R Under development (unstable) (2024-05-22 r86590 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(free) > > test_check("free") Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0655717 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0505641 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.039045 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0301901 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0233731 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0181173 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0140596 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0109225 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00849412 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00661198 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00515151 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00401699 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00313476 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00244804 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00191302 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00149585 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.0011703 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000916074 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000717411 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000562072 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000440541 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00034541 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.00027091 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000212542 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000166794 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000130925 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 0.000102792 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.07207e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.34002e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.98044e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.91301e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.07478e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.41641e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.89922e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.49289e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.1736e-05 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 9.22674e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 7.25457e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.70434e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.48568e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.52759e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.77428e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.18196e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.71618e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.34988e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.06181e-06 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.3525e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.57052e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.16889e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.06638e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.19912e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.5169e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.98021e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.558e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.22584e-07 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 9.64513e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 7.58914e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.97152e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.69879e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.69738e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.90945e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.28947e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.80163e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.41776e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.1157e-08 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.78006e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.90963e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 5.43773e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.27944e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.36792e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.65059e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.08607e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.6418e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.29217e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.017e-09 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 8.00441e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 6.30003e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 4.95862e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.90288e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 3.07195e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 2.41795e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.9032e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.49806e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 1.17917e-10 Mean L2 norm of coefficient update 9.28176e-11 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.65 0.17 1.31