require("fitdistrplus") nbboot <- 100 nbboot <- 10 nsample <- 100 nsample <- 10 visualize <- FALSE # TRUE for manual tests with visualization of results # (1) basic fit of a gamma distribution by maximum likelihood estimation # data(groundbeef) serving <- groundbeef$serving fitg <- fitdist(serving, "gamma") summary(fitg) plot(fitg) cdfcomp(fitg, addlegend=FALSE) #check names names(fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="Brent", lower=0, upper=10, fix.arg=list(shape=2))$estimate) names(fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="Nelder-Mead")$estimate) names(fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="BFGS")$estimate) # names(fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="CG", start=list(shape=4, rate=1/20))$estimate) if(visualize) { # check ERROR on aarch64-apple-darwin20.4.0 (64-bit) (2021/05/12) set.seed(1234) names(fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0)$estimate) } # (7) custom optimization function # #create the sample set.seed(1234) mysample <- rexp(nsample, 5) mystart <- list(rate=8) res1 <- fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart, optim.method="Nelder-Mead") #show the result summary(res1) #the warning tell us to use optimise, because the Nelder-Mead is not adequate. #to meet the standard 'fn' argument and specific name arguments, we wrap optimize, myoptimize <- function(fn, par, ...) { res <- optimize(f=fn, ..., maximum=FALSE) #assume the optimization function minimize standardres <- c(res, convergence=0, value=res$objective, par=res$minimum, hessian=NA) return(standardres) } #call fitdist with a 'custom' optimization function res2 <- fitdist(mysample, dexp, start=mystart, custom.optim=myoptimize, interval=c(0, 100)) #show the result summary(res2) # (8) custom optimization function - another example with the genetic algorithm # if(any(installed.packages()[,"Package"] == "rgenoud") && visualize) { #set a sample fit1 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma") summary(fit1) #wrap genoud function rgenoud package mygenoud <- function(fn, par, ...) { require("rgenoud") res <- genoud(fn, starting.values=par, ...) standardres <- c(res, convergence=0, counts=NULL) return(standardres) } #call fitdist with a 'custom' optimization function fit2 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", custom.optim=mygenoud, nvars=2, start=as.list(fit1$estimate), Domains=cbind(c(0, 0), c(10, 10)), boundary.enforcement=1, print.level=0, hessian=TRUE) summary(fit2) } # (11) Fit of a Pareto distribution by numerical moment matching estimation # if(any(installed.packages()[,"Package"] == "actuar") && visualize) { require("actuar") #simulate a sample set.seed(1234) x4 <- rpareto(nsample, 6, 2) #empirical raw moment memp <- function(x, order) ifelse(order == 1, mean(x), sum(x^order)/length(x)) #fit fP <- fitdist(x4, "pareto", method="mme", order=c(1, 2), memp="memp", start=list(shape=10, scale=10), lower=1, upper=Inf) summary(fP) plot(fP) } # (14) scaling problem - too small values # if (visualize) # LONG TO RUN ON CRAN { x2 <- c(-0.00707717, -0.000947418, -0.00189753, -0.000474947, -0.00190205, -0.000476077, 0.00237812, 0.000949668, 0.000474496, 0.00284226, -0.000473149, -0.000473373, 0, 0, 0.00283688, -0.0037843, -0.0047506, -0.00238379, -0.00286807, 0.000478583, 0.000478354, -0.00143575, 0.00143575, 0.00238835, 0.0042847, 0.00237248, -0.00142281, -0.00142484, 0, 0.00142484, 0.000948767, 0.00378609, -0.000472478, 0.000472478, -0.0014181, 0, -0.000946522, -0.00284495, 0, 0.00331832, 0.00283554, 0.00141476, -0.00141476, -0.00188947, 0.00141743, -0.00236351, 0.00236351, 0.00235794, 0.00235239, -0.000940292, -0.0014121, -0.00283019, 0.000472255, 0.000472032, 0.000471809, -0.0014161, 0.0014161, -0.000943842, 0.000472032, -0.000944287, -0.00094518, -0.00189304, -0.000473821, -0.000474046, 0.00331361, -0.000472701, -0.000946074, 0.00141878, -0.000945627, -0.00189394, -0.00189753, -0.0057143, -0.00143369, -0.00383326, 0.00143919, 0.000479272, -0.00191847, -0.000480192, 0.000960154, 0.000479731, 0, 0.000479501, 0.000958313, -0.00383878, -0.00240674, 0.000963391, 0.000962464, -0.00192586, 0.000481812, -0.00241138, -0.00144963) for(i in 6:0) { cat("\nscaling", 10^i, "\n") res <- try(mledist(x2*10^i, "cauchy"), silent=TRUE) if(inherits(res, "try-error")) print(res) else { cat("estimate\n") print(res$estimate) cat("Hessian\n") print(res$hessian) } } } # (15) scaling problem - too big values # if (visualize) # LONG TO RUN ON CRAN { x1 <- c( 1401928684, 1413455609, 1432458425, 1436910475, 1494883250, 1565770323, 1577486458, 1568908053, 1606424896, 1632264979, 1780495643, 1865525923, 2035689865, 2141429306, 2335443964, 2465661689, 2563368221, 2845012431, 2949890881, 3180645942, 3309009836, 3618581152, 4109197451, 4064662257, 4028375795, 4176781983, 4303024833, 4493470109 ) for(i in 0:5) { cat("\nscaling", 10^(-2*i), "\n") res <- mledist(x1*10^(-2*i), "norm") Hm1 <- try(solve(res$hessian), silent=TRUE) if(inherits(Hm1, "try-error")) print(Hm1) else { cat("estimate\n") print(res$estimate) cat("Hessian\n") print(res$hessian) cat("inverse Hessian\n") print(Hm1) } } fitdist(x1, "norm") fitdist(x1*1e-6, "norm") } # (16) Fit of a lognormal distribution on acute toxicity values of endosulfan for # nonarthropod invertebrates, using maximum likelihood estimation # to estimate what is called a species sensitivity distribution # (SSD) in ecotoxicology, followed by estimation of the 5 percent quantile value of # the fitted distribution, what is called the 5 percent hazardous concentration (HC5) # in ecotoxicology, with its two-sided 95 percent confidence interval calculated by # parametric bootstrap # data(endosulfan) ATV <- subset(endosulfan, group == "NonArthroInvert")$ATV log10ATV <- log10(subset(endosulfan, group == "NonArthroInvert")$ATV) fln <- fitdist(log10ATV, "norm") quantile(fln, probs = 0.05) # (17) Fit of a triangular distribution using Cramer-von Mises or # Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance # if(any(installed.packages()[,"Package"] == "mc2d") && visualize) { set.seed(1234) require("mc2d") t <- rtriang(100,min=5,mode=6,max=10) # nsample not used : does not converge with a too small sample fCvM <- fitdist(t,"triang",method="mge",start = list(min=4, mode=6,max=9),gof="CvM") fKS <- fitdist(t,"triang",method="mge",start = list(min=4, mode=6,max=9),gof="KS") cdfcomp(list(fCvM,fKS)) } # (18) gumbel distribution # dgumbel <- function(x, a, b) 1/b*exp((a-x)/b)*exp(-exp((a-x)/b)) pgumbel <- function(q, a, b) exp(-exp((a-q)/b)) qgumbel <- function(p, a, b) a-b*log(-log(p)) data(danishuni) fitdist(danishuni$Loss, "gumbel", start=list(a=5, b=10)) # (19) check the 'start' argument # if (FALSE) # NO INTEREST WITHOUT VISUALIZATION OF THE RESULT { #create the sample mysample <- rexp(nsample, 5) mystart2 <- list(rate2=8) mystart3 <- list(8) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart2, method="mle") ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart3, method="mle") ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart2, method="mme") ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart3, method="mme") ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart2, method="qme", probs=1/2) ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart3, method="qme", probs=1/2) ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart2, method="mge", gof="AD") ) try( fitdist(mysample, dexp, start= mystart3, method="mge", gof="AD") ) } # (20) example with dexgauss # would require to suggest the package gamlss.dist in the Description file # #if(any(installed.packages()[,"Package"] == "gamlss.dist")) #{ # require("gamlss.dist") # set.seed(1234) # a=rexGAUS(100,mu=500,sigma=50,nu=75) # fitdist(a,dexGAUS,start=list(mu=median(a),sigma=sqrt(var(a)/2),nu=sqrt(var(a)/2))) #} # (21) check the 'keepdata' argument # if (visualize) # REQUIRES VISUALIZATION OF THE RESULTS { #create the sample x <- rexp(1e6, 5) summary(x) f1 <- fitdist(x, "exp", keepdata=FALSE) f2 <- fitdist(x, "exp", keepdata=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) cdfcomp(f1) cdfcomp(f2) } # (22) relevant example for zero modified geometric distribution # dzmgeom <- function(x, p1, p2) { p1 * (x == 0) + (1-p1)*dgeom(x-1, p2) } pzmgeom <- function(q, p1, p2) { p1 * (q >= 0) + (1-p1)*pgeom(q-1, p2) } rzmgeom <- function(n, p1, p2) { u <- rbinom(n, 1, 1-p1) #prob to get zero is p1 u[u != 0] <- rgeom(sum(u != 0), p2)+1 u } x2 <- rzmgeom(nsample, 1/2, 1/10) table(x2) #this is the MLE which converges almost surely and in distribution to the true value. initp1 <- function(x) list(p1=mean(x == 0)) fitdist(x2, "zmgeom", start=list(p1=1/2, p2=1/2)) f2 <- fitdist(x2, "zmgeom", fix.arg=initp1, start=list(p2=1/2)) print(f2) summary(f2) f2 <- fitdist(x2, "zmgeom", fix.arg=list(p1=1/2), start=list(p2=1/2)) print(f2) summary(f2) # (23) check the use of weights with MLE # set.seed(1234) x <- rpois(nsample, 10) xtab <- table(x) xval <- sort(unique(x)) f1 <- fitdist(x, "pois") f2 <- fitdist(xval, "pois", weights = xtab) f1$estimate f2$estimate #should be identical # (24) check the use of weights with other methods # set.seed(1234) x <- rpois(nsample, 10) xtab <- table(x) xval <- sort(unique(x)) (f1 <- fitdist(x, "norm", method = "mle")) (f2 <- fitdist(xval, "norm", weights = xtab, method = "mle")) (f1 <- fitdist(x, "norm", method = "mme")) (f2 <- fitdist(xval, "norm", weights = xtab, method = "mme")) (f1 <- fitdist(x, "norm", method = "qme", probs=c(1/4, 3/4))) (f2 <- fitdist(xval, "norm", method = "qme", weights = xtab, probs=c(1/4, 3/4) )) fitdist(x, "norm", method="mge", gof = "CvM") try(fitdist(xval, "norm", method="mge", gof = "CvM", weights = xtab)) # not yet developped # (24b) check the use of weights with qme with a discrete distribution # set.seed(1234) x <- rpois(nsample, 10) xtab <- table(x) xval <- sort(unique(x)) (f1 <- fitdist(x, "pois", method = "qme", probs=c(1/2))) (f2 <- fitdist(xval, "pois", method = "qme", weights = xtab, probs=c(1/2) )) # similar to f1 fitdist(xval, "pois", method = "qme", weights = xtab, probs=c(1/2), optim.method="SANN", control=list(maxit=1000)) # fitdist(x, "pois", method = "qme", probs=c(1/2), optim.method="SANN", control=list(maxit=1000)) # should be similar # should give similar results for big samples