2ms test_load_internal_functions.R 0 tests test_load_internal_functions.R 0 tests test_load_internal_functions.R 0 tests test_load_internal_functions.R 0 tests test_load_internal_functions.R 1 tests OK 10ms test_memory_hogs.R............ 0 tests test_memory_hogs.R............ 0 tests test_memory_hogs.R............ 0 tests 2ms test_options.R................ 0 tests test_options.R................ 0 tests test_options.R................ 1 tests OK test_options.R................ 1 tests OK test_options.R................ 2 tests OK test_options.R................ 3 tests OK test_options.R................ 4 tests OK test_options.R................ 5 tests OK test_options.R................ 6 tests OK test_options.R................ 7 tests OK test_options.R................ 7 tests OK test_options.R................ 7 tests OK test_options.R................ 7 tests OK test_options.R................ 8 tests OK test_options.R................ 8 tests OK test_options.R................ 8 tests OK test_options.R................ 9 tests OK test_options.R................ 9 tests OK test_options.R................ 9 tests OK test_options.R................ 9 tests OK test_options.R................ 10 tests OK test_options.R................ 10 tests OK test_options.R................ 10 tests OK test_options.R................ 10 tests OK test_options.R................ 11 tests OK test_options.R................ 11 tests OK test_options.R................ 11 tests OK test_options.R................ 11 tests OK test_options.R................ 12 tests OK test_options.R................ 12 tests OK test_options.R................ 12 tests OK test_options.R................ 13 tests OK test_options.R................ 13 tests OK test_options.R................ 13 tests OK test_options.R................ 13 tests OK test_options.R................ 14 tests OK test_options.R................ 14 tests OK test_options.R................ 14 tests OK test_options.R................ 14 tests OK test_options.R................ 14 tests OK test_options.R................ 15 tests OK 7ms test_paths.R.................. 0 tests test_paths.R.................. 0 tests test_paths.R.................. 1 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 2 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 3 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 3 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 4 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 4 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 4 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 5 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 5 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 5 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 6 tests OK Set csv type to standard! test_paths.R.................. 6 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 7 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 7 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 7 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 8 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 8 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 9 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 9 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 10 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 10 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 10 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 10 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 11 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 12 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 12 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 13 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 14 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 15 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 16 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 16 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 16 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 17 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 17 tests OK test_paths.R.................. 17 tests OK 2.1s test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 0 tests test_relative_difference.R.... 1 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 1 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 2 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 2 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 2 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 3 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 3 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 3 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 4 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 5 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 6 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 7 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 8 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 9 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 10 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 11 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 12 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 13 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 14 tests OK test_relative_difference.R.... 15 tests OK 9ms test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 0 tests test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 0 tests test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 1 tests OK test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 2 tests OK test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 3 tests OK test_round_half_away_from_zero.R 4 tests OK 2ms test_rownames2col.R........... 0 tests test_rownames2col.R........... 0 tests test_rownames2col.R........... 0 tests test_rownames2col.R........... 0 tests test_rownames2col.R........... 1 tests OK 3ms test_runsed.R................. 0 tests test_runsed.R................. 0 tests test_runsed.R................. 0 tests test_runsed.R................. 0 tests [1] "D:\\temp\\2024_12_16_19_00_17_9839\\RtmpWUdWEk/wipe_clean.R" [2] "D:\\temp\\2024_12_16_19_00_17_9839\\RtmpWUdWEk/zzz.R" test_runsed.R................. 0 tests test_runsed.R................. 1 tests OK [1] "D:\\temp\\2024_12_16_19_00_17_9839\\RtmpWUdWEk/wipe_clean.R" test_runsed.R................. 1 tests OK test_runsed.R................. 2 tests OK 0.3s test_search_files.R........... 0 tests test_search_files.R........... 7 tests OK test_search_files.R........... 7 tests OK 59ms test_search_rows.R............ 0 tests test_search_rows.R............ 3 tests OK test_search_rows.R............ 3 tests OK 12ms test_sloboba.R................ 0 tests test_sloboba.R................ 0 tests test_sloboba.R................ 0 tests test_sloboba.R................ 1 tests OK test_sloboba.R................ 1 tests OK test_sloboba.R................ 2 tests OK 2ms test_split_code_file.R........ 0 tests test_split_code_file.R........ 0 tests test_split_code_file.R........ 0 tests test_split_code_file.R........ 0 tests test_split_code_file.R........ 0 tests test_split_code_file.R........ 1 tests OK 14ms test_str2num.R................ 0 tests test_str2num.R................ 0 tests test_str2num.R................ 0 tests test_str2num.R................ 1 tests OK test_str2num.R................ 1 tests OK test_str2num.R................ 2 tests OK 3ms test_string2words.R........... 0 tests test_string2words.R........... 0 tests test_string2words.R........... 0 tests test_string2words.R........... 1 tests OK test_string2words.R........... 1 tests OK test_string2words.R........... 1 tests OK test_string2words.R........... 2 tests OK 2ms test_strip_off_attributes.R... 0 tests test_strip_off_attributes.R... 0 tests test_strip_off_attributes.R... 0 tests test_strip_off_attributes.R... 0 tests test_strip_off_attributes.R... 0 tests test_strip_off_attributes.R... 1 tests OK 2ms test_subsets.R................ 0 tests test_subsets.R................ 0 tests test_subsets.R................ 0 tests test_subsets.R................ 1 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 1 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 1 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 2 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 2 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 2 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 3 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 3 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 3 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 4 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 5 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 5 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 5 tests OK test_subsets.R................ 6 tests OK 3ms test_tapply.R................. 0 tests test_tapply.R................. 0 tests test_tapply.R................. 0 tests test_tapply.R................. 1 tests OK test_tapply.R................. 1 tests OK test_tapply.R................. 1 tests OK test_tapply.R................. 1 tests OK test_tapply.R................. 7 tests OK 12ms test_test_helpers.R........... 0 tests These functions can't be tested, as the result differs ondifferent machines test_test_helpers.R........... 0 tests test_test_helpers.R........... 0 tests test_test_helpers.R........... 1 tests OK CRANWIN3 windows test_test_helpers.R........... 1 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 1 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 2 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 2 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 2 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 3 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 3 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 4 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 5 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 5 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 6 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 7 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 8 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 8 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 9 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 9 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 10 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 10 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 11 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 11 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 12 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 12 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 13 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 14 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 14 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 15 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 15 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 16 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 16 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 17 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 17 tests OK test_test_helpers.R........... 18 tests OK 9ms test_throw.R.................. 0 tests test_throw.R.................. 1 tests OK 1ms test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 0 tests test_touch.R.................. 1 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 1 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 1 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 2 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 3 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 3 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 3 tests OK test_touch.R.................. 4 tests OK 4.1s test_weighted_variance.R...... 0 tests test_weighted_variance.R...... 0 tests test_weighted_variance.R...... 0 tests test_weighted_variance.R...... 0 tests test_weighted_variance.R...... 0 tests test_weighted_variance.R...... 1 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 1 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 1 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 2 tests OK You forced the weights to be counts, but they do sum to 1! test_weighted_variance.R...... 2 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 3 tests OK You forced the weights not to be counts, but they do not sum to 1! You forced the weights not to be counts, but they do not sum to 1! You forced the weights not to be counts, but they do not sum to 1! You forced the weights not to be counts, but they do not sum to 1! test_weighted_variance.R...... 3 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 3 tests OK test_weighted_variance.R...... 4 tests OK 7ms test_wipe_clean.R............. 0 tests test_wipe_clean.R............. 0 tests test_wipe_clean.R............. 0 tests test_wipe_clean.R............. 1 tests OK test_wipe_clean.R............. 1 tests OK test_wipe_clean.R............. 1 tests OK test_wipe_clean.R............. 2 tests OK test_wipe_clean.R............. 3 tests OK 2ms test_with_dir.R............... 0 tests test_with_dir.R............... 0 tests test_with_dir.R............... 0 tests 3ms All ok, 249 results (21.2s) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.18 0.60 21.32