context ("Scenario of un wanted inputs") test_that("NA values are avoided",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(NA,4,0.2), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) test_that("Infinite values are avoided",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(Inf,4,0.2), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) test_that("NAN values are avoided",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(NaN,4,0.3), throws_error("NA or Infinite or NAN values in the Input")) }) context("Binomial Random variable or frequency issues") test_that("Negativity Binomial random variable",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(-3,4,0.2), throws_error("Binomial random variable or frequency values cannot be negative")) }) test_that("Negativity frequency values",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(-3,4,0.2), throws_error("Binomial random variable or frequency values cannot be negative")) }) context("Mode issues") test_that("Greater than 1",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(3,4,3), throws_error("Mode cannot be less than zero or greater than one")) }) test_that("Lesser than 1",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(3,4,-3), throws_error("Mode cannot be less than zero or greater than one")) }) context("Checking outputs") test_that("Output value expected",{ expect_identical(round(NegLLTriBin(Chromosome_data$No.of.Asso,Chromosome_data$fre,0.7),4), 440.6691) }) test_that("Checking class of output",{ expect_that(NegLLTriBin(Chromosome_data$No.of.Asso,Chromosome_data$fre,0.7), is_a("numeric")) })