library(flint) flint:::.initBasic() ## Test that as(, "") and as.() work correctly ## for all 'flint' subclasses and all basic vector types . ## Use 0 and 1 as test cases as these are in the range of every class. ## Allow for imprecision in "mag" conversions which are not exact even ## in exactly representable cases. cl <- c("ulong", "slong", "fmpz", "fmpq", "mag", "arf", "acf", "arb", "acb") cl.complexlike <- cl == "acf" | cl == "acb" basic <- c("raw", "logical", "integer", "double", "numeric", "complex", "vector") zu <- lapply(cl, function (s) new(s, x = c(0, 1))) for (t in basic) { as. <-"as.", t)) as.01 <- list(as.(c(0, 1)), as.(c(0, 1)+0i))[1L + cl.complexlike] as.zu <- lapply(zu, as, t); as.zu. <- lapply(zu, as.) stopifnot(identical(as.zu, as.zu.), identical(as.zu[-5L], as.01[-5L]), all.equal(as.zu[ 5L], as.01[ 5L])) } ## Test that typeof(as.vector(.)) is "complex" for 'acf', 'acb' ## and "double" otherwise. stopifnot(identical(vapply(lapply(zu, as.vector), typeof, ""), c("double", "complex")[1L + cl.complexlike])) ## Test that exactly one condition (a warning) is signaled when ## nonzero imaginary parts are discarded and that no condition is ## signaled otherwise. zi <- .acb(x = 0i) ui <- .acb(x = 1i) tools::assertError(tools::assertCondition(zi.c <- as.complex(zi))) tools::assertError(tools::assertCondition(zi.d <- as.double (zi))) tools::assertError(tools::assertCondition(ui.c <- as.complex(ui))) aw <- tools::assertWarning (ui.d <- as.double (ui)) stopifnot(length(aw) == 1L, identical(zi.c, 0i), identical(zi.d, 0), identical(ui.c, 1i), identical(ui.d, 0))