require("fitdistrplus") nbboot <- 101 nbboot <- 11 nsample <- 10 visualize <- FALSE # TRUE for manual tests with visualization of results # (1) Fit of a normal distribution to fluazinam data in log10 # followed by nonparametric bootstrap # data(fluazinam) (d1 <-log10(fluazinam)) f1 <- fitdistcens(d1, "norm") b1 <- bootdistcens(f1, niter = nbboot, silent=TRUE) b1 <- bootdistcens(f1, niter = nbboot, silent=FALSE) b1 summary(b1) plot(b1) # (3) Estimation of the standard deviation of a normal distribution # by maximum likelihood with the mean fixed at 0.1 using the argument fix.arg # followed by nonparametric bootstrap # f1b <- fitdistcens(d1, "norm", start=list(sd=1.5), fix.arg=list(mean=0.1)) b1b <- bootdistcens(f1b, niter=nbboot) summary(b1b) plot(b1b) # (4) Comparison of fitdist and fitdistcens and bootdist and bootdistcens # for non censored data x1<-c(6.4,13.3,4.1,1.3,14.1,10.6,9.9,9.6,15.3,22.1,13.4, 13.2,8.4,6.3,8.9,5.2,10.9,14.4) fx1<-fitdist(x1,"norm",method="mle") cx1<-bootdist(fx1,bootmethod="nonparam", niter=nbboot) xx1<-data.frame(left=x1,right=x1) fxx1<-fitdistcens(xx1,"norm") summary(fx1) summary(fxx1) cdfcomp(fx1) cdfcompcens(fxx1) cxx1<-bootdistcens(fxx1, niter=nbboot) summary(cx1) summary(cxx1) # (5) fixing parameters # set.seed(1234) x <- rexp(nsample, 5) x <- data.frame(left=x, right=x+.1) f1 <- fitdistcens(x, "gamma", fix.arg=list(shape=1.5)) b1 <- bootdistcens(f1, niter=nbboot) plot(b1) f1 <- fitdistcens(x, "gamma", fix.arg=function(x) list(shape=1.5)) b1 <- bootdistcens(f1, niter=nbboot) plot(b1) # (6) efficiency of parallel operation if (visualize) # too long to run on CRAN and forbidden due to parallel computing { niter <- 5001 data(fluazinam) d1 <-log10(fluazinam) f1 <- fitdistcens(d1, "norm") for (cli in 1:4) { print(cli) ptm <- proc.time() print(summary(bootdistcens(f1, niter = niter, parallel = "snow", ncpus = cli))) print(proc.time() - ptm) } # not available on Windows for (cli in 1:4) { print(cli) ptm <- proc.time() print(summary(bootdistcens(f1, niter = niter, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = cli))) print(proc.time() - ptm) } } # (5) with weights (not yet available, test of error message) # data(salinity) salinity.unique <- unique(salinity) string.unique <- paste(salinity.unique$left, salinity.unique$right) string.salinity <- paste(salinity$left, salinity$right) nobs <- nrow(salinity.unique) salinity.weights <- numeric(nobs) for (i in 1:nobs) { salinity.weights[i] <- length(which(string.salinity == string.unique[i])) } cbind(salinity.unique, salinity.weights) (fa <- fitdistcens(salinity, "lnorm")) (fb <- fitdistcens(salinity.unique, "lnorm", weights = salinity.weights)) # should give the same results summary(bootdistcens(fa, niter = nbboot))