context("check keep with next") skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("doconv") library(doconv) skip_if_not(doconv::msoffice_available()) skip_if_not(pandoc_version() >= numeric_version("2")) init_flextable_defaults() iris_sum <- summarizor(iris, by = "Species") ft_1 <- as_flextable(iris_sum) ft_1 <- set_caption(ft_1, "a caption") test_that("docx-keep-with-next", { local_edition(3) docx <- read_docx() docx <- body_add_par(docx, value = "a text") docx <- body_add_flextable(docx, ft_1, keepnext = FALSE) docx <- body_add_flextable(docx, ft_1, keepnext = FALSE) expect_snapshot_doc(name = "docx-keep-with-next-false", x = docx, engine = "testthat") docx <- read_docx() docx <- body_add_par(docx, value = "a text") ft_1 <- keep_with_next(ft_1, value = TRUE, part = "all") docx <- body_add_flextable(docx, ft_1) ft_1 <- keep_with_next(ft_1, value = TRUE, part = "all") docx <- body_add_flextable(docx, ft_1) expect_snapshot_doc(name = "docx-keep-with-next-true", x = docx, engine = "testthat") }) rmd_file_0 <- "rmd/captions.Rmd" if (!file.exists(rmd_file_0)) { # just for dev purpose rmd_file_0 <- "tests/testthat/rmd/captions.Rmd" } rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd") file.copy(rmd_file_0, rmd_file, overwrite = TRUE) test_that("rdocx_document and keep-with-next", { local_edition(3) require(doconv) rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd") outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx") file.copy("rmd/keep-next.Rmd", rmd_file) render(rmd_file, output_file = outfile, output_format = "officedown::rdocx_document", envir = new.env(), quiet = TRUE) expect_snapshot_doc(x = outfile, name = "rdocx_document", engine = "testthat") outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx") render(rmd_file, output_format = "word_document", output_file = outfile, envir = new.env(), quiet = TRUE) expect_snapshot_doc(x = outfile, name = "word_document", engine = "testthat") }) init_flextable_defaults()