R Under development (unstable) (2024-05-23 r86608 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(free) > > test_check("free") Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0723505 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0543835 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0408915 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0307527 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0231324 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0174041 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0130972 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0098584 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00742229 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00558956 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00421045 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00317245 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.002391 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00180255 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00135933 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0010254 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000773743 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000584042 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000441001 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00033311 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000251708 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000190272 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000143889 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000108858 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.2393e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.23908e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.72677e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.58289e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.71731e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.06204e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.56575e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.18968e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 9.04557e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.88275e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.24115e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.99441e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.04692e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.32636e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.77798e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.3603e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.0419e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 7.9897e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.13445e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.71616e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.63075e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.79914e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.16122e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.67125e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.29441e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.00417e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 7.80307e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.0737e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.73565e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.69866e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.89367e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.2677e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.7801e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.39962e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.10222e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.69344e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.86692e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.43189e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.3026e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.41248e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.70982e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.15432e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.71453e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.3659e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.08918e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.69274e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.94324e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.54995e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.43928e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.5531e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.84544e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.27992e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.82767e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.46577e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.17599e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 9.43838e-11 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.56 0.14 0.67