library(stringi) # Check for local instance of Filebin. # if (require(stevedore)) { message("Found {stevedore}.") message("Creating Docker client.") docker <- tryCatch( stevedore::docker_client(quiet = TRUE), error = function(e) NULL ) if (is.null(docker)) { warning("Failed!") LOCAL_FILEBIN <- FALSE } else { message("Done.") message("Getting list of Docker containers.") container_names <- unlist(docker$container$list()$names) message("Checking for local Filebin instance.") LOCAL_FILEBIN <- any(grepl("^filebin2", container_names)) if (LOCAL_FILEBIN) { message("Found local Filebin instance.") } else { message("Did not find local Filebin instance.") } } } else { message("Didn't find {stevedore}.") LOCAL_FILEBIN <- FALSE } LOCAL_FILEBIN <- FALSE BIN <- bin_name_random() BIN_LOCK <- bin_name_random() PNG <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") QRCODE <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") TXT <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") TAR <- tempfile(fileext = ".tar") TXT_COPY <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") FILE <- basename(TXT) SCRATCH <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") LOREM_IPSUM <- stri_trim(stri_rand_lipsum(1)) # Dump some Lorem Ipsum to TXT. # cat(LOREM_IPSUM, file = TXT) file.copy(TXT, TXT_COPY) png(PNG) plot(1:10) withr::defer( { unlink( c( basename(TXT), PNG, SCRATCH, LOREM_IPSUM, list.files(pattern = "*.zip") ) ) }, teardown_env() )