# 1. Forest Extent -------------------------------------------------------- ## 1.1. Get data -------------------- ## Get study area ccaa_sf <- sf::st_bbox( c(xmin = -7.54293, ymin = 36.02270, xmax = -1.63003, ymax = 40.46953) ) |> sf::st_as_sfc() |> sf::st_as_sf(crs = 4326) ## Using coords (all years) test_that("download with coords works", { skip_on_cran() ## get data galicia_coords <- fd_forest_glad( lat = -7, lon = 43, year = 2020, model = "landcover-change" ) ## check spatraster expect_s4_class(galicia_coords, "SpatRaster") ## check tiles are correct ones expect_equal(basename(terra::sources(galicia_coords)), "00N_040E.tif") expect_equal(names(galicia_coords), "landcover-change_2020") }) ## 2 tiles crop test_that("download two tiles and crop", { skip_on_cran() ## get data ccaa_landcover_crop_sr <- fd_forest_glad( x = ccaa_sf, year = 2020, model = "landcover", crop = TRUE, mask = TRUE ) ## Check extent of cropped expect_equal( as.vector(terra::ext(ccaa_landcover_crop_sr)), as.vector(terra::ext(ccaa_sf)), tolerance = 0.01 ) }) ## 2 tiles no crop test_that("download two tiles without crop", { skip_on_cran() ## get data ccaa_landcover_sr <- fd_forest_glad( x = ccaa_sf, year = 2020, model = "landcover" ) ## check spatraster expect_s4_class(ccaa_landcover_sr, "SpatRasterCollection") ## Check extent of non-cropped expect_equal(as.vector(terra::ext(ccaa_landcover_sr)), c(xmin = -10, xmax = 0, ymin = 30, ymax = 50)) })