test_that("data.frame", { dummy_df <- data.frame( A = rep(letters[1:3], each = 2), B = seq(0, 1, length = 6) ) ft <- as_flextable(dummy_df) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt, c( "A", "B", "character", "numeric", "a", "0.0", "a", "0.2", "b", "0.4", "b", "0.6", "c", "0.8", "c", "1.0", "n: 6", "n: 6" ) ) ft <- as_flextable(dummy_df[1, ]) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt, c("A", "
", "character", "a", "B", "
", "numeric", "0") ) }) test_that("grouped_data", { my_CO2 <- CO2 setDT(my_CO2) my_CO2$conc <- as.integer(my_CO2$conc) data_co2 <- dcast(my_CO2, Treatment + conc ~ Type, value.var = "uptake", fun.aggregate = mean ) expect_silent( data_co2 <- as_grouped_data(x = data_co2, groups = c("Treatment")) ) expect_equal( data_co2$Treatment[seq_len(2)], factor(c("nonchilled", NA), levels = c("nonchilled", "chilled")) ) expect_equal( data_co2$Treatment[c(8, 9, 10)], factor(c(NA, "chilled", NA), levels = c("nonchilled", "chilled")) ) out_tmp <- data_co2[1, , drop = TRUE] expect_equal(attr(out_tmp, "groups"), "Treatment") expect_equal(attr(out_tmp, "columns"), c("conc", "Quebec", "Mississippi")) expect_equal(unlist(out_tmp, use.names = FALSE), c(1, NA, NA, NA)) expect_s3_class(data_co2, "grouped_data") expect_silent( data_co2 <- as_grouped_data(x = data_co2, groups = c("Treatment"), expand_single = TRUE) ) expect_true(all(is.na(unlist(data_co2[c(12, 13), , drop = TRUE], use.names = FALSE)))) ft <- as_flextable(data_co2) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[seq_len(9)], c("conc", "Quebec", "Mississippi", "Treatment", ": ", "nonchilled", "", "", "") ) expect_equal(information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[15], "95") ft <- as_flextable(data_co2, hide_grouplabel = TRUE) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[seq_len(9)], c("conc", "Quebec", "Mississippi", "nonchilled", "", "", "", "", "") ) }) test_that("glm and lm", { skip_if_not_installed("broom") options("show.signif.stars" = TRUE) dat <- attitude dat$high.rating <- (dat$rating > 70) probit.model <- glm(high.rating ~ learning + critical + advance, data = dat, family = binomial(link = "probit")) expect_silent(ft <- as_flextable(probit.model)) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[5], "Pr(>|z|)" ) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[31], "Signif. codes: 0 <= '***' < 0.001 < '**' < 0.01 < '*' < 0.05" ) lmod <- lm(rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical, data = attitude) ft <- as_flextable(lmod) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[5], "Pr(>|t|)" ) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[44], "Signif. codes: 0 <= '***' < 0.001 < '**' < 0.01 < '*' < 0.05" ) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[72], "F-statistic: 12.06 on 24 and 5 DF, p-value: 0.0000" ) }) test_that("htest", { set.seed(16) M <- as.table(rbind(c(762, 327, 468), c(484, 239, 477))) dimnames(M) <- list( gender = c("F", "M"), party = c("Democrat", "Independent", "Republican") ) ft <- as_flextable(stats::chisq.test(M)) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[6], "0.0000" ) }) test_that("continuous_summary works", { ft_1 <- continuous_summary(iris, names(iris)[1:4], by = "Species", hide_grouplabel = FALSE ) expect_identical( information_data_chunk(ft_1)$txt[c(1, 11, 14, 71)], c("Species", "# na", "Sepal.Length", "setosa") ) }) test_that("transformation of mixed models works", { skip_if_not_installed("broom.mixed") skip_if_not_installed("nlme") m1 <- nlme::lme(distance ~ age, data = nlme::Orthodont) ft <- as_flextable(m1) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[c(18, 108)], c("(Intercept)", "Akaike Information Criterion: 454.6") ) }) test_that("kmeans works", { set.seed(11) cl <- kmeans(scale(mtcars[1:7]), 5) ft <- as_flextable(cl) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[c(37, 163)], c("1.0906", "BSS/TSS ratio: 80.1%") ) }) test_that("partitioning around medoids works", { skip_if_not_installed("cluster") set.seed(11) dat <- as.data.frame(scale(mtcars[1:7])) cl <- cluster::pam(dat, 3) ft <- as_flextable(cl) expect_equal( information_data_chunk(ft)$txt[c(37, 163, 17)], c("", NA, "2.2") ) }) test_that("grouped data exports work", { skip_if_not_local_testing(check_html = TRUE) snap_folder_test_file <- "as_flextable" defer_cleaning_snapshot_directory(snap_folder_test_file) init_flextable_defaults() set_flextable_defaults( post_process_pptx = function(x) { set_table_properties(x, layout = "fixed") |> autofit() } ) data_co2 <- structure( list( Treatment = structure(c(3L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 4L), levels = c("nonchilled", "chilled", "zoubi", "bisou"), class = "factor" ), conc = c(85L, 95L, 175L, 250L, 350L, 500L, 675L, 1000L, 95L, 175L, 250L, 350L, 500L, 675L, 1000L, NA, 1000L), Quebec = c( 12, 15.2666666666667, 30.0333333333333, 37.4, 40.3666666666667, 39.6, 41.5, 43.1666666666667, 12.8666666666667, 24.1333333333333, 34.4666666666667, 35.8, 36.6666666666667, 37.5, 40.8333333333333, 43, 43 ), Mississippi = c( 10, 11.3, 20.2, 27.5333333333333, 29.9, 30.6, 30.5333333333333, 31.6, 9.6, 14.7666666666667, 16.1, 16.6, 16.6333333333333, 18.2666666666667, 18.7333333333333, 19, 19 ) ), row.names = c(NA, -17L), class = "data.frame" ) gdata <- as_grouped_data(x = data_co2, groups = c("Treatment")) ft_1 <- as_flextable(gdata) ft_1 <- colformat_double(ft_1, digits = 2) ft_1 <- set_table_properties(ft_1, layout = "autofit") # pptx grouped-data path <- save_as_pptx(ft_1, path = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "pptx-grouped-data") doconv::expect_snapshot_doc(name = "pptx-grouped-data", x = path, engine = "testthat") # docx grouped-data path <- save_as_docx(ft_1, path = tempfile(fileext = ".docx")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "docx-grouped-data") doconv::expect_snapshot_doc(x = path, name = "docx-grouped-data", engine = "testthat") # html grouped-data path <- save_as_html(ft_1, path = tempfile(fileext = ".html")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "html-grouped-data") doconv::expect_snapshot_html(name = "html-grouped-data", path, engine = "testthat") gdata <- as_grouped_data( x = data_co2, groups = c("Treatment"), expand_single = FALSE ) ft_2 <- as_flextable(gdata) ft_2 <- colformat_double(ft_2, digits = 2) ft_2 <- autofit(ft_2) # pptx grouped-data-no-single path <- save_as_pptx(ft_2, path = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "pptx-grouped-data-no-single") doconv::expect_snapshot_doc(x = path, name = "pptx-grouped-data-no-single", engine = "testthat") # docx grouped-data-no-single path <- save_as_docx(ft_2, path = tempfile(fileext = ".docx")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "docx-grouped-data-no-single") doconv::expect_snapshot_doc(x = path, name = "docx-grouped-data-no-single", engine = "testthat") # html grouped-data-no-single path <- save_as_html(ft_2, path = tempfile(fileext = ".html")) handle_manual_snapshots(snap_folder_test_file, "html-grouped-data-no-single") doconv::expect_snapshot_html(name = "html-grouped-data-no-single", path, engine = "testthat") init_flextable_defaults() })