require("fitdistrplus") # (1) Plot of an empirical censored distribution (censored data) as a CDF # using the default Turnbull method # data(smokedfish) plotdistcens(smokedfish) plotdistcens(data.frame(right=smokedfish$right, left=smokedfish$left)) d1 <- plotdistcens(d1) #test on first arg try(plotdistcens(list(left=smokedfish$left, right=smokedfish$right))) try(plotdistcens(cbind(left=smokedfish$left, right=smokedfish$right))) d2 <- data.frame(left=smokedfish$right, right=smokedfish$left) try(plotdistcens(d2)) # (2) Add the CDF of a normal distribution and QQ and PP plots # plotdistcens(smokedfish,"lnorm", para=list(meanlog=-3.6,sdlog=3.5)) plotdistcens(d1,"norm", para=list(mean=-1.6,sd=1.5)) # (3) Various plots of the same empirical distribution # # default Wang plot plotdistcens(d1, NPMLE = TRUE, NPMLE.method = "Wang") plotdistcens(d1, NPMLE = TRUE, NPMLE.method = "Wang", lwd = 3, main = "Wang ECDF plot") # Turnbull plot plotdistcens(d1, NPMLE = TRUE, NPMLE.method = "Turnbull", col = "red", main = "Turnbull ECDF plot") plotdistcens(d1,Turnbull = TRUE) # deprecated way to do it # Turnbull plot with confidence intervals plotdistcens(d1,NPMLE = TRUE, NPMLE.method = "Turnbull", Turnbull.confint = TRUE) plotdistcens(d1,Turnbull = TRUE,Turnbull.confint = TRUE) # deprecated way to do it # with intervals and points plotdistcens(d1,NPMLE = FALSE) plotdistcens(d1,NPMLE = FALSE, col = "red", lwd = 2) plotdistcens(d1,rightNA=3, NPMLE = FALSE) plotdistcens(d1,rightNA=3, Turnbull = FALSE) # deprecated way to do it # with intervals and points # defining a minimum value for left censored values plotdistcens(d1,leftNA=-3, NPMLE = FALSE) # (4) Goodness-of-fit plots for the same dataset after logarithmic transformation # with a lognormal distribution, successively using the three proposed methods # d3 <- smokedfish plotdistcens(d3,"lnorm",para=list(meanlog=-3.6,sdlog=3.5), main = "Wang plot") plotdistcens(d3,"lnorm",para=list(meanlog=-3.6,sdlog=3.5), NPMLE.method = "Turnbull", main = "Turnbull plot") plotdistcens(d3,"lnorm",para=list(meanlog=-3.6,sdlog=3.5), NPMLE = FALSE, leftNA=0, main = "Plot of ordered intervals") # Test with the salinity data set # data(salinity) log10LC50 <-log10(salinity) plotdistcens(log10LC50) plotdistcens(log10LC50, NPMLE.method = "Turnbull") plotdistcens(log10LC50, NPMLE = FALSE) fn <- fitdistcens(log10LC50,"norm") fl <- fitdistcens(log10LC50,"logis") plot(fn) plot(fl)