require(testthat) as_int64 <- function(x){ realToInt64(x, NA_real_, NA_real_, 0L) } test_that("C++: Utils", { misdot <- function(...){ check_missing_dots(environment()) } expect_equal(misdot(,,1), c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)) expect_equal(misdot(,i=1,1), c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)) expect_equal(misdot(), logical(0)) # min buffer size is 16, otherwise round up to power of 2 expect_equal(set_buffer_size(16), 16L) expect_equal(set_buffer_size(2), 16L) expect_equal(set_buffer_size(55.4), 64L) expect_error(set_buffer_size(0)) expect_error(set_buffer_size(-1)) expect_error(set_buffer_size(NA)) expect_warning(expect_error(set_buffer_size(2^31))) expect_equal(kinda_sorted(as_int64(sample(1:10)), 1, 10), 1L) expect_equal(kinda_sorted(as_int64(c(sample(1:10),1)), 1, 10), 1L) expect_equal(kinda_sorted(as_int64(c(sample(1:10),1)), 1, 9), 0L) expect_equal(locationList(list(1:10), 10, 1)[[1]], as_int64(1:10)) expect_error(locationList(list(1:11), 10, 1)) expect_equal(locationList(list(1:11), 10, 0)[[1]], as_int64(c(1:10, NA_integer_))) x <- 1:10 reshape_or_drop(x, c(2,5), 1) expect_equal(dim(x), c(2,5)) reshape_or_drop(x, c(1,10), 1) expect_equal(dim(x), c(1,10)) reshape_or_drop(x, NULL, 0) expect_equal(dim(x), c(1,10)) reshape_or_drop(x, NULL, 1) expect_equal(dim(x), NULL) dim <- c(3,5,4) x <- array(1:prod(dim), dim) locs <- lapply(dim, function(x){ sample(c(1:x, NA, NA), size = 20, replace = TRUE) }) re1 <- x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] locs <- lapply(locs, as_int64) expect_equal(loc2idx(locs, dim), as_int64(re1)) }) test_that("C++: IO - subset/assign", { bsz <- get_buffer_size() on.exit({ set_buffer_size(bsz) max_buffer_size(2097152) }) set_buffer_size(16L) max_buffer_size(64L) set.seed(NULL) file <- tempfile() unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) dim <- 33:35 x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, initialize = FALSE) expect_equal(x[[2]], x$.na) y <- array(x$.na, dim) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) expect_equal(x[], y) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) expect_equal( x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]], y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] ) expect_equal(x[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)], y[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)]) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { sample(c(1:d), size = d, replace = FALSE) }) expect_no_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1 }) expect_equal( unique(as.vector(x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]])), 1 ) expect_true({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) TRUE }) y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) expect_equal(x[], y) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, FALSE),,]) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, NA),,]) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, initialize = FALSE) y <- array(x$.na, dim) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) expect_equal(x[], y) expect_error({ x[3:1, , c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, rep(NA, 29))] <- 1:36 }) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("C++: IO - subset/assign - complex", { bsz <- get_buffer_size() on.exit({ set_buffer_size(bsz) max_buffer_size(2097152) }) set_buffer_size(16L) max_buffer_size(64L) set.seed(8) file <- tempfile() unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) dim <- 33:35 x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, type = "complex", initialize = FALSE) expect_equal(x[[2]], x$.na) y <- array(x$.na, dim) tmp <- rnorm(prod(dim)) + 1i*runif(prod(dim)) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp expect_lt(max(Mod(x[] - y)), 1e-6) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) max_dif <- max(Mod( x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] - y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] ), na.rm = TRUE) expect_lt(max_dif, 1e-5) if(max_dif > 1e-6){ print(max_dif) } expect_equal([locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]]),[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]])) expect_lt( max(Mod( x[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)] - y[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)] ), na.rm = TRUE), 1e-6 ) expect_equal([,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)]),[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)])) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- tmp[1:prod(sapply(locs, length))] }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- tmp[1:prod(sapply(locs, length))] }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { sample(c(1:d), size = d, replace = FALSE) }) expect_no_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1 }) expect_equal( unique(as.vector(x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]])), 1 + 0i ) expect_true({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- tmp[1:prod(sapply(locs, length))] TRUE }) y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- tmp[1:prod(sapply(locs, length))] expect_lt(max(Mod(x[] - y)), 1e-6) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, FALSE),,]) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, NA),,]) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, type = 'complex', initialize = FALSE) y <- array(x$.na, dim) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp expect_lt(max(Mod(x[] - y)), 1e-6) expect_error({ x[3:1, , c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, rep(NA, 29))] <- tmp[1:36] }) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("C++: IO - subset/assign - float", { bsz <- get_buffer_size() on.exit({ set_buffer_size(bsz) max_buffer_size(2097152) }) set_buffer_size(16L) max_buffer_size(64L) set.seed(NULL) file <- tempfile() unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) dim <- 33:35 x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, type = "float", initialize = FALSE) expect_equal(x[[2]], x$.na) y <- array(x$.na, dim) tmp <- rnorm(prod(dim)) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- tmp eps <- 10^(ceiling(log10(max(abs(y)))) - 7) expect_equal(x[], y, tolerance = eps) y[] <- x[] locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE ) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) a <- x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] b <- y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] expect_equal(, sel <- ! & (a-b) > eps if(length(a[sel])){ # fail the test print(a[sel]) print(b[sel]) expect_length(object = (a-b)[sel], n = 0) } a <- x[c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2), 1, c(2,2)] b <- y[c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2), 1, c(2,2)] # a <- x[c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2), 1] # b <- y[c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2), 1] expect_equal(a, b, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(x[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)], y[,,c(TRUE, NA, FALSE)]) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { d1 <- sample(c(1:d), 10, replace = TRUE) d2 <- c(NA, NA) as.double(sample(c(d1,d2))) }) expect_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) }) locs <- lapply(dim, function(d) { sample(c(1:d), size = d, replace = FALSE) }) expect_no_error({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1 }) expect_equal( unique(as.vector(x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]])), 1 ) expect_true({ x[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) TRUE }) y[locs[[1]], locs[[2]], locs[[3]]] <- 1:prod(sapply(locs, length)) expect_equal(x[], y) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, FALSE),,]) expect_error(x[c(rep(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE),8), TRUE, NA),,]) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) x <- filearray_create(file, dim, partition_size = 2, initialize = FALSE) y <- array(x$.na, dim) x[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) y[33:1, , c(35,2,1,3,4,5:34)] <- 1:prod(dim) expect_equal(x[], y) expect_error({ x[3:1, , c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, rep(NA, 29))] <- 1:36 }) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("C++: IO - type conversion", { set.seed(1) file <- tempfile() unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) dim <- 3:5 x <- filearray_create(file, dim, type = 'integer', partition_size = 2, initialize = FALSE) expect_equal(x[[2]], x$.na) y <- array(x$.na, dim) tmp <- rnorm(60) * 100 x[3:1, , c(5,2,1,3,4)] <- tmp y[3:1, , c(5,2,1,3,4)] <- as.integer(tmp) expect_equal(x[], y) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) x <- filearray_create(file, dim, type = 'logical', partition_size = 2, initialize = FALSE) y <- array(x$.na, dim) tmp <- sample(c(1.1, 0, NA), replace = TRUE, size = 60) x[] <- tmp y[] <- as.logical(tmp) expect_equal(x[], y) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) x <- filearray_create(file, dim, type = 'raw', initialize = FALSE) y <- array(x$.na, dim) tmp <- sample(0:255, replace = TRUE, size = 60) tmp[sample(1:60, size = 10)] <- NA suppressWarnings({ x[] <- tmp y[] <- as.raw(tmp) }) expect_equal(x[], y) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE) })