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Type 'q()' to quit R. > require("fitdistrplus") Loading required package: fitdistrplus Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: survival > > set.seed(123) > > nsample <- 10 > > #-------------------------------------------------------- > # exponential sample > > x1 <- rexp(nsample) > > mseKL_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp") > mseJ_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "J") > mseR2_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=2) > mseR1o2_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=1/2) > mseH3o2_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv=3/2) > mseV3o2_exp <- msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "V", power.phidiv=3/2) > > c(true=1, mseKL_exp$estimate, mseJ_exp$estimate, mseR2_exp$estimate, + mseR1o2_exp$estimate, mseH3o2_exp$estimate, mseV3o2_exp$estimate) true rate rate rate rate rate rate 1.000000 1.336924 1.329121 1.164714 1.195323 1.167898 1.171918 > > > > mseKL_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv="KL") > mseJ_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv = "J") > mseR2_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=2) > mseR1o2_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=1/2) > mseH3o2_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv=3/2) > mseV3o2_exp <- fitdist(x1, "exp", method="mse", phidiv = "V", power.phidiv=3/2) > > > > gofstat(list(mseKL_exp, mseJ_exp, mseR2_exp, mseR1o2_exp, mseH3o2_exp, mseV3o2_exp)) Goodness-of-fit statistics 1-mse-exp 2-mse-exp 3-mse-exp 4-mse-exp 5-mse-exp Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic 0.2549881 0.2566077 0.2916788 0.2850105 0.2909822 Cramer-von Mises statistic 0.1544480 0.1568271 0.2185483 0.2052244 0.2171190 Anderson-Darling statistic 1.0571407 1.0703179 1.4200650 1.3435948 1.4118434 6-mse-exp Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic 0.2901037 Cramer-von Mises statistic 0.2153293 Anderson-Darling statistic 1.4015539 Goodness-of-fit criteria 1-mse-exp 2-mse-exp 3-mse-exp 4-mse-exp Akaike's Information Criterion 13.22043 13.23811 13.78497 13.65601 Bayesian Information Criterion 13.52301 13.54070 14.08756 13.95860 5-mse-exp 6-mse-exp Akaike's Information Criterion 13.77093 13.75341 Bayesian Information Criterion 14.07351 14.05599 > > > cdfcomp(list(mseKL_exp, mseJ_exp, mseR2_exp, mseR1o2_exp, mseH3o2_exp, mseV3o2_exp), do.points=FALSE, + legendtext = c("Kullback-Leibler", "Jeffreys", "Renyi alpha=2", "Renyi alpha=1/2", "Hellinger p=3/2", + "Vajda beta=3/2")) > > qqcomp(list(mseKL_exp, mseJ_exp, mseR2_exp, mseR1o2_exp, mseH3o2_exp, mseV3o2_exp), + legendtext = c("Kullback-Leibler", "Jeffreys", "Renyi alpha=2", "Renyi alpha=1/2", "Hellinger p=3/2", + "Vajda beta=3/2")) > > denscomp(list(mseKL_exp, mseJ_exp, mseR2_exp, mseR1o2_exp, mseH3o2_exp, mseV3o2_exp), demp = TRUE, + legendtext = c("Kullback-Leibler", "Jeffreys", "Renyi alpha=2", "Renyi alpha=1/2", "Hellinger p=3/2", + "Vajda beta=3/2")) > > > #defensive test > > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="ABC")) Error in match.arg(phidiv, c("KL", "J", "R", "H", "V")) : 'arg' should be one of "KL", "J", "R", "H", "V" > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="K", power.phidiv = "a")) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "K", power.phidiv = "a") : is.null(power.phidiv) is not TRUE > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="J", power.phidiv = "a")) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "J", power.phidiv = "a") : is.null(power.phidiv) is not TRUE > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="R", power.phidiv = 0)) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv = 0) : power.phidiv > 0 && power.phidiv != 1 is not TRUE > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="R", power.phidiv = 1:10)) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv = 1:10) : length(power.phidiv) == 1 is not TRUE > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="H", power.phidiv = 0)) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv = 0) : power.phidiv >= 1 is not TRUE > try(msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv="H", power.phidiv = 1:10)) Error in msedist(x1, "exp", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv = 1:10) : length(power.phidiv) == 1 is not TRUE > > > > #-------------------------------------------------------- > # Poisson sample > > x1 <- rpois(nsample, lambda=15) > > #no weight > mseKL_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois", method="mse", phidiv="KL") > mseJ_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "J") > mseR2_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=2) > mseR1o2_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=1/2) > mseH3o2_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv=3/2) > mseV3o2_pois1 <- fitdist(x1, "pois",method="mse", phidiv = "V", power.phidiv=3/2) > > > #with weight > mseKL_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois", method="mse", phidiv="KL", weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > mseJ_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "J", weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > mseR2_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=2, weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > mseR1o2_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "R", power.phidiv=1/2, weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > mseH3o2_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois", method="mse", phidiv = "H", power.phidiv=3/2, weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > mseV3o2_pois2 <- fitdist(unique(sort(x1)), "pois",method="mse", phidiv = "V", power.phidiv=3/2, weights=as.numeric(table(x1))) Warning message: In msedist(data, distname, start = arg_startfix$start.arg, fix.arg = arg_startfix$fix.arg, : weights are not taken into account in the default initial values > > #taking into account partially unbias the estimation of the true cdf > cdfcomp(list(mseKL_pois1, mseJ_pois1, mseR2_pois1), do.points=FALSE, fitlty=1, + legendtext = c("Kullback-Leibler", "Jeffreys", "Renyi alpha=2")) > > cdfcomp(list(mseKL_pois2, mseJ_pois2, mseR2_pois2), do.points=FALSE, add=TRUE, + fitlty=2, addlegend = FALSE, datacol="white") > > > cdfcomp(list(mseR1o2_pois1, mseH3o2_pois1, mseV3o2_pois1), do.points=FALSE, fitlty=1, + legendtext = c("Renyi alpha=1/2", "Hellinger p=3/2", "Vajda beta=3/2")) > > cdfcomp(list(mseR1o2_pois2, mseH3o2_pois2, mseV3o2_pois2), do.points=FALSE, add=TRUE, + fitlty=2, addlegend = FALSE, datacol="white") > > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.07 0.18 1.25