context("Scenario of un wanted inputs") test_that("NA values are avoided",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(0:7,c(47,12,43,40,40,41,39,95),NA,3,1000), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) test_that("Infinite values are avoided",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(0:7,c(47,12,43,40,40,41,39,95),Inf,3,1000), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) test_that("NAN values are avoided",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(0:7,c(47,54,45,40,40,41,39,95),NaN,5,1000), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) context("Chi-squared issues") test_that("Chi-squared approximation issues",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(0:6,c(2,5,4,40,40,4,3),0.1,3,7000), shows_message("Chi-squared approximation is not suitable because expected frequency approximates to zero")) }) test_that("Chi-squared approximation issues",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(0:4,c(2,5,1,4,3),1.1,1.0,10000), shows_message("Chi-squared approximation may be doubtful because expected frequency is less than 5")) }) context("Degree of Freedom") test_that("Degree of freedom less than zero",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(c(0,1,2),c(11,12,12),12.1,11.3,10000), throws_error("Degrees of freedom cannot be less than or equal to zero")) }) test_that("Degree of freedom equal to zero",{ expect_that(fitKumBin(c(0,1,2),c(11,12,12),1.1,1.3,10000), throws_error("Degrees of freedom cannot be less than or equal to zero")) })