compare_xlsx <- function(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name, start_col = 1, start_row = 1, offset_caption_rows = 0L, dims = NULL) { # Retrieve offsets if (!is.null(dims)) { dims <- openxlsx2::dims_to_rowcol(dims, as_integer = TRUE) offset_cols <- min(dims[[1]]) - 1L offset_rows <- min(dims[[2]]) - 1L } else { offset_cols <- start_col - 1L offset_rows <- start_row - 1L } # ignore offset if there is no caption if(length(ft$caption$value) == 0) { offset_caption_rows <- 0L } ft_style <- flexlsx:::ft_to_style_tibble(ft, offset_rows = offset_rows, offset_cols = offset_cols, offset_caption_rows = offset_caption_rows) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_load(tmpfile) ft_range <- ft_style |> summarize(across(all_of(c("col_id", "row_id")), list(Min = min, Max = max)), .groups = "drop") |> mutate(r = paste0(openxlsx2::int2col(col_id_Min), row_id_Min, ":", openxlsx2::int2col(col_id_Max), row_id_Max)) ## Check content diff_content <- compare_content(ft, ft_style, ft_range, wb, sheet_name, offset_rows + offset_caption_rows, offset_cols) nrow_diff_content <- nrow(diff_content) expect_equal(nrow_diff_content, 0) if(nrow_diff_content > 0) { print(paste0("Differences in content ", sheet_name, ":")) print(diff_content) } ## TODO: More tests (cell style, text style, ...) } compare_content <- function(ft, ft_style, ft_range, wb, sheet_name, offset_rows, offset_cols) { if(flextable:::has_caption(ft)) offset_rows <- offset_rows + 1L content_target <- select(ft_style, all_of(c("row_id", "col_id", "content"))) |> unnest_legacy() |> group_by(across(all_of(c("row_id", "col_id")))) |> summarize(content = paste0(txt, collapse = ""), .groups = "drop") content_is <- wb$to_df(sheet = sheet_name, dims = ft_range$r, col_names = FALSE) |> mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.x)), row_id = dplyr::row_number() + offset_rows) |> tidyr::pivot_longer(-all_of("row_id")) |> group_by(across(all_of("row_id"))) |> mutate(col_id = dplyr::row_number() + offset_cols) content_is |> dplyr::full_join(content_target, by = c("row_id", "col_id")) |> dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::coalesce(value, ""), content = dplyr::coalesce(content, "")) |> filter(value != content) } test_that("Generation from start to finish works", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") ft <- flextable::as_flextable(table(mtcars[,1:2])) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("mtcars") wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars", ft)$save(tmpfile) compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, "mtcars") }) test_that("Offsets work", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") ft <- flextable::as_flextable(table(mtcars[,1:2])) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet("mtcars_offset_B3")$ add_worksheet("mtcars_offset_52") wb <- wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars_offset_B3", ft, dims = "B3") wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars_offset_52", ft, start_col = 5, start_row = 2)$save(tmpfile) compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name = "mtcars_offset_B3", dims = "B3") compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name = "mtcars_offset_52", start_col = 5, start_row = 2) }) test_that("Simple Caption works", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") ft <- flextable::as_flextable(table(mtcars[,1:2])) ft <- flextable::set_caption(ft, "Simple Caption") wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("mtcars") wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars", ft)$save(tmpfile) compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name = "mtcars") }) test_that("Complex Caption works", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") ft <- flextable::as_flextable(table(mtcars[,1:2])) ft <- flextable::set_caption(ft, caption = flextable::as_paragraph('a ', flextable::as_b('bold'), " and
", flextable::as_i('italic'), ' text
', flextable::as_chunk("Variations!", props = flextable::fp_text_default(color = "orange", = "Courier", underlined = T)) )) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("mtcars") wb_add_flextable(wb, "mtcars", ft, offset_caption_rows = 1L)$save(tmpfile) compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name = "mtcars", offset_caption_rows = 1L) }) test_that("Complex gtsummary works", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") data("Titanic") tibble::as_tibble(Titanic) |> tidyr::uncount(n) |> gtsummary::tbl_strata(strata = "Class", .tbl_fun = \(x) { gtsummary::tbl_summary(x, by="Sex") |> gtsummary::add_difference(everything() ~ "prop.test") }) |> gtsummary::tbl_butcher() |> gtsummary::bold_labels() |> gtsummary::italicize_levels() |> gtsummary::as_flex_table() -> ft wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("titanic") wb_add_flextable(wb, "titanic", ft, offset_caption_rows = 1L)$save(tmpfile) compare_xlsx(ft, tmpfile, sheet_name = "titanic", offset_caption_rows = 1L) }) test_that("Illegal XML characters work", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") to_check <- c("1 (<0.1%)", "1 > 100", "& 1 == 1", "'Hallo'") data.frame(IllegalXML = to_check) |> flextable::flextable() -> ft wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("titanic") wb_add_flextable(wb, "titanic", ft, offset_caption_rows = 1L)$save(tmpfile) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_load(tmpfile) expect_equal(wb$to_df(sheet = "titanic", dims = "A1:A5", col_names = FALSE)$A, c("IllegalXML", "1 (<0.1%)", "1 > 100", "& 1 == 1", "'Hallo'")) }) test_that("Linebreaks work", { skip_if_not_installed("flextable") require("flextable", quietly = TRUE) tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") to_check <- c("Hello
Linebreak", "Hello

Linebreak2", "Ein
Zeilenbrecher", "Zwei
echer") to_check2 = c("Hello kein Linebreak", "Hello ein
Linebreak", "Drei

Zeilenbrecher", "Ein
Zeilenbrecher") data.frame(Linebreak1 = to_check, Linebreak2 = to_check2) |> flextable::flextable() |> flextable::autofit(part = "body")-> ft wb <- openxlsx2::wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("titanic") wb_add_flextable(wb, "titanic", ft, offset_caption_rows = 1L)$save(tmpfile) wb <- openxlsx2::wb_load(tmpfile) expect_equal(wb$to_df(sheet = "titanic", dims = "A1:A5", col_names = FALSE)$A, c("Linebreak1", "Hello\nLinebreak", "Hello\n\n\nLinebreak2", "Ein\nZeilenbrecher", "Zwei\nZeilen\necher")) })