require("fitdistrplus") #We choose a low number of bootstrap replicates in order to satisfy CRAN running times constraint. #For practical application, we recommend to use nbboot=501 or nbboot=1001. nbboot <- 1001 nbboot <- 11 nsample <- 100 nsample <- 10 visualize <- FALSE # TRUE for manual tests with visualization of results # (1) Fit of a gamma distribution to serving size data # using default method (maximum likelihood estimation) # followed by parametric bootstrap # data(groundbeef) serving <- groundbeef$serving f1 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma") b1 <- bootdist(f1, niter=nbboot, silent=TRUE) b1 <- bootdist(f1, niter=nbboot, silent=FALSE) print(lapply(b1, head)) plot(b1) summary(b1) # (2) new plot arguments #for new graph functions f1 <- fitdist(rgamma(nsample, 2, 3), "gamma") b1 <- bootdist(f1, niter=nbboot, silent=TRUE) plot(b1) plot(b1, trueval = c(2, 3)) plot(b1, enhance=TRUE) plot(b1, enhance=TRUE, trueval = c(2, 3)) plot(b1, enhance=TRUE, rampcol=c("blue", "green"), nbgrid=15, nbcol=15) if(any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "actuar") && visualize) { require("actuar") set.seed(123) f1 <- fitdist(rburr(nsample, 2, 3, 1), "burr", start=list(shape1=10, shape2=10, rate=1)) b1 <- bootdist(f1, niter=nbboot, silent=TRUE) plot(b1) plot(b1, trueval = c(2, 3, 1)) plot(b1, enhance=TRUE) plot(b1, enhance=TRUE, trueval = c(2, 3, 1)) } # (3) estimation of the rate of a gamma distribution # by maximum likelihood with the shape fixed at 4 using the argument fix.arg # followed by parametric bootstrap # f1c <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", start=list(rate=0.1), fix.arg=list(shape=4)) b1c <- bootdist(f1c, niter=nbboot) summary(b1c) # (4) fit of a gamma distribution to serving size data # by quantile matching estimation (in this example matching # first and third quartiles) followed by parametric bootstrap # f1d <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", method="qme", probs=c(0.25, 0.75)) b1d <- bootdist(f1d, niter=nbboot) summary(b1d) # (5) fit of a gamma distribution with control of the optimization # method, followed by parametric bootstrap # if(visualize) { # check ERROR on aarch64-apple-darwin20.4.0 (64-bit) (2021/05/12) set.seed(1234) f1e <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", optim.method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(0, 0)) b1e <- bootdist(f1e, niter=nbboot) summary(b1e) } # (6) fit of a discrete distribution by matching moment estimation # (using a closed formula) followed by parametric bootstrap # set.seed(1234) x2 <- rpois(nsample, lambda = 5) f2 <- fitdist(x2, "pois", method="mme") b2 <- bootdist(f2, niter=nbboot) plot(b2,pch=16) summary(b2) # (7) Fit of a uniform distribution using the Cramer-von Mises distance # followed by parametric bootstrap # if(visualize) { x3 <- runif(nsample, min=5, max=10) f3 <- fitdist(x3, "unif", method="mge", gof="CvM") b3 <- bootdist(f3, bootmethod="param", niter=nbboot) summary(b3) plot(b3) } # (9) fit of a Weibull distribution to serving size data by maximum likelihood # estimation or by quantile matching estimation (in this example matching # first and third quartiles) followed by parametric bootstrap # fWmle <- fitdist(serving, "weibull") bWmle <- bootdist(fWmle, niter=nbboot) summary(bWmle) quantile(bWmle, probs=c(0.25, 0.75)) fWqme <- fitdist(serving, "weibull", method="qme", probs=c(0.25, 0.75)) bWqme <- bootdist(fWqme, niter=nbboot) summary(bWqme) quantile(bWqme, probs=c(0.25, 0.75)) # (10) Fit of a Pareto distribution by numerical moment matching estimation # followed by parametric bootstrap # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG TO RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # if (visualize) { if(any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "actuar")) { require("actuar") #simulate a sample x4 <- rpareto(nsample, 6, 2) memp <- function(x, order) ifelse(order == 1, mean(x), sum(x^order)/length(x)) f4 <- fitdist(x4, "pareto", "mme", order=1:2, start=list(shape=10, scale=10), lower=1, memp="memp", upper=50) b4 <- bootdist(f4, niter=nbboot) summary(b4) b4npar <- bootdist(f4, niter=nbboot, bootmethod="nonparam") summary(b4npar) } } # (11) Fit of a Burr distribution (3 parameters) using MLE # followed by parametric boostrap # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG TO RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # if (visualize) { if(any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "actuar")) { require("actuar") data(danishuni) fdan <- fitdist(danishuni$Loss, "burr", method="mle", start=list(shape1=5, shape2=5, rate=10), lower=0+1e-1, control=list(trace=0)) bdan <- bootdist(fdan, bootmethod="param", niter=nbboot) summary(bdan) plot(bdan) cdfcomp(fdan, xlogscale=TRUE) } } # (12) Fit of a Triangular distribution (3 parameters) using MLE # followed by parametric boostrap, with crashes of optim # if(any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "mc2d")) { require("mc2d") set.seed(1234) x4 <- rtriang(100,min=0,mode=4,max=20) # nsample not used : does not converge if the sample is too small fit4t<-fitdist(x4,dtriang,start=list(min=0,mode=4,max=20)) summary(fit4t) b4t<-bootdist(fit4t,niter=nbboot) b4t plot(b4t) summary(b4t) quantile(b4t) } # (13) Fit of a Pareto and a Burr distribution, with bootstrap on the Burr distribution # # if(visualize) { data(endosulfan) ATV <-endosulfan$ATV plotdist(ATV) descdist(ATV,boot=nbboot) fln <- fitdist(ATV, "lnorm") summary(fln) gofstat(fln) # use of plotdist to find good reasonable initial values for parameters plotdist(ATV, "pareto", para=list(shape=1, scale=500)) fP <- fitdist(ATV, "pareto", start=list(shape=1, scale=500)) summary(fP) gofstat(fP) # definition of the initial values from the fit of the Pareto # as the Burr distribution is the Pareto when shape2 == 1 fB <- fitdist(ATV, "burr", start=list(shape1=0.3, shape2=1, rate=1)) summary(fB) gofstat(fB) cdfcomp(list(fln,fP,fB),xlogscale=TRUE) qqcomp(list(fln,fP,fB),xlogscale=TRUE,ylogscale=TRUE) ppcomp(list(fln,fP,fB),xlogscale=TRUE,ylogscale=TRUE) denscomp(list(fln,fP,fB)) # without great interest as hist does accept argument log="x" # comparison of HC5 values (5 percent quantiles) quantile(fln,probs=0.05) quantile(fP,probs=0.05) quantile(fB,probs=0.05) # bootstrap for the Burr distribution bfB <- bootdist(fB,niter=nbboot) plot(bfB) } # (14) relevant example for zero modified geometric distribution # dzmgeom <- function(x, p1, p2) { p1 * (x == 0) + (1-p1)*dgeom(x-1, p2) } pzmgeom <- function(q, p1, p2) { p1 * (q >= 0) + (1-p1)*pgeom(q-1, p2) } rzmgeom <- function(n, p1, p2) { u <- rbinom(n, 1, 1-p1) #prob to get zero is p1 u[u != 0] <- rgeom(sum(u != 0), p2)+1 u } x2 <- rzmgeom(nsample, 1/2, 1/10) f2 <- fitdist(x2, "zmgeom", method="mle", fix.arg=function(x) list(p1=mean(x == 0)), start=list(p2=1/2)) b2 <- bootdist(f2, niter=nbboot) plot(b2) f3 <- fitdist(x2, "zmgeom", method="mle", start=list(p1=1/2, p2=1/2)) b3 <- bootdist(f3, niter=nbboot) plot(b3, enhance=TRUE) # (15) does fixing p1 reduce bias of estimating p2? summary(b2$estim[, "p2"] - 1/10) summary(b3$estim[, "p2"] - 1/10) par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) hist(b2$estim[, "p2"] - 1/10, breaks=100, xlim=c(-.015, .015)) hist(b3$estim[, "p2"] - 1/10, breaks=100, xlim=c(-.015, .015)) par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) # (16) efficiency of parallel operation if (visualize) { niter <- 1001 data(groundbeef) serving <- groundbeef$serving f1 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma") alltime <- matrix(NA, 9, 5) colnames(alltime) <- c("user.self", "sys.self", "elapsed", "user.child", "sys.child" ) rownames(alltime) <- c("base R", paste("snow", 1:4), paste("multicore", 1:4)) alltime[1,] <- system.time(res <- bootdist(f1, niter = niter)) for (cli in 1:4) { cat("\nnb cluster", cli, "\n") #ptm <- proc.time() alltime[cli+1,] <- system.time(res <- bootdist(f1, niter = niter, parallel = "snow", ncpus = cli)) print(summary(res)) #print(proc.time() - ptm) } # not available on Windows if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") for (cli in 1:4) { cat("\nnb cluster", cli, "\n") #ptm <- proc.time() alltime[cli+5,] <- system.time(res <- bootdist(f1, niter = niter, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = cli)) print(summary(res)) #print(proc.time() - ptm) } alltime } # (17) bootdist with weights (not yet available, test of error message) # x <- rpois(nsample, 10) xtab <- table(x) xval <- sort(unique(x)) (f1 <- fitdist(x, "pois")) (f2 <- fitdist(xval, "pois", weights = xtab)) summary(bootdist(f1, niter = nbboot)) try(summary(bootdist(f2, niter = nbboot))) # not yet developed # (18) density of bootdist() # x <- rlnorm(1e3) b0 <- bootdist(fitdist(x, "lnorm"), niter = 50) b1 <- bootdist(fitdist(x, "lnorm"), niter = 100) b2 <- bootdist(fitdist(x, "lnorm"), niter = 200) #d1 <- fitdistrplus:::density.bootdist(b0, b1, b2) d1 <- density(b0, b1, b2) str(d1) plot(d1) print(d1) d1 <- density(b1) str(d1) plot(d1) print(d1)