context("Format Catalog Tests") cdlst <- read.table(header = TRUE, text =' CODELISTNAME RANK CODEDVALUE TRANSLATED LBNRIND 1 H High LBNRIND 2 L Low LBNRIND 3 N Normal LBTESTCD 1 ALB Albumin LBTESTCD 2 ALP "Alkaline Phosphatase" LBTESTCD 3 ALT "Alanine Aminotransferase" LBTESTCD 4 AST "Aspartate Aminotransferase" LBTESTCD 5 BILDIR "Direct Bilirubin" LBTESTCD 6 BILI Bilirubin LBTESTCD 7 GGT "Gamma Glutamyl Transferase" LBTESTCD 8 HCT Hematocrit LBTESTCD 9 HGB Hemoglobin LBTESTCD 10 PROT Protein LBTESTCD 11 GLUC Glucose RACE 1 "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN" "Black or African American" RACE 2 ASIAN Asian RACE 3 WHITE White SEX 1 F Female SEX 2 M Male SEX 3 U Unknown') options("logr.output" = FALSE) test_that("fcat1: fcat() function works as expected", { c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other")) ) expect_equal(class(c1)[1], "fcat") expect_equal(length(c1), 2) expect_equal(names(c1)[1], "lblA") }) test_that("fcat2: function works as expected", { c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A", order = 2), condition(x == "B", "Label B", order = 1), condition(TRUE, "Other", order = 3)), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblC = "%d%b%Y", lblD = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ","), lblE = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B") ) dat <- expect_equal(nrow(dat), 9) expect_equal(as.character(dat[1, 1]), "lblA") expect_equal(as.character(dat[4, 1]), "lblB") expect_equal(as.character(dat[7, 1]), "lblC") expect_equal(as.character(dat[7, 2]), "S") }) test_that("fcat3: function works as expected", { c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A", order = 2), condition(x == "B", "Label B", order = 1), condition(TRUE, "Other", order = 3)), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblC = "%d%b%Y", lblD = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ","), lblE = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B") ) dat <- dat c2 <- as.fcat(dat) # print(c1$lblA) # print(dat) # print(c2) # print(c2[["lblA"]]) # print(fapply("B", c2[["lblA"]])) # print(c2[["lblC"]]) expect_equal(length(c2), 5) expect_equal(c2[["lblC"]], "%d%b%Y") expect_equal(fapply("B", c2$lblA), "Label B") expect_equal(fapply("B", c2$lblB), "Other") expect_equal(fapply(as.Date("2020-10-05"), c2[["lblC"]]), "05Oct2020") expect_equal(fapply(1000, c2[["lblD"]]), "1,000") expect_equal(fapply("B", c2[["lblE"]]), "Label B") }) test_that("fcat4: write.fcat and read.fcat functions work as expected.", { fp <- tempdir() c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other")) ) pth <- write.fcat(c1, fp) c2 <- read.fcat(pth) dat <- expect_equal(nrow(dat), 6) expect_equal(as.character(dat[1, 1]), "lblA") expect_equal(as.character(dat[4, 1]), "lblB") }) test_that("fcat5: is.fcat function work as expected.", { c1 <- fcat(num_fmt = "%.1f", label_fmt = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), date_fmt = "%d%b%Y") expect_equal(is.fcat(c1), TRUE) }) test_that("fcat6: fcat can be used for formatting vectors.", { c1 <- fcat(num_fmt = "%.1f", label_fmt = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), date_fmt = "%d%b%Y") res <- c("Label A", "Label B", "Other") expect_equal(fapply(2, c1[["num_fmt"]]), "2.0") expect_equal(fapply(c("A", "B", "C"), c1[["label_fmt"]]), res) expect_equal(fapply(as.Date("2020-05-16"), c1[["date_fmt"]]), "16May2020") }) test_that("fcat7: fcat printing works as expected.", { c1 <- fcat(num_fmt = "%.1f", label_fmt = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), date_fmt = "%d%b%Y") expect_output(print(c1, verbose = TRUE)) expect_output(print(c1)) }) test_that("fcat8: fcat can be applied to a data frame with formats function.", { c1 <- fcat(AGE = "%.1f", CATEGORY = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), BDATE = "%d%b%Y") dat <- data.frame(NAME = c("Fred", "Sally", "Sven"), AGE = c(25.356, 84.345, 56.346), CATEGORY = c("A", "B", "C"), BDATE = c(as.Date("1995-04-24"), as.Date("1940-02-11"), as.Date("1964-11-12"))) formats(dat) <- c1 fdat <- fdata(dat) expect_equal(as.character(fdat[1, "AGE"]), "25.4") expect_equal(as.character(fdat[2, "CATEGORY"]), "Label B") expect_equal(as.character(fdat[1, "AGE"]), "25.4") }) test_that("fcat9: print.fcat works as expected.", { c1 <- fcat(AGE = "%.1f", CATEGORY = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), BDATE = "%d%b%Y", LKUP = c(A = 1, B = 2, C = 3), FUNC = function(x) x + 1) #print(c1) c1 c1$CATEGORY c1$AGE c1$LKUP c1$FUNC #print(c1, verbose = TRUE) expect_equal(TRUE, TRUE) }) test_that("fcat10: as.fcat.fmt_lst works as expected.", { f1 <- flist(AGE = "%.1f", CATEGORY = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), BDATE = "%d%b%Y") c1 <- as.fcat(f1) c1 expect_equal(is.fcat(c1), TRUE) }) test_that("fcat11: as.fcat.list works as expected.", { l1 <- list(AGE = "%.1f", CATEGORY = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), BDATE = "%d%b%Y") c1 <- as.fcat(l1) c1 expect_equal(is.fcat(c1), TRUE) }) test_that("fcat12: as.fcat.tbl_df works as expected.", { c1 <- fcat(AGE = "%.1f", CATEGORY = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), BDATE = "%d%b%Y") df <- tb <- tibble::as_tibble(df) c2 <- as.fcat(tb) c2 expect_equal(is.fcat(c2), TRUE) }) test_that("fcat13: row_limit parameter works as expected", { c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A", order = 2), condition(x == "B", "Label B", order = 1), condition(TRUE, "Other", order = 3)), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblC = "%d%b%Y", lblD = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ","), lblE = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B") ) if (FALSE) { print(c1) print(c1, row_limit = NULL) print(c1, row_limit = 3) print(c1, row_limit = 7) } expect_equal(TRUE, TRUE) }) test_that("fcat14: print.fcat function works as expected", { c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblB = function(x) format(x, width = 4), lblC = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B") ) expect_equal(class(c1)[1], "fcat") expect_equal(length(c1), 3) expect_equal(names(c1)[1], "lblA") res <- capture.output(print(c1)) expect_equal(length(res) > 1, TRUE) }) # This is a test of printing to console. No real test. test_that("fcat15: log parameter works as expected.", { # Prints to console c1 <- fcat(lblA = c(A = 1, B = 2), lblB = "%1.1f" ) # Does not print to console c1 <- fcat(lblA = c(A = 1, B = 2), lblB = "%1.1f", log = FALSE ) expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("fcat16: import.fcat works as expected.", { res <- import.fcat(cdlst, name = "CODELISTNAME", value = "CODEDVALUE", label = "TRANSLATED") res expect_equal(length(res), 4) expect_equal(names(res), c("LBNRIND", "LBTESTCD", "RACE", "SEX")) expect_equal(length(res$SEX), 3) expect_equal(length(res$LBNRIND), 3) expect_equal(length(res$LBTESTCD), 11) expect_equal(length(res$RACE), 3) res$SEX res1 <- fapply(c("M", "F", "M"), res$SEX) expect_equal(res1[1], "Male") }) test_that("fcat4: write.fcat and read.fcat functions retain as.factor parameter.", { fp <- tempdir() c1 <- fcat(lblA = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), condition(x == "B", "Label B"), condition(TRUE, "Other")), lblB = value(condition(x == "C", "Label C"), condition(x == "D", "Label D"), condition(TRUE, "Other"), as.factor = TRUE) ) pth <- write.fcat(c1, fp) c2 <- read.fcat(pth) expect_equal(attr(c2$lblA, "as.factor"), FALSE) expect_equal(attr(c2$lblB, "as.factor"), TRUE) })