test_that("pagination works", { ## https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters/issues/18 dfmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars) expect_identical(main_footer(dfmf), "") ftmsg <- "my footer is here" main_footer(dfmf) <- ftmsg expect_identical( main_footer(dfmf), ftmsg ) ## min_siblings following siblings test pagindices <- pag_indices_inner( mf_rinfo(dfmf), 25, min_siblings = 10, verbose = TRUE ) expect_equal( length(pagindices[[1]]), 21 ) ## min siblings preceding test expect_error(pag_indices_inner( mf_rinfo(dfmf), 25, min_siblings = 30, verbose = TRUE )) ## silly coverage for bizarre (/impossible) error cases dfmf_b <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars, parent_path = c("root_split", "level1")) ## expect_error(pag_indices_inner(mf_rinfo(dfmf_b), ## 8, ## min_siblings = 0, ## nosplitin = "root_split", ## verbose = TRUE)) expect_error( paginate_to_mpfs( dfmf_b, lpp = 8 + 2, min_siblings = 0, nosplitin = "root_split", verbose = TRUE ), "Unable to find any valid pagination" ) expect_error(mf_rinfo(dfmf) <- mtcars[1:3, ]) dfmf_sillytopleft <- dfmf ## XXXX no setter for this so we're doing something terrible. sadface dfmf_sillytopleft$has_topleft <- TRUE strs <- mf_strings(dfmf_sillytopleft) strs[1, 1] <- "ha\nha\nha\nha\nha\nha\n" mf_strings(dfmf_sillytopleft) <- strs expect_silent(mform_handle_newlines(dfmf_sillytopleft)) dfmf_cont <- dfmf mf_rinfo(dfmf_cont)$node_class <- "ContentRow" ## expect_error(pag_indices_inner(mf_rinfo(dfmf_cont), ## 8, ## min_siblings = 0, ## verbose = TRUE)) expect_identical( length(paginate_to_mpfs( dfmf_cont, lpp = 8 + 2, min_siblings = 0, verbose = TRUE )), 7L ) ## https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/318 dfmf2 <- dfmf dfmf2$strings[1, 2] <- "m\npg" dfmf2$strings[1, 1] <- "tleft mats" dfmf2$has_topleft <- TRUE dfmf2 <- mform_handle_newlines(dfmf2) expect_identical( dfmf2$strings[1:2, 1:2], matrix(c("", "tleft mats", "m", "pg"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) ) ## https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters/issues/77 dfmf3 <- dfmf mf_rinfo(dfmf3)$trailing_sep[31] <- "-" str <- toString(dfmf3) expect_true(grepl("Volvo 142E", str)) strout <- toString(dfmf) expect_true(any(grepl(ftmsg, strout))) df2 <- mtcars df2$extra <- paste("row", seq_len(NROW(df2)), "haha", sep = "\n") df2mf <- basic_matrix_form(df2) expect_identical( basic_pagdf(row.names(df2), extents = 3L ), mf_rinfo(df2mf) ) ## hpaginds <- pag_indices_inner(mf_rinfo(df2mf), ## 8, ## min_siblings = 0, ## verbose = TRUE ## ) ## expect_true(all(lengths(hpaginds) == 2L)) hpagmpfs <- paginate_to_mpfs( df2mf, lpp = 8 + 2, min_siblings = 0, verbose = TRUE ) expect_true(all(sapply(hpagmpfs, function(x) max(mf_lgrouping(x)) - mf_nrheader(x)) == 2L)) ## vpaginds <- vert_pag_indices(df2mf, cpp = 40, verbose = TRUE) ## expect_identical( ## lengths(vpaginds), ## c(3L, 3L, 3L, 2L, 1L) ## ) vpagmpfs <- paginate_to_mpfs( df2mf, cpp = 40, verbose = TRUE, pg_height = 100000 ) expect_identical( sapply(vpagmpfs, ncol), c(3L, 3L, 3L, 2L, 1L) ) vpagmpfs2 <- paginate_to_mpfs( df2mf, cpp = 39, verbose = TRUE, pg_height = 100000 ) expect_identical( sapply(vpagmpfs2, ncol), c(2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L) ) vpaginds2 <- vert_pag_indices(df2mf, cpp = 39, verbose = TRUE) ## expect_identical( ## lengths(vpaginds2), ## c(2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L) ## ) vpaginds3 <- vert_pag_indices(df2mf, cpp = 44, verbose = TRUE, rep_cols = 1L) ## make sure it was repeated as requested expect_identical( sapply(vpaginds3, function(x) x[1]), rep(1L, 5) ) ## make sure it doesn't appear more than once expect_identical( sapply(vpaginds3, function(x) sum(x == 1L)), rep(1L, 5) ) ## they all appear expect_equal( sort(unique(unlist(vpaginds3))), 1:12 ) expect_identical( lengths(vpaginds3), c(3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 3L) ) df3 <- data.frame( x = 1:5, y = c(1:3, 8, 9), row.names = c("spna", "spnb", "spnc", "sep1", "sep2") ) df3mf <- basic_matrix_form(df3) spnmat <- mf_spans(df3mf) spnmat[2:3, 2:3] <- 2 df3mf$spans <- spnmat df3mf$display[2:3, 3] <- FALSE df3mf$aligns[2:6, 2:3] <- "center" strout <- toString(df3mf) expect_false(grepl("1[[:space:]]*1", strout)) expect_true(grepl("3[[:space:]]*3", strout)) expect_identical( spread_integer(7, 3), c(3, 2, 2) ) expect_error(spread_integer(3.5, 2)) expect_error( { table_inset(df3mf) <- -1 }, "invalid value for table_inset" ) expect_error(mf_spans(df3mf) <- matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)) ## matrix_form on a matrix form a no op expect_identical(df3mf, matrix_form(df3mf)) expect_identical(divider_height(df3mf), 1L) expect_identical(subtitles(df3mf), character()) expect_identical(page_titles(df3mf), character()) prov_footer(df3mf) <- "file: myfile.txt" expect_identical(prov_footer(df3mf), "file: myfile.txt") expect_identical(nlines(NULL), 0L) expect_identical(nlines("hi\nthere"), 2L) ## coverage for handling of ref footnotes in pagination machinery ## also covered partially in closely related export test dfmf <- make_basemf_fnotes() expect_error( paginate_indices(dfmf, lpp = 15, cpp = 10000, verbose = TRUE), "Unable to find any valid pagination" ) expect_error( paginate_indices(dfmf, lpp = 2, cpp = 10000, verbose = TRUE), "Lines of repeated context .* larger than specified lines per page" ) res <- paginate_to_mpfs( dfmf, pg_width = 4, pg_height = 4, margins = rep(0, 4), min_siblings = 0, verbose = TRUE ) ## coverage for forced pagination support dfmf2 <- structure(dfmf, class = c("fakeclass", class(dfmf))) setOldClass(class(dfmf2)) setMethod( "do_forced_paginate", "fakeclass", function(obj) { pt1 <- mpf_subset_rows(obj, 1) class(pt1) <- setdiff(class(obj), "fakeclass") pt2 <- mpf_subset_rows(obj, 2:32) class(pt2) <- setdiff(class(obj), "fakeclass") list(pt1, pt2) } ) res <- paginate_to_mpfs( dfmf2, pg_width = 4, pg_height = 4, margins = rep(0, 4), min_siblings = 0, verbose = TRUE ) expect_identical(page_lcpp(pg_width = 4, pg_height = 4, margins = rep(0, 4)), list(cpp = 60, lpp = 36)) ## first vertical pagination is "forced" after row 1, ## 2 additional vertical paginations within second "forced page" (3 total) ## 3 horizontal paginations ## 9 pages expect_identical(length(res), 9L) nrs <- vapply(res, mf_nrow, 1) expect_true(all(nrs[1:3] == 1)) expect_true(all(nrs[4:6] == 19)) expect_true(all(nrs[7:9] == 12)) resnls <- vapply(res, function(x) nlines(toString(x)), 1L) expect_true(all(resnls <= 36)) expect_equal(resnls[4], 36) expect_error(paginate_indices(dfmf2), "forced pagination is required for this object") ## diagnose_pagination smoke test coverage ## actual functionality cannot be tested because it relies on capturing ## the message stream which testthat is already doing and ## cannot be piggybacked on. ## the ;TRUE is a hack becasue expect_success didn't do what it seems like it should ## this will fail if the first part befoer the ; throws an error. expect_true({ diagnose_pagination(dfmf, lpp = NULL, cpp = 60) TRUE }) expect_true({ dgnostic <- diagnose_pagination(dfmf, lpp = 60, cpp = NULL) TRUE }) expect_true({ dgnostic <- diagnose_pagination(dfmf2, pg_width = 4, pg_height = 4, margins = rep(0, 4), min_siblings = 0) TRUE }) ## diagnose_pagination when no valid pagination is found expect_true({ dgnostic <- diagnose_pagination(dfmf_b, lpp = 8 + 2, min_siblings = 0, nosplitin = "root_split") TRUE }) }) test_that("page to lcpp stuff works", { expect_identical( page_lcpp(margins = c( top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .65, right = .65 ), font_size = 12), list(cpp = 72, lpp = 60) ) expect_identical( calc_lcpp(), calc_lcpp(page_type = "letter") ) }) test_that("non-monospaced fonts are caught", { ## non-monospaced fonts expect_error(page_lcpp(font_family = "Times"), "does not appear to be monospaced") expect_identical( page_lcpp("a4"), page_lcpp( pg_width = pg_dim_names$a4[[1]], pg_height = pg_dim_names$a4[[2]] ) ) }) test_that("spans and string matrix match after pagination when table has single column", { df <- as.data.frame(mtcars[, 1]) test <- basic_matrix_form(df) pag_test <- paginate_to_mpfs(test) expect_identical( dim(pag_test[[1]]$spans), dim(pag_test[[1]]$strings) ) }) test_that("pag_num works in paginate_to_mpfs and export_as_txt", { tst <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars, add_decoration = TRUE) pg_tst <- paginate_to_mpfs(tst, page_num = TRUE) print_pg_tst <- lapply(pg_tst, function(x) strsplit(toString(x), "\n")[[1]]) expect_equal(nchar(print_pg_tst[[1]][46]), 105) # 105 seems the default pg_tst <- paginate_to_mpfs(tst, cpp = 50, lpp = 20, page_num = "Non fixed Paging {i} of {n}") print_pg_tst <- lapply(pg_tst, function(x) strsplit(toString(x), "\n")[[1]]) # lpp is respected expect_true(all(sapply(lengths(print_pg_tst), function(x) x <= 20))) # cpp is respected exactly for last line (pages) expect_true(all(sapply(print_pg_tst, function(x) nchar(tail(x, 1)) == 50))) # page_num is respected expect_identical( print_pg_tst[[1]][20], " Non fixed Paging 1 of 18" ) expect_identical( print_pg_tst[[4]][20], " Non fixed Paging 4 of 18" ) # lets go to the minimum cpp and break it -> propose_column_widths(tst) expect_error( pg_tst_off <- paginate_to_mpfs(tst, cpp = 19 + 5 + 3, # rownames + max colwidths + 3 (extra colgap) lpp = 20, page_num = "This is too long, it is breaking" ), "Page numbering string \\(page_num\\) is too wide to fit the desired page size width \\(cpp\\)." ) # Very stringent test with export_as_txt pg_tst_exp <- export_as_txt(tst, cpp = 50, lpp = 20, page_num = "Non fixed Paging {i} of {n}", page_break = "OoOoO" ) pages_tst_exp <- lapply(strsplit(pg_tst_exp, "OoOoO")[[1]], function(x) strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]) expect_equal(pages_tst_exp, print_pg_tst) }) test_that("colwidths and num_rep_cols work when using lists of tables and listings", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars, ignore_rownames = TRUE) blmf <- basic_listing_mf(mtcars, keycols = c("vs", "gear")) expect_equal(num_rep_cols(bmf), 0L) expect_equal(num_rep_cols(blmf), 2L) l_mf <- list(bmf, blmf) output <- export_as_txt(l_mf, page_num = "page {i} of {n}", cpp = 90, colwidths = rep(8, 11)) nchar_lines <- sapply(strsplit(output, "\n")[[1]], nchar) expect_equal(max(nchar_lines), 90) expect_true(grepl(names(nchar_lines)[length(nchar_lines)], pattern = "page 4 of 4")) expect_equal(unname(nchar_lines[length(nchar_lines)]), 90) # last line is full (page number) sorted_tnl <- sort(table(nchar_lines), decreasing = TRUE) expect_equal(unname(sorted_tnl[names(sorted_tnl) == "90"]), 4) # there are 4 pages (with page number) expect_equal(names(sorted_tnl[c(1, 2)]), c("85", "52")) expect_error( export_as_txt(l_mf, colwidths = rep(8, 10)), "non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol" ) expect_silent( output <- export_as_txt(l_mf, page_num = "page {i} of {n}", cpp = 90, colwidths = rep(8, 11), num_rep_cols = 2) ) }) test_that("rep_cols works as intended for listings and tables", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars, ignore_rownames = FALSE) blmf <- basic_listing_mf(mtcars, keycols = c("vs", "gear")) expect_equal(num_rep_cols(bmf), 0L) # repeated rowlabels are excluded from num_rep_cols expect_equal(num_rep_cols(blmf), 2L) out <- export_as_txt(bmf, rep_cols = 2, cpp = 90) %>% strsplit("\n") %>% unlist() expect_true(grepl(out[35], pattern = "mpg")) # mpg is repeated expect_true(grepl(out[35], pattern = "cyl")) # cyl is repeated out <- export_as_txt(blmf, cpp = 70) %>% strsplit("\n") %>% unlist() expect_true(grepl(out[51], pattern = "vs")) # vs is repeated expect_true(grepl(out[51], pattern = "gear")) # gear is repeated out <- export_as_txt(blmf, rep_cols = 1, cpp = 70) %>% strsplit("\n") %>% unlist() expect_true(grepl(out[51], pattern = "vs")) # vs is repeated expect_false(grepl(out[51], pattern = "gear")) # gear is NOT repeated })