library(flint) ## Test that length(new(., length = value)) == value ## length(new(., x = value)) == length(value). cl <- c("ulong", "slong", "fmpz", "fmpq", "mag", "arf", "acf", "arb", "acb") n <- length(cl):1L a <- .mapply(new, list(cl, length = n), NULL) b <- .mapply(new, list(cl, x = lapply(n, raw)), NULL) stopifnot(identical(lapply(a, length), as.list(n)), identical(lapply(b, length), as.list(n))) ## Test implicit default values of initializers. new.fmpq <- function (Class, num = 0L, den = 1L, ...) new(Class, num = num, den = den) new.arb <- function (Class, mid = 0, rad = 0, ...) new(Class, mid = mid, rad = rad) new.acf <- new.acb <- function (Class, real = 0, imag = 0, ...) new(Class, real = real, imag = imag) e <- expression(new(, 1), ) for (s in list(c("fmpq", "num", "den"), c( "arb", "mid", "rad"), c( "acf", "real", "imag"), c( "acb", "real", "imag"))) { e[[c(1L, 2L)]] <- s[1L] e[[2L]] <- e[[1L]] e[[c(2L, 1L)]] <-"new.", s[1L])) for (nm in s[-1L]) { for (i in 1:2) names(e[[i]])[3L] <- nm print(e) v <- lapply(e, eval) stopifnot(flintIdentical(v[[1L]], v[[2L]])) } } ## Test recycling of initializers. . <- integer(0L); a <- 1:2; b <- 3:4; aa <- c(a, a); bb <- c(b, b) e <- expression(new(, a, bb), new(, aa, bb), new(, ., bb), new(, ., .)) for (s in list(c("fmpq", "num", "den"), c( "arb", "mid", "rad"), c( "acf", "real", "imag"), c( "acb", "real", "imag"))) { for (p in list(1:2, 2:1)) { for (i in 1:4) { e[[c(i, 2L)]] <- s[1L] names(e[[i]])[3:4] <- s[-1L][p] } print(e) v <- lapply(e, eval) stopifnot(flintIdentical(v[[1L]], v[[2L]]), flintIdentical(v[[3L]], v[[4L]])) } } ## Test single initialization of 'fmpq'. x <- c(-10, -0.125, 0, 1.25, 2.5) a <- new("fmpq", x = x) b <- new("fmpq", num = c(-10L, -1L, 0L, 5L, 5L), den = c( 1L, 8L, 1L, 4L, 2L)) stopifnot(flintIdentical(a, b)) ## Test single initialization of 'arb'. x <- atan(-2:2) a <- new("arb", x = x) b <- new("arb", mid = x, rad = 0) stopifnot(flintIdentical(a, b)) ## Test single initialization of 'acf', 'acb'. x <- complex(real = exp(-2:2), imaginary = sin(-2:2)) a <- new("acf", x = x) b <- new("acf", real = Re(x), imag = Im(x)) stopifnot(flintIdentical(a, b)) a <- new("acb", x = x) b <- new("acb", real = Re(x), imag = Im(x)) stopifnot(flintIdentical(a, b)) ## Test handling of unrepresentable values. testError <- function (call, l) { call <- substitute(call) fn <- function (value) { call. <-, list(call, list(. = value))) tryCatch({ eval(call.); FALSE }, error = function (e) TRUE) } vapply(l, fn, FALSE) } wl <- flintABI() wd <- .Machine[["double.digits"]] a <- 2^wl b <- 2^max(0L, wl - wd) stopifnot(testError(new("ulong", x = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf, -1, a)), testError(new("slong", x = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf, -a/2 - b*2, a/2)), testError(new("fmpz", x = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf)), testError(new("fmpq", x = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf)), testError(new("fmpq", num = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf)), testError(new("fmpq", den = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN, -Inf, Inf, 0)), testError(new("mag", x = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN)), testError(new("arb", rad = .), list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NaN)))