ft1 <- flextable(data.frame(a = "1 < 3", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
get_xml_doc <- function(tab, main_folder = "docx_folder") {
docx_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
doc <- read_docx()
doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, value = tab)
print(doc, target = docx_file)
main_folder <- file.path(getwd(), main_folder)
unlink(main_folder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
unpack_folder(file = docx_file, folder = main_folder)
doc_file <- file.path(main_folder, "/word/document.xml")
get_xml_ppt <- function(tab, main_folder = "pptx_folder") {
pptx_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
doc <- read_pptx()
doc <- add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc <- ph_with(doc, tab, location = ph_location_type(type = "body"))
print(doc, target = pptx_file)
main_folder <- file.path(getwd(), main_folder)
unlink(main_folder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
unpack_folder(file = pptx_file, folder = main_folder)
doc_file <- file.path(main_folder, "/ppt/slides/slide1.xml")
test_that("docx - string are html encoded", {
main_folder <- "docx_folder"
doc <- get_xml_doc(tab = ft1, main_folder = main_folder)
text_ <- xml_text(xml_find_first(doc, "w:body/w:tbl[1]/w:tr[2]/w:tc/w:p/w:r/w:t"))
expect_equal(text_, c("1 < 3"))
unlink(main_folder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
test_that("pptx - string are html encoded", {
main_folder <- "pptx_folder"
doc <- get_xml_ppt(tab = ft1, main_folder = main_folder)
text_ <- xml_text(xml_find_first(doc, "//a:tbl/a:tr[2]/a:tc/a:txBody/a:p/a:r/a:t"))
expect_equal(text_, c("1 < 3"))
unlink(main_folder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
test_that("html - string are html encoded", {
str_ <- flextable:::gen_raw_html(ft1)
str_ <- gsub("", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("(.*)", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("", "", str_)
str_ <- gsub("", str_, "")
doc <- read_xml(str_)
text_ <- xml_text(xml_find_all(doc, "//table/tbody/tr/td/p"))
expect_equal(text_, c("a", ""))
test_that("newlines and tabulations expand correctly", {
z <- flextable(data.frame(a = c("")))
z <- compose(
x = z, i = 1, j = 1,
value = as_paragraph(
"\n\t", "This", "\n",
"is", "\n", "it", "\n",
z <- delete_part(z, part = "header")
chunks_txt <- information_data_chunk(z)$txt
"this", "
", "is", "
", "it",
", "", "This", "
"is", "
", "it", "
", "this",
"", "is", "", "it", "
"thatsit", "
test_that("word superscript and subscript", {
ft <- flextable(data.frame(a = ""), col_keys = c("dummy"))
ft <- delete_part(ft, part = "header")
ft <- compose(ft,
i = 1, j = "dummy", part = "body",
value = as_paragraph(
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
expect_equal(runs$vertical.align[1], "subscript")
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_wml(ft, txt_data = runs)$run_openxml
expect_match(openxml, "", fixed = TRUE)
ft <- compose(ft,
i = 1, j = "dummy", part = "body",
value = as_paragraph(
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
expect_equal(runs$vertical.align[1], "superscript")
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_wml(ft, txt_data = runs)$run_openxml
expect_match(openxml, "", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("highlight", {
ft <- flextable(data.frame(test = "test"))
ft <- add_footer_lines(ft, values = "test")
ft <- mk_par(ft,
j = "test", part = "body",
value = as_paragraph(
as_highlight(test, color = "yellow")
ft <- mk_par(ft,
j = "test", part = "header",
value = as_paragraph(
as_highlight(test, color = "red")
ft <- mk_par(ft,
j = "test", part = "footer",
value = as_paragraph(
as_highlight(test, color = "purple")
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
expect_equal(runs$shading.color, c("red", "yellow", "purple"))
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_wml(ft, txt_data = runs)$run_openxml
expect_match(openxml[1], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[2], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[3], "", fixed = TRUE)
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_pml(ft)$par_nodes_str
expect_match(openxml[1], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[2], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[3], "", fixed = TRUE)
html_info <- flextable:::runs_as_html(ft)
css <- attr(html_info, "css")
expect_match(css, "background-color:rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.00);}", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(css, "background-color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 1.00);}", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(css, "background-color:rgba(160, 32, 240, 1.00);}", fixed = TRUE)
latex_str <- flextable:::runs_as_latex(ft)$txt
expect_match(latex_str[1], "\\colorbox[HTML]{FF0000}", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(latex_str[2], "\\colorbox[HTML]{FFFF00}", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(latex_str[3], "\\colorbox[HTML]{A020F0}", fixed = TRUE)
rtf_str <- flextable:::runs_as_rtf(ft)$txt
expect_match(rtf_str[1], "%ftshading:red%", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(rtf_str[2], "%ftshading:yellow%", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(rtf_str[3], "%ftshading:purple%", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("as_bracket", {
ft <- flextable(head(iris), col_keys = c("Species", "what"))
ft <- mk_par(ft,
j = "what", part = "body",
value = as_paragraph(
as_bracket(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, sep = "-")
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
runs <- runs[runs$.part %in% "body", ]
"setosa", "(5.1-3.5)", "setosa", "(4.9-3)", "setosa",
"(4.7-3.2)", "setosa", "(4.6-3.1)", "setosa", "(5-3.6)",
"setosa", "(5.4-3.9)"
test_that("as_equation", {
eqs <- c(
"(ax^2 + bx + c = 0)",
"a \\ne 0",
"x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}"
df <- data.frame(formula = eqs)
ft <- flextable(df)
ft <- mk_par(ft,
j = "formula", part = "body",
value = as_paragraph(as_equation(formula, width = 2, height = .5))
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_wml(ft, txt_data = runs)$run_openxml
expect_match(openxml[2], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[3], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[4], "", fixed = TRUE)
openxml <- flextable:::runs_as_pml(ft)$par_nodes_str
expect_match(openxml[2], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[3], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(openxml[4], "", fixed = TRUE)
latex_str <- flextable:::runs_as_latex(ft)$txt
expect_match(latex_str[2], eqs[1], fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(latex_str[3], eqs[2], fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(latex_str[4], eqs[3], fixed = TRUE)
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
html_str <- flextable:::runs_as_html(ft)$span_tag
expect_match(html_str[2], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(html_str[3], "", fixed = TRUE)
expect_match(html_str[4], "", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("as_word_field", {
ft <- flextable(head(cars))
ft <- add_footer_lines(ft, "temp text")
ft <- compose(
x = ft, part = "footer", i = 1, j = 1,
as_word_field(x = "Page", width = .05)
runs <- information_data_chunk(ft)
wml_str <- flextable:::runs_as_wml(ft)
wml_str <- wml_str[wml_str$.part %in% "footer",]$run_openxml[1]
expect_match(wml_str, "Page", fixed = TRUE)