suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence")) test_that( "can return valid data", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( species = "Rangifer tarandus fennicus", check_taxa = FALSE, select = c("municipality", "region"), sample = TRUE ), "finbif_occ" ) expect_null(finbif_update_cache()) expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( "Rangifer tarandus fennicus", "not a valid taxon", select = c("record_id", "date_start", "record_fact_name"), check_taxa = FALSE ), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( "Rangifer tarandus fennicus", select = c("record_id", "date_start", "lat_wgs84", "lon_wgs84", "epsg"), exclude_na = TRUE ), "finbif_occ" ) capture.output( with_progress <- suppressMessages( finbif_occurrence( "Pteromys volans", filter = c(bio_province = "Uusimaa"), select = c("default_vars", "duration"), sample = TRUE, n = 5000, cache = FALSE, date_time_method = "none" ) ) ) expect_s3_class(with_progress, "finbif_occ") if (getOption("finbif_api_url") == "") { filter <- c(collection = "HR.3671") } else { filter <- NULL } expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( select = "taxon_id", filter = filter, sample = TRUE, n = 3001, quiet = TRUE ), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "-date_time"), "finbif_occ" ) } ) test_that( "can get a small random sample", { skip_on_cran() x <- finbif_occurrence( filter = c(n_total_records_max = 2000), aggregate = "records", n = 100 ) x <- subset(x, n_records < 3000, scientific_name_interpreted) expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(x[[1, 1]], sample = TRUE, n = 1001, quiet = TRUE), "finbif_occ" ) } ) test_that( "can return a count", { skip_on_cran() expect_type( finbif_occurrence( taxa = "Rangifer tarandus fennicus", count_only = TRUE ), "integer" ) } ) test_that( "returns data that prints valid output", { skip_on_cran() n <- 1100L fungi <- finbif_occurrence( filter = c(informal_groups = "Fungi and lichens"), select = to_native( "occurrenceID", "informalTaxonGroups", "taxonID", "vernacularName", "default_vars" ), n = n, quiet = TRUE ) expect_output(print(fungi), "Records downloaded:") expect_output( print(fungi[c("scientific_name", "common_name")]), "A data" ) expect_output( print(fungi[c(TRUE, rep_len(FALSE, n - 1L)), ]), "Records downloaded:" ) expect_output(print(fungi[integer(0L), ]), "Records downloaded:") expect_output( print(fungi[1:10, c("scientific_name", "taxon_id")]), "A data" ) options(finbif_cache_path = tempdir()) expect_output( print( finbif_occurrence( select = c("default_vars", to_dwc("duration")), dwc = TRUE ) ), "Records downloaded:" ) expect_null(finbif_update_cache()) expect_output( print(finbif_occurrence(aggregate = "species")), "Records downloaded:" ) expect_output(print(finbif_occurrence()), "Records downloaded:") } ) test_that( "warns when taxa invalid", { skip_on_cran() expect_warning(finbif_occurrence("not a valid taxa")) } ) test_that( "returns errors appropriately", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( finbif_occurrence("not a valid taxa", on_check_fail = "error") ) expect_error( finbif_occurrence(filter = list(coordinates = list(c(60, 68), c(20, 30)))) ) expect_error( finbif_occurrence("Birds", aggregate = "events") ) expect_error(finbif_occurrence(n = 0)) expect_error(finbif_occurrence(n = 1e9)) expect_error(finbif_occurrence(aggregate = c("records", "events"))) expect_error(finbif_occurrence(filter = c(not_a_filter = TRUE))) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_dups")) test_that( "duplicate records are handled correctly", { skip_on_cran() n <- 1600 dev <- identical(getOption("finbif_api_url"), "") if (dev) { op <- options() options(finbif_max_page_size = 100L) n <- 300L } expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence("Vulpes vulpes", sample = TRUE, n = n, quiet = TRUE), "finbif_occ" ) if (dev) options(op) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_dups")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_low")) test_that( "low-level operations work", { skip_on_cran() expect_type( finbif_occurrence( filter = list( collection = finbif_collections(taxonomic_coverage == "Coleoptera"), primary_habitat = "M", date_range_ymd = c(2000, 2010) ), aggregate = "records", count_only = TRUE, cache = FALSE ), "integer" ) expect_type( finbif_occurrence( filter = list(primary_habitat = list(M = "V")), count_only = TRUE ), "integer" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_low")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_has_media")) test_that( "can process complex record variables", { skip_on_cran() has_media <- finbif_occurrence( filter = c(has_media = TRUE), select = c(media = "record_media_url"), sample = TRUE ) url <- unlist(has_media[["media"]])[[1L]] expect_match(url, "^http") } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_has_media")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_collection")) test_that( "can process collection ids", { skip_on_cran() col_df <- finbif_occurrence( select = c("collection", "collection_id", "collection_code") ) expect_s3_class(col_df, "finbif_occ") expect_false(identical(col_df[["collection"]], col_df[["collection_id"]])) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_collection")) test_that( "can make a multifilter request", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(filter = list(a = NULL, NULL), filter_col = "b"), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(filter = list(NULL, NULL)), "finbif_occ") } ) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_aggregate_events")) test_that( "can aggregate by events", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( filter = c(location_id = "MNP.798"), aggregate = "events" ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_aggregate_events")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_aggregate_documents")) test_that( "can aggregate by events", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( filter = c(location_id = "MNP.798"), aggregate = "documents" ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_aggregate_documents")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_date_time_ISO8601")) test_that( "can create ISO8601 date strings", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "date_time_ISO8601"), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "eventDate", dwc = TRUE), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_date_time_ISO8601")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_occurrence_status")) test_that( "can create occurrence status", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "occurrence_status"), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_occurrence_status")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_citation")) test_that( "can create citation", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(select = "citation"), "finbif_occ") } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_citation")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_get_all")) test_that( "can get all records", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( filter = c(collection = "HR.778"), select = "record_id", n = -1 ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_get_all")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_unlist")) test_that( "can concatenate list cols", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "informal_groups", unlist = TRUE), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_unlist")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_red_list")) test_that( "can compute red list status", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "red_list_status"), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_red_list")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_primary_habitat")) test_that( "can compute primary habitat type from ID", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "primary_habitat"), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_primary_habitat")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_extract_facts")) test_that( "can extract facts", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( select = "record_id", filter = c(collection = "HR.48"), facts = "weightInGrams", sample = TRUE ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_extract_facts")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_localise_enums")) test_that( "can localise enums", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence(select = "abundance_unit", aggregate = "records"), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(select = "abundance_unit"), "finbif_occ") expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( filter = list(restriction_reason = "Pesintäaika"), select = "restriction_reason" ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_localise_enums")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_aggregate_list_col")) test_that( "can aggregate list cols", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( select = "record_annotation_created", aggregate = "records" ), "finbif_occ" ) } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_aggregate_list_col")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_invalidate_cache")) test_that( "cache invalidation works", { skip_on_cran() finbif_occurrence(cache = 1e-9) expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(cache = TRUE), "finbif_occ") options(finbif_cache_path = NULL) finbif_occurrence(cache = 1e-09) expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(cache = TRUE), "finbif_occ") } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_invalidate_cache")) suppressMessages(insert_cassette("finbif_compute_var_zero_rows")) test_that( "can compute a var from id when there are zero records", { skip_on_cran() expect_s3_class( finbif_occurrence( filter = list(collection = "HR.121", informal_groups = "Myriapods"), select = "municipality" ), "finbif_occ" ) expect_s3_class(finbif_occurrence(cache = TRUE), "finbif_occ") } ) suppressMessages(eject_cassette("finbif_compute_var_zero_rows"))