values <- c(5.123456, 7.891112) test_that("Default horizontal separator works", { expect_true(is.null(getOption("formatters_default_hsep"))) expect_error(set_default_hsep("foo")) expect_silent(set_default_hsep("a")) expect_equal(default_hsep(), "a") expect_silent(set_default_hsep(NULL)) expect_true(default_hsep() %in% c("\u2014", "-")) }) test_that("Default horizontal separator works", { expect_true(is.null(getOption("formatters_default_page_number"))) expect_true(is.null(default_page_number())) expect_silent(set_default_page_number("page {i} of {n}")) expect_equal(default_page_number(), "page {i} of {n}") expect_silent(set_default_page_number(NULL)) expect_true(is.null(default_page_number())) }) test_that("make_row_df produces custom error message if used on MatrixPrintForm", { # To cover generic that does use {rtables} obj (no circular deps) expect_error( make_row_df(basic_matrix_form(iris)), "MatrixPrintForm" ) }) test_that("formats work", { ## listing supported formats and enuring they all read as valid forms <- list_valid_format_labels() res <- sapply(forms, function(vc) all(sapply(vc, is_valid_format))) expect_true(all(res)) ## core formatter tests for format strings expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx"), paste(values[1]) ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx."), "5" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.x"), "5.1" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.xx"), "5.12" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = ""), "5.123" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.xxxx"), "5.1235" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx%"), paste0(values[1] * 100, "%") ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.%"), "512%" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.x%"), "512.3%" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = "xx.xx%"), "512.35%" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = ""), "512.346%" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = ">999.9"), "5.1" ) expect_identical( format_value(10000, format = ">999.9"), ">999.9" ) expect_identical( format_value(values[1], format = ">999.99"), "5.12" ) expect_identical( format_value(10000, format = ">999.99"), ">999.99" ) expect_identical( format_value(.0004, format = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"), "0.0004" ) expect_identical( format_value(.00004, format = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"), "<0.0001" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx / xx"), paste(values, collapse = " / ") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx. / xx."), "5 / 8" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x / xx.x"), "5.1 / 7.9" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.xx / xx.xx"), "5.12 / 7.89" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = " /"), "5.123 / 7.891" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx%)"), paste0(values[1], " (", values[2] * 100, "%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.%)"), paste0(values[1], " (789%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx. (xx.%)"), paste0(5, " (789%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.x%)"), paste0(values[1], " (789.1%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.xx%)"), paste0(values[1], " (789.11%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x (xx.x%)"), "5.1 (789.1%)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.xx (xx.xx%)"), "5.12 (789.11%)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x (xx.x%)"), "5.1 (789.1%)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(xx, xx)"), paste0("(", values[1], ", ", values[2], ")") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(xx., xx.)"), "(5, 8)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(xx.x, xx.x)"), "(5.1, 7.9)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)"), "(5.12, 7.89)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(,"), "(5.123, 7.891)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)"), "(5.1235, 7.8911)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx - xx"), paste(values, collapse = " - ") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x - xx.x"), "5.1 - 7.9" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.xx - xx.xx"), "5.12 - 7.89" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx%)"), paste0(values[1], " (", values[2] * 100, "%)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx)"), paste0(values[1], " (", values[2], ")") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.)"), paste0(values[1], " (8)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.x)"), paste0(values[1], " (7.9)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx (xx.xx)"), paste0(values[1], " (7.89)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx. (xx.)"), paste0(5, " (8)") ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x (xx.x)"), "5.1 (7.9)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"), "5.12 (7.89)" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x, xx.x"), "5.1, 7.9" ) expect_identical( format_value(values, format = "xx.x to xx.x"), "5.1 to 7.9" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(values, 10.1235), format = "xx. (xx. - xx.)"), "5 (8 - 10)" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(values, 10.1235), format = "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)"), "5.1 (7.9 - 10.1)" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(values, 10.1235), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx - xx.xx)"), "5.12 (7.89 - 10.12)" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(values, 10.1235), format = " ( -"), "5.123 (7.891 - 10.124)" ) expect_identical(format_value(NULL, "xx"), "") expect_identical( format_value(5.123, "xx.x", output = "html"), list("5.1" = htmltools::tagList(format_value(5.123, "xx.x"), NULL)) ) expect_identical(format_value(c(500, 1), "N=xx (xx%)"), "N=500 (100%)") expect_identical(format_value(c(500), "N=xx"), "N=500") expect_identical(format_value(c(500), "(N=xx)"), "(N=500)") ## errors expect_error(format_value(5.1, "abcd"), "unknown format label") expect_error(format_value(5.1, "xx - xx"), "are of different length") expect_error(format_value(c(5.1, 2, 3), "xx - xx"), "are of different length") ## handling NAs results <- vapply(forms[["1d"]], function(fmt) format_value(NA, format = fmt), "") justnastr <- results == "NA" expect_true(all(justnastr)) expect_identical( format_value(NA, "xx.", na_str = "-"), "-" ) expect_identical( format_value(NA, "xx", na_str = "-"), "-" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(1, NA), "xx"), c("1", "NA") ) ## trailing 0s are correct expect_identical(format_value(0, "xx."), "0") expect_identical(format_value(0, "xx.x"), "0.0") expect_identical(format_value(0, "xx.xx"), "0.00") expect_identical(format_value(0, ""), "0.000") expect_identical(format_value(0, "xx.xxxx"), "0.0000") expect_identical( format_value(c(NA, NA), format = "xx.x - xx.x", na_str = c("hi", "lo")), "hi - lo" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(NA, NA), format = "xx.x - xx.x", na_str = "what"), "what" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(NA, 5.2), format = "xx.x - xx.x", na_str = "what"), "what - 5.2" ) expect_identical( format_value(c(NA, 5.2), format = "xx.x - xx.x", na_str = c("hi", "lo")), "hi - 5.2" ) expect_identical( format_value(NA, format = "xx.x", na_str = character()), "NA" ) expect_identical( format_value(NA, format = "xx.x", na_str = NA_character_), "NA" ) }) test_that("sprintf formats work", { ## sprintf_format functionality myfun <- sprintf_format("hi there %1.4f") expect_true(is_valid_format(myfun)) expect_identical( format_value(pi, format = myfun), "hi there 3.1416" ) }) test_that("labels and miscellany", { thing <- 5.1234 expect_true(is.null(obj_label(thing))) obj_label(thing) <- "hi thing" expect_identical(obj_label(thing), "hi thing") expect_true(is.null(obj_format(thing))) obj_format(thing) <- "xx.x" expect_identical( format_value(thing, obj_format(thing)), "5.1" ) ## labels x <- 15 expect_identical( obj_label(with_label(x, "hi")), "hi" ) mydf <- mtcars lbls <- paste("LBL: ", names(mydf)) var_labels(mydf) <- lbls expect_identical( var_labels(mydf), setNames( lbls, names(mydf) ) ) mydf <- var_relabel(mydf, mpg = "New MPG") expect_identical( var_labels(mydf), c(mpg = "New MPG", setNames( lbls[-1], names(mydf)[-1] )) ) expect_true(all( }) test_that("var_labels works in self-assignment with named values", { # regression test #262 labels <- letters[1:5] var_labels(iris) <- labels old_iris <- iris var_labels(iris) <- var_labels(iris) testthat::expect_identical(old_iris, iris) }) test_that("all valid format labels can be applied without error", { ## additional full smoke test of labels without output checking values2 <- c(values, 987) labs <- list_valid_format_labels() r1 <- vapply( labs[["1d"]], function(lb) { tmp <- format_value(values2[1], lb) TRUE }, NA ) expect_true(all(r1)) r2 <- vapply( labs[["2d"]], function(lb) { tmp <- format_value(values2[1:2], lb) TRUE }, NA ) expect_true(all(r2)) r3 <- vapply( labs[["3d"]], function(lb) { tmp <- format_value(values2, lb) TRUE }, NA ) expect_true(all(r3)) expect_identical( var_labels(data.frame()), character() ) }) ## silly coverage things expect_identical(padstr("hi", 4, "center"), " hi ") expect_identical(padstr("hi", 4, "left"), "hi ") expect_identical(padstr("hi", 4, "right"), " hi") expect_identical(padstr(NA, 4, "center"), "") expect_error(padstr(c("hi", "lo"), 5)) expect_error(padstr(5, "hi")) expect_identical( spans_to_viscell(c(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3)), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) ) expect_equal(nlines(character()), 0) expect_error(page_dim("wakawakawaka")) ## XXX this is a very stupid test that has NO VALUE stupidobj <- NA_real_ obj_na_str(stupidobj) <- "wat" obj_format(stupidobj) <- "xx.x" expect_silent(obj_align(stupidobj) <- "left") # setter for ANY align expect_identical( format_value(stupidobj, format = obj_format(stupidobj), na_str = obj_na_str(stupidobj)), "wat" ) expect_identical(obj_align(stupidobj), "left") # getter for ANY align ## XXX I'm not sure if we use this functionality anywhere ## and as I note in the code implementing it its dangerous and I'm ## not convinced we want it. Remove this test once we learn our lesson ## and remove the list method mylst <- list("hi", c("there\nyou", "person", "ahoy")) expect_equal(nlines(mylst), 5) expect_equal(nlines(list()), 0) ## testing mf_* roundtrip dfmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars) dfmf_wrong <- dfmf mf_nrheader(dfmf_wrong) <- 2 expect_equal(mf_nrheader(dfmf_wrong), 2) mf_nrheader(dfmf_wrong) <- 1 mf_rfnotes(dfmf_wrong) <- c("silly", "stuff") expect_identical(mf_rfnotes(dfmf_wrong), c("silly", "stuff")) ## test indent to big breakage ## note this is a *very* artificial example and I'm not sure how much ## value it has beyodn increasing coverage cwths <- propose_column_widths(dfmf_wrong) cwths[1] <- 10 dfmf_wrong$indent_size <- 15 mf_rinfo(dfmf_wrong)$indent <- 1L expect_error(toString(dfmf_wrong, widths = cwths)) ## annoying direct constructor calls to ensure full coverage strs <- matrix( byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2, c( "lab1", "lab2", "spn_val", "spn_val" ) ) spans <- matrix( byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2, c( 1, 1, 2, 2 ) ) aligns <- matrix(byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2, "center") fmts <- matrix(byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2, "xx") rinfo <- pagdfrow(nm = "row", lab = "row", rnum = 1, pth = "row", extent = 1, rclass = "silly") mpf <- MatrixPrintForm( strings = strs, spans = spans, aligns = aligns, formats = fmts, row_info = rinfo, nlines_header = 1, nrow_header = 1, has_topleft = FALSE ) expect_equal(length(grep("spn_val", toString(mpf))), 1L) ### Decimal Alignment Testing ================ test_that("error when widths are < than decimal aligned values", { df_error <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars) df_error$aligns[, -c(1)] <- "dec_left" expect_error( toString(df_error, widths = c(25, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)), paste0( "Inserted width\\(s\\) for column\\(s\\) disp \\(-1\\), wt \\(-1\\), ", "qsec \\(-1\\) is\\(are\\) not wide enough for the desired alignment." ) ) }) test_that("padstr works with dec_left", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:4, c(1, 6)]) bmf$aligns[-1, -c(1)] <- "dec_left" cw <- propose_column_widths(bmf) + 5 result <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] result_no_cw <- strsplit(toString(bmf, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] nc_res <- sapply(result, nchar, USE.NAMES = FALSE) nc_res_ncw <- sapply(result_no_cw, nchar, USE.NAMES = FALSE) expect_equal(nc_res - 15, nc_res_ncw) expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "-----------------------------", "Mazda RX4 21 2.62 ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 21 2.875", "Datsun 710 22.8 2.32 ", "Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 3.215" ) expect_identical(result_no_cw, expected) }) test_that("padstr works with dec_right", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:4, c(1, 6)]) bmf$aligns[-1, -c(1)] <- "dec_right" result <- strsplit(toString(bmf, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "-----------------------------", "Mazda RX4 21 2.62 ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 21 2.875", "Datsun 710 22.8 2.32 ", "Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 3.215" ) expect_identical(result, expected) }) test_that("padstr works with decimal", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:4, c(1, 6)]) bmf$aligns[-1, -c(1)] <- "decimal" result <- strsplit(toString(bmf, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "-----------------------------", "Mazda RX4 21 2.62 ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 21 2.875", "Datsun 710 22.8 2.32 ", "Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 3.215" ) expect_identical(result, expected) }) test_that("decimal alignments work when there are numbers but no decimal places", { bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:2, c(1, 6)]) bmf2 <- bmf mf_aligns(bmf)[2:3, 2] <- "dec_right" mf_aligns(bmf2)[2:3, 2] <- "right" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) mf_aligns(bmf)[2:3, 2] <- "decimal" mf_aligns(bmf2)[2:3, 2] <- "center" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) mf_aligns(bmf)[2:3, 2] <- "dec_left" mf_aligns(bmf2)[2:3, 2] <- "left" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) }) test_that("behavior of decimal alignments on non-numbers", { ## XXX This may be converted into an error in the future but currently we don't ## have the ability to do that. bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:4, c(1, 6)]) mf_strings(bmf)[-c(1, 2), 2] <- letters[1:3] bmf2 <- bmf mf_aligns(bmf)[-1, 2] <- "decimal" mf_aligns(bmf2)[-1, 2] <- "center" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) mf_aligns(bmf)[-1, 2] <- "dec_left" mf_aligns(bmf2)[-1, 2] <- "left" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) mf_aligns(bmf)[-1, 2] <- "dec_right" mf_aligns(bmf2)[-1, 2] <- "right" expect_identical(toString(bmf), toString(bmf2)) ## handles periods in string values sanely bmf3 <- bmf mf_strings(bmf3)[2, 3] <- "haha sentence." bmf4 <- bmf3 mf_aligns(bmf3)[-1, 2] <- "decimal" mf_aligns(bmf4)[-1, 2] <- "center" ## have to pass it propose_column_widths cause manually modifying ## the string matrix doesn't update the cached default col widths expect_identical( toString(bmf3, propose_column_widths(bmf3)), toString(bmf4, propose_column_widths(bmf4)) ) }) test_that("Decimal alignment: a specific case with larger widths", { hard_c <- c(12345.6, 0.235678, 6.7, 9.26, 1, 11) lhc <- length(hard_c) bmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:lhc, c(1, 6)]) cw0 <- propose_column_widths(bmf) bmf$strings[2:c(lhc + 1), 2] <- as.character(hard_c) bmf$strings[2:c(lhc + 1), 3] <- paste0(hard_c, "%") bmf$formats[2:c(lhc + 1), 3] <- rep("xx%", lhc) # decimal bmf$aligns[, -1] <- "decimal" cw <- cw_err <- propose_column_widths(bmf) expect_equal(sum(cw - cw0), 16) # small check of increased colwidths cw_err[c(2, 3)] <- cw[c(2, 3)] - 6 cw[c(2, 3)] <- cw[c(2, 3)] + 6 er_msg <- paste0( "Inserted width\\(s\\) for column\\(s\\) mpg \\(-6\\), wt \\(-6\\) ", "is\\(are\\) not wide enough for the desired alignment." ) expect_error(toString(bmf, widths = cw_err), er_msg) res_dec <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "------------------------------------------------------------", "Mazda RX4 12345.6 12345.6% ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 0.235678 0.235678% ", "Datsun 710 6.7 6.7% ", "Hornet 4 Drive 9.26 9.26% ", "Hornet Sportabout 1 1% ", "Valiant 11 11% " ) expect_identical(res_dec, expected) # dec_right bmf$aligns[, -1] <- "dec_right" res_decr <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt", "------------------------------------------------------------", "Mazda RX4 12345.6 12345.6% ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 0.235678 0.235678%", "Datsun 710 6.7 6.7% ", "Hornet 4 Drive 9.26 9.26% ", "Hornet Sportabout 1 1% ", "Valiant 11 11% " ) expect_identical(res_decr, expected) # dec_left bmf$aligns[, -1] <- "dec_left" res_decl <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "------------------------------------------------------------", "Mazda RX4 12345.6 12345.6% ", "Mazda RX4 Wag 0.235678 0.235678% ", "Datsun 710 6.7 6.7% ", "Hornet 4 Drive 9.26 9.26% ", "Hornet Sportabout 1 1% ", "Valiant 11 11% " ) expect_identical(res_decl, expected) # decimal mix bmf$aligns[-1, -1] <- rep(c("dec_left", "dec_right", "decimal"), each = 2) bmf$strings[-1, 1] <- bmf$aligns[-1, 2] res_decl <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt ", "------------------------------------------------------------", "dec_left 12345.6 12345.6% ", "dec_left 0.235678 0.235678% ", "dec_right 6.7 6.7% ", "dec_right 9.26 9.26% ", "decimal 1 1% ", "decimal 11 11% " ) expect_identical(res_decl, expected) }) test_that("All supported 1d format cases of decimal alignment", { hard_c_formats <- list_valid_format_labels()$`1d` hard_c <- sapply(hard_c_formats, gsub, pattern = "x", replacement = "1") lhc <- length(hard_c) reduced_df <- mtcars[seq_len(lhc), c(1, 6, 7)] rownames(reduced_df) <- letters[seq_len(lhc)] bmf <- basic_matrix_form(reduced_df) cw <- propose_column_widths(bmf) bmf$strings[2:c(lhc + 1), seq(2, 3)] <- as.character(hard_c) bmf$formats[2:c(lhc + 1), seq(2, 3)] <- hard_c # decimal set.seed(1) bmf$aligns[, 2] <- "decimal" sample_list_aligns <- sample(list_valid_aligns(), size = nrow(bmf$aligns), replace = TRUE ) bmf$strings[, 4] <- bmf$aligns[, 3] <- sample_list_aligns expect_error(cw <- propose_column_widths(bmf), regexp = "*1.1111 | (<0.0001)*") notallowed <- grep("1.1111 | (<0.0001)", bmf$strings[, 2], fixed = TRUE) bmf$aligns[notallowed, c(2, 3)] <- "center" cw <- propose_column_widths(bmf) cw[3] <- cw[3] + 4 res_dec <- strsplit(toString(bmf, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]] expected <- c( " mpg wt left ", "-----------------------------------------------------------", "a 11 11 decimal ", "b 11. 11. left ", "c 11.1 11.1 right ", "d 11.11 11.11 dec_right", "e 11.111 11.111 center ", "f 11.1111 11.1111 dec_left ", "g 11% 11% right ", "h 11.% 11.% center ", "i 11.1% 11.1% center ", "j 11.11% 11.11% left ", "k 11.111% 11.111% dec_right", "l (N=11) (N=11) dec_right", "m N=11 N=11 right ", "n >999.9 >999.9 dec_left ", "o >999.99 >999.99 dec_left ", "p 1.1111 | (<0.0001) 1.1111 | (<0.0001) right " ) expect_identical(res_dec, expected) }) test_that("decimal alignment disallows scientific notation", { reduced_df <- mtcars[seq_len(2), seq_len(2)] rownames(reduced_df) <- letters[seq_len(2)] bmf <- basic_matrix_form(reduced_df) bmf$strings[c(2, 3), 3] <- c(as.character(100000), as.character(0.00001)) bmf$aligns[seq(2, 3), seq(2, 3)] <- "decimal" expect_error(toString(bmf), "formatC") bmf$strings[c(2, 3), 3] <- c(NA, as.character(0.001)) # NA does not interfere mf_col_widths(bmf) <- c(1, 3, 5) expect_silent(toString(bmf)) bmf$strings[c(2, 3), 3] <- c("NE", as.character(0.001)) # NE does not interfere mf_col_widths(bmf) <- c(1, 3, 5) expect_silent(toString(bmf)) }) test_that("All 2d cases for decimal alignment", { formats2d <- list_valid_format_labels()$`2d` hard_c <- sapply(formats2d, gsub, pattern = "x", replacement = "1") reduced_df <- mtcars[seq_along(hard_c), c(1, 6)] rownames(reduced_df) <- formats2d colnames(reduced_df) <- c("dec_left", "decimal") bmf <- basic_matrix_form(reduced_df) bmf$strings[seq(2, length(hard_c) + 1), seq(2, 3)] <- as.character(hard_c) bmf$formats[seq(2, length(hard_c) + 1), seq(2, 3)] <- hard_c bmf$aligns[, 2] <- "decimal" bmf$aligns[, 3] <- "dec_right" bmf$col_widths <- NULL expect_error( res_dec <- strsplit(toString(bmf, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]], regexp = "*first 3 selected from column dec_left*" ) # expected <- c( # " dec_left decimal", # "--------------------------------------------------------------", # "xx / xx 11 / 11 11 / 11 ", # "xx. / xx. 11. / 11. 11. / 11. ", # "xx.x / xx.x 11.1 / 11.1 11.1 / 11.1 ", # "xx.xx / xx.xx 11.11 / 11.11 11.11 / 11.11 ", # " / 11.111 / 11.111 11.111 / 11.111 ", # "N=xx (xx%) N=11 (11%) N=11 (11%) ", # "xx (xx%) 11 (11%) 11 (11%) ", # "xx (xx.%) 11 (11.%) 11 (11.%) ", # "xx (xx.x%) 11 (11.1%) 11 (11.1%) ", # "xx (xx.xx%) 11 (11.11%) 11 (11.11%) ", # "xx. (xx.%) 11. (11.%) 11. (11.%) ", # "xx.x (xx.x%) 11.1 (11.1%) 11.1 (11.1%) ", # "xx.xx (xx.xx%) 11.11 (11.11%) 11.11 (11.11%) ", # "(xx, xx) (11, 11) (11, 11) ", # "(xx., xx.) (11., 11.) (11., 11.) ", # "(xx.x, xx.x) (11.1, 11.1) (11.1, 11.1) ", # "(xx.xx, xx.xx) (11.11, 11.11) (11.11, 11.11) ", # "(, (11.111, 11.111) (11.111, 11.111) ", # "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx) (11.1111, 11.1111) (11.1111, 11.1111)", # "xx - xx 11 - 11 11 - 11 ", # "xx.x - xx.x 11.1 - 11.1 11.1 - 11.1 ", # "xx.xx - xx.xx 11.11 - 11.11 11.11 - 11.11 ", # "xx (xx) 11 (11) 11 (11) ", # "xx. (xx.) 11. (11.) 11. (11.) ", # "xx.x (xx.x) 11.1 (11.1) 11.1 (11.1) ", # "xx.xx (xx.xx) 11.11 (11.11) 11.11 (11.11) ", # "xx (xx.) 11 (11.) 11 (11.) ", # "xx (xx.x) 11 (11.1) 11 (11.1) ", # "xx (xx.xx) 11 (11.11) 11 (11.11) ", # "xx.x, xx.x 11.1, 11.1 11.1, 11.1 ", # "xx.x to xx.x 11.1 to 11.1 11.1 to 11.1 " # ) # # expect_identical(res_dec, expected) }) # fmt_config ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("fmt_config works as expected", { x <- fmt_config() expect_identical(obj_format(x), NULL) expect_identical(obj_na_str(x), "NA") expect_identical(obj_align(x), "center") x <- fmt_config(format = "xx.xx", na_str = "", align = "right") expect_identical(obj_format(x), "xx.xx") expect_identical(obj_na_str(x), "") expect_identical(obj_align(x), "right") # Test setters expect_silent(obj_format(x) <- function() {}) expect_silent(obj_na_str(x) <- "something wrong") expect_silent(obj_align(x) <- "something wrong") })