test_that("sf coordinate unification", { sf_coords <- sf::st_coordinates(fmexample$loc_sf) expect_error( { fm_coords <- fm_unify_coords(fmexample$loc_sf) }, NA ) expect_equal(fm_coords, cbind(sf_coords, 0.0), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("sf standards compliance: basic polygons", { out <- matrix(c(0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) hole1 <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) hole2 <- matrix(c(5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) goodp1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(out)) expect_true(st_check_polygon(goodp1)) goodp2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(out, hole1, hole2)) expect_true(st_check_polygon(goodp2)) # A "hole" outside the main ring badp1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(out, hole1, hole2, out + 15)) expect_false(st_check_polygon(badp1)) # A "hole" overlapping another hole badp2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(out, hole1, hole1 + 1)) expect_false(st_check_polygon(badp2)) }) # FL note: see the fm_segm documentation for the idx and is.bnd arguments # sf stores polygons with repeated coordinates for the first and last point, # whereas fm_segm requires the index into loc to do that job; # For is.bnd=TRUE, the idx default closes the polygon, but not for is.bnd=FALSE, # which is used for "linestring" type information. # Further note: fm_segm has two ways of specifying the index; # as a sequence, or as a two-column matrix. But it is always stored as a two # column matrix, with no general guarantee that one line connects to the one in # the next row. # This makes conversion to sp and sf polygons more difficult, which is why there # isn't a general fm_as_sp.fm_segm method. There is some code in various places, # including in 'excursions' that could be used as a starting point to doing it # properly for sf conversion. # This work has been started; see fm_as_sfc.fm_segm() # # The fm_as_inla_mesh_segment.SpatialPoints method had a bug, w.r.t is.bnd # handling, and has now been fixed. # # When relying on ring orientation, need to ensure that stored sf objects # are in correct sf standard CCW orientation; sf doesn't take into account # that geos has CW as canonical orientation, so output from st_* function # do not always follow the sf standard: # sfc <- sf::st_sfc(x, check_ring_dir = TRUE) # See https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/2096 test_that("Conversion from sfc_POINT to fm_segm", { ## sfc_POINT ## # compare fm_segm with matrix input # to fm_as_segm with sf point input # matrix version loc.bnd <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), 4, 2, byrow = TRUE) segm.bnd <- fm_segm(loc.bnd, is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) # sf version loc.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(loc.bnd), coords = c(1, 2) ) segm.bnd.sf <- fm_as_segm(loc.sf, is.bnd = TRUE) expect_identical(segm.bnd.sf, segm.bnd) # str(segm.bnd) # str(segm.bnd.sf) crs <- sf::st_crs(sf::st_geometry(loc.sf)) # check warning message for xyz (there shouldn't be one) loc.sf.xyz <- sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(cbind(loc.bnd, 1)), coords = c(1, 2, 3) ) class(loc.sf.xyz) class(sf::st_geometry(loc.sf.xyz)) class(sf::st_geometry(loc.sf.xyz)[[1]]) expect_no_warning(fm_as_segm(loc.sf.xyz)) }) test_that("Conversion between sfc_(MULTI)LINESTRING and fm_segm", { ## sfc_LINESTRING ## pts1 <- rbind(c(0, 3, 0), c(0, 4, 0), c(1, 5, 0), c(2, 5, 0)) pts2 <- rbind(c(1, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 0), c(0, -1, 0), c(-2, -2, 0)) seg1 <- fm_segm( loc = pts1, idx = seq_len(nrow(pts1)), is.bnd = FALSE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg2 <- fm_segm( loc = pts2, idx = seq_len(nrow(pts2)), is.bnd = FALSE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg <- fm_segm_join( list(seg1, seg2), grp = seq_len(2) ) expect_identical(seg$grp, rep(1:2, each = 3)) line_str1 <- sf::st_linestring(pts1) line_str2 <- sf::st_linestring(pts2) line_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(list(line_str1, line_str2)) line_sf <- sf::st_sf(geometry = line_sfc) seg_from_sf <- fm_as_segm(line_sf) expect_identical(seg_from_sf, seg) seg_to_sf <- fm_as_sfc(seg) expect_identical(fm_as_segm(sf::st_geometry(line_sf)), seg) expect_identical(sf::st_geometry(line_sf), fm_as_sfc(seg)) seg_to_sf2 <- fm_as_sfc(seg, multi = TRUE) seg_one_group <- seg seg_one_group$grp <- rep(1L, nrow(seg$idx)) expect_identical( fm_as_segm(sf::st_union(sf::st_geometry(line_sf))), seg_one_group ) expect_identical( sf::st_union(sf::st_geometry(line_sf)), fm_as_sfc(seg, multi = TRUE) ) # str(seg) # str(seg_sf) }) test_that("Conversion from sfc_POLYGON to fm_segm", { ## sfc_POLYGON ## # covering (CCW) pts0 <- rbind(c(-7, -7), c(7, -7), c(7, 7), c(-7, 7), c(-7, -7)) pts0b <- pts0 + 10 pts1 <- rbind(c(0, 3), c(0, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 5), c(0, 3)) # hole (CW) pts2 <- rbind(c(1, 2), c(0, 0), c(0, -1), c(-2, -2), c(1, 2)) # hole (CW) pts0 <- cbind(pts0, 0) pts0b <- cbind(pts0b, 0) pts1 <- cbind(pts1, 0) pts2 <- cbind(pts2, 0) seg0 <- fm_segm( loc = pts0[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg0b <- fm_segm( loc = pts0b[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg1 <- fm_segm( loc = pts1[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg2 <- fm_segm( loc = pts2[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg <- fm_segm_join(list(seg0, seg1, seg2, seg0b), grp = c(1, 1, 1, 2) ) expect_identical(seg$grp, rep(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L), each = 4)) line_str1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0, pts1, pts2)) line_str2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0b)) line_sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(list(line_str1, line_str2)) line_sf <- sf::st_sf(geometry = line_sfc) seg_sf <- fm_as_segm(line_sf) expect_identical(seg_sf, seg) # Not yet supported (2023-07-26) # expect_identical(line_sf, fm_as_sfc(seg)) # str(seg) # str(seg_sf) }) test_that("Conversion from sfc_MULTIPOLYGON to fm_segm", { ## sfc_MULTIPOLYGON ## # covering (CCW) pts0 <- rbind(c(-7, -7), c(7, -7), c(7, 7), c(-7, 7), c(-7, -7)) pts0b <- pts0 + 15 pts1 <- rbind(c(0, 3), c(0, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 5), c(0, 3)) # hole (CW) pts2 <- rbind(c(1, 2), c(0, 0), c(0, -1), c(-2, -2), c(1, 2)) # hole (CW) seg0 <- fm_segm( loc = pts0[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg0b <- fm_segm( loc = pts0b[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg1 <- fm_segm( loc = pts1[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg2 <- fm_segm( loc = pts2[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg_1 <- fm_segm_join(list(seg0, seg1, seg2, seg0b), grp = 1 ) expect_identical(seg_1$grp, rep(c(1L), each = 16)) seg_2 <- fm_segm_join( list( seg0, seg1, seg2, seg0b, seg0, seg1, seg2, seg0b ), grp = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2) ) expect_identical(seg_2$grp, rep(c(1L, 2L), each = 16)) line_str1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0, pts1, pts2)) line_str2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0b)) line_sfc <- sf::st_sfc(list(line_str1, line_str2), check_ring_dir = TRUE) line_sfc_c <- sf::st_combine(line_sfc) line_sfc_c <- c(line_sfc_c, line_sfc_c) seg_sf_c <- fm_as_segm(line_sfc_c) expect_identical(seg_sf_c, seg_2) # sf::st_union might return CW order since that's the canonical geos ordering, # and sf doesn't account for that, despite the sf standard being CCW ordering. # The conversion functions start by ensuring appropriate ordering. line_sfc_u <- sf::st_union(line_sfc) seg_sf_u <- fm_as_segm(line_sfc_u) minimal_shift <- function(a, b) { minimal_shift <- NA minimum <- Inf n <- nrow(b) for (shift in seq_len(n) - 1L) { val <- max(abs(a - b[(shift + seq_len(n) - 1L) %% n + 1L, ])) if (val < minimum) { minimal_shift <- shift minimum <- val } } b[(minimal_shift + seq_len(n) - 1L) %% n + 1L, ] } expect_equal(nrow(seg_sf_u$loc), 4 * 4) B <- minimal_shift(seg_sf_u$loc[1:4, ], seg_1$loc[1:4, ]) expect_identical(seg_sf_u$loc[1:4, ], B) B <- minimal_shift(seg_sf_u$loc[4 + 1:4, ], seg_1$loc[4 + 1:4, ]) expect_identical(seg_sf_u$loc[4 + 1:4, ], B) B <- minimal_shift(seg_sf_u$loc[8 + 1:4, ], seg_1$loc[8 + 1:4, ]) expect_identical(seg_sf_u$loc[8 + 1:4, ], B) B <- minimal_shift(seg_sf_u$loc[12 + 1:4, ], seg_1$loc[12 + 1:4, ]) expect_identical(seg_sf_u$loc[12 + 1:4, ], B) }) test_that("Conversion from sfc_GEOMETRY to fm_segm", { ## sfc_GEOMETRY ## # covering (CCW) pts0 <- rbind(c(-7, -7), c(7, -7), c(7, 7), c(-7, 7), c(-7, -7)) pts0b <- pts0 + 15 pts1 <- rbind(c(0, 3), c(0, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 5), c(0, 3)) # hole (CW) pts2 <- rbind(c(1, 2), c(0, 0), c(0, -1), c(-2, -2), c(1, 2)) # hole (CW) seg0 <- fm_segm( loc = pts0[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg0b <- fm_segm( loc = pts0b[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg1 <- fm_segm( loc = pts1[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg2 <- fm_segm( loc = pts2[1:4, , drop = FALSE], is.bnd = TRUE, crs = fm_crs() ) seg_1 <- fm_segm_join( list(seg0, seg1, seg2, seg0b, seg0b), grp = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2) ) expect_identical(seg_1$grp, rep(c(1L, 2L), times = c(16, 4))) line_str1 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0, pts1, pts2)) line_str2 <- sf::st_polygon(list(pts0b)) line_sfc1 <- sf::st_combine(sf::st_sfc(list(line_str1, line_str2), check_ring_dir = TRUE )) line_sfc2 <- sf::st_sfc(list(line_str2), check_ring_dir = TRUE) line_sfc <- c(line_sfc1, line_sfc2) expect_s3_class(line_sfc, "sfc_GEOMETRY") seg_sf <- fm_as_segm(line_sfc) expect_identical(seg_sf, seg_1) }) test_that("Conversion from fm_mesh_2d to sfc", { mesh_m_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, format = "mesh") expect_warning( mesh_b_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, format = "bnd"), "fm_as_sfc currently only supports" ) mesh_i_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, format = "int") mesh_l_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, format = "loc") expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_m_sfc)), rep("POLYGON", nrow(fmexample$mesh$graph$tv)) ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_b_sfc)), "LINESTRING" ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_i_sfc)), "LINESTRING" ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_l_sfc)), rep("POINT", nrow(fmexample$mesh$loc)) ) mesh_m_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, multi = TRUE, format = "mesh") expect_warning( mesh_b_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, multi = TRUE, format = "bnd"), "fm_as_sfc currently only supports" ) mesh_i_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, multi = TRUE, format = "int") mesh_l_sfc <- fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, multi = TRUE, format = "loc") expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_m_sfc)), "MULTIPOLYGON" ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_b_sfc)), "MULTILINESTRING" ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_i_sfc)), "MULTILINESTRING" ) expect_equal( as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(mesh_l_sfc)), "MULTIPOINT" ) })