require("fitdistrplus") nsample <- 500 nsample <- 10 visualize <- FALSE # TRUE for manual tests with visualization of results set.seed(1234) # (1) check input data # data(smokedfish) fitsf <- fitdistcens(smokedfish, "lnorm") summary(fitsf) #fitted coef is -3.63 3.54, fitted loglik is -90.7 smokedfish2 <- tail(smokedfish, 20) try(fitdistcens(rbind(smokedfish2, c(NA, NA)) , "lnorm")) try(fitdistcens(rbind(smokedfish2, c(3, Inf)) , "lnorm")) try(fitdistcens(rbind(smokedfish2, c(NaN, 3)) , "lnorm")) try(fitdistcens(rbind(smokedfish2, c(5, 3)) , "lnorm")) fitsf <- fitdistcens(smokedfish, "lnorm", calcvcov = FALSE) # (6) custom optimisation function - example with the genetic algorithm # data(fluazinam) log10EC50 <- log10(fluazinam) summary(fitdistcens(log10EC50, "logis")) #fitted coef is 2.152 0.691 , fitted loglik is -20.6 #wrap genoud function rgenoud package mygenoud <- function(fn, par, ...) { require("rgenoud") res <- genoud(fn, starting.values=par, ...) standardres <- c(res, convergence=0) return(standardres) } # call fitdistcens with a 'custom' optimization function fit.with.genoud <- fitdistcens(log10EC50, "logis", custom.optim=mygenoud, nvars=2, start=list(location=1, scale=1), Domains=cbind(c(0,0), c(5, 5)), boundary.enforcement=1, print.level=1, hessian=TRUE) summary(fit.with.genoud) # (9) check keepdata # if (visualize) # LONG TO RUN ON CRAN AND NEEDS VISALIZATION OF RESULTS { set.seed(1234) x <- rexp(1e3, 5) # x <- data.frame(left=x, right=x+rexp(x, 1/2)) x <- data.frame(left=x, right=x) f1 <- fitdistcens(x, "exp", keepdata=FALSE) f2 <- fitdistcens(x, "exp", keepdata=TRUE) f1$censdata f2$censdata plot(f1) plot(f2) #fitted coef is 5, fitted loglik is 609 } # (9) fixing parameters # x <- rexp(nsample, 5) x <- data.frame(left=x, right=x+.1) f1 <- fitdistcens(x, "gamma", fix.arg=list(shape=1.5)) f1 f1$fix.arg #fitted coef is 1.5, fitted loglik is -14.7 f1 <- fitdistcens(x, "gamma", fix.arg=function(x) list(shape=1.5)) f1 f1$ # (10) weights # data(salinity) salinity.unique <- unique(salinity) string.unique <- paste(salinity.unique$left, salinity.unique$right) string.salinity <- paste(salinity$left, salinity$right) nobs <- nrow(salinity.unique) salinity.weights <- numeric(nobs) for (i in 1:nobs) { salinity.weights[i] <- length(which(string.salinity == string.unique[i])) } cbind(salinity.unique, salinity.weights) (fa <- fitdistcens(salinity, "lnorm")) (fb <- fitdistcens(salinity.unique, "lnorm", weights = salinity.weights)) # should give the same results #fitted coef is 3.385 0.496, fitted loglik is -139 # (11) check the warning messages when using weights in the fit followed by functions # that do not yet take weights into account # with an example to be used later to see if weights are well taken into account # x <- rexp(100, 5) x <- sort(x) x <- data.frame(left=x, right=x+.1) (f <- fitdistcens(x, "gamma", weights=c(rep(10, 50), rep(1, 50)))) try(plot(f)) try(cdfcompcens(f)) (f2 <- fitdistcens(x, "weibull", weights=c(rep(10, 50), rep(1, 50)))) try(cdfcompcens(list(f, f2))) try(bootdistcens(f))