# Everything in this script is provided as is. The purpose of this script is to # do a sanity check on the C++ implementation of `fastcpd`. testthat::skip("Skip due to time limit on CRAN.") # nolint start: script provided as is testthat::test_that("logistic regression", { set.seed(1) p <- 5 x <- matrix(rnorm(300 * p, 0, 1), ncol = p) # Randomly generate coefficients with different means. theta <- rbind(rnorm(p, 0, 1), rnorm(p, 2, 1)) # Randomly generate response variables based on the segmented data and # corresponding coefficients y <- c( rbinom(125, 1, 1 / (1 + exp(-x[1:125, ] %*% theta[1, ]))), rbinom(300 - 125, 1, 1 / (1 + exp(-x[(125 + 1):300, ] %*% theta[2, ]))) ) change_points_binomial_fastcpd <- suppressWarnings(fastcpd.binomial( cbind(y, x), segment_count = 5, beta = "BIC", cost_adjustment = "BIC" ))@cp_set testthat::expect_equal(change_points_binomial_fastcpd, 125) warning_messages <- testthat::capture_warnings( change_points_binomial_fastcpd_vanilla <- fastcpd.binomial( cbind(y, x), segment_count = 5, vanilla_percentage = 1, beta = "BIC", cost_adjustment = "BIC" )@cp_set ) testthat::expect_equal( sort(warning_messages), rep(c( "fit_glm: algorithm did not converge", "fit_glm: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred" ), c(6, 3984)) ) testthat::expect_equal(change_points_binomial_fastcpd_vanilla, 125) }) # Generate data from poisson regression models with change-points #' @param n Number of observations. #' @param d Dimension of the covariates. #' @param true.coef True regression coefficients. #' @param true.cp.loc True change-point locations. #' @param Sigma Covariance matrix of the covariates. #' @keywords internal #' #' @noRd #' @return A list containing the generated data and the true cluster #' assignments. data_gen_poisson <- function(n, d, true.coef, true.cp.loc, Sigma) { loc <- unique(c(0, true.cp.loc, n)) if (dim(true.coef)[2] != length(loc) - 1) stop("true.coef and true.cp.loc do not match") x <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0, d), sigma = Sigma) y <- NULL for (i in 1:(length(loc) - 1)) { mu <- exp(x[(loc[i] + 1):loc[i + 1], , drop = FALSE] %*% true.coef[, i, drop = FALSE]) group <- rpois(length(mu), mu) y <- c(y, group) } data <- cbind(x, y) true_cluster <- rep(1:(length(loc) - 1), diff(loc)) result <- list(data, true_cluster) return(result) } testthat::test_that("poisson regression", { set.seed(1) n <- 1500 d <- 5 rho <- 0.9 Sigma <- array(0, c(d, d)) for (i in 1:d) { Sigma[i, ] <- rho^(abs(i - (1:d))) } delta <- c(5, 7, 9, 11, 13) a.sq <- 1 delta.new <- delta * sqrt(a.sq) / sqrt(as.numeric(t(delta) %*% Sigma %*% delta)) true.cp.loc <- c(375, 750, 1125) # regression coefficients true.coef <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = length(true.cp.loc) + 1) true.coef[, 1] <- c(1, 1.2, -1, 0.5, -2) true.coef[, 2] <- true.coef[, 1] + delta.new true.coef[, 3] <- true.coef[, 1] true.coef[, 4] <- true.coef[, 3] - delta.new out <- data_gen_poisson(n, d, true.coef, true.cp.loc, Sigma) data <- out[[1]] g_tr <- out[[2]] beta <- log(n) * (d + 1) / 2 change_points_poisson_fastcpd <- fastcpd.poisson( cbind(data[, d + 1], data[, 1:d]), beta = beta, cost_adjustment = "BIC", epsilon = 0.001, segment_count = 10 )@cp_set testthat::expect_equal( change_points_poisson_fastcpd, c(380, 751, 1136, 1251) ) warning_messages <- testthat::capture_warnings( change_points_poisson_fastcpd_vanilla <- fastcpd.poisson( cbind(data[, d + 1], data[, 1:d]), segment_count = 10, vanilla_percentage = 1, beta = beta, cost_adjustment = "BIC" )@cp_set ) testthat::expect_equal( warning_messages, rep("fit_glm: fitted rates numerically 0 occurred", 1539) ) testthat::expect_equal( change_points_poisson_fastcpd_vanilla, c(374, 752, 1133) ) }) # Generate data from penalized linear regression models with change-points #' @param n Number of observations. #' @param d Dimension of the covariates. #' @param true.coef True regression coefficients. #' @param true.cp.loc True change-point locations. #' @param Sigma Covariance matrix of the covariates. #' @param evar Error variance. #' @keywords internal #' #' @noRd #' @return A list containing the generated data and the true cluster #' assignments. data_gen_lasso <- function(n, d, true.coef, true.cp.loc, Sigma, evar) { loc <- unique(c(0, true.cp.loc, n)) if (dim(true.coef)[2] != length(loc) - 1) stop("true.coef and true.cp.loc do not match") x <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0, d), sigma = Sigma) y <- NULL for (i in 1:(length(loc) - 1)) { Xb <- x[(loc[i] + 1):loc[i + 1], , drop = FALSE] %*% true.coef[, i, drop = FALSE] add <- Xb + rnorm(length(Xb), sd = sqrt(evar)) y <- c(y, add) } data <- cbind(x, y) true_cluster <- rep(1:(length(loc) - 1), diff(loc)) result <- list(data, true_cluster) return(result) } testthat::test_that("penalized linear regression", { set.seed(1) n <- 1000 s <- 3 d <- 50 evar <- 0.5 Sigma <- diag(1, d) true.cp.loc <- c(100, 300, 500, 800, 900) seg <- length(true.cp.loc) + 1 true.coef <- matrix(rnorm(seg * s), s, seg) true.coef <- rbind(true.coef, matrix(0, d - s, seg)) out <- data_gen_lasso(n, d, true.coef, true.cp.loc, Sigma, evar) data <- out[[1]] beta <- log(n) / 2 # beta here has different meaning change_points_lasso_fastcpd <- fastcpd.lasso( cbind(data[, d + 1], data[, 1:d]), epsilon = 1e-5, beta = beta, cost_adjustment = "BIC" )@cp_set testthat::expect_equal( change_points_lasso_fastcpd, c(100, 300, 520, 800, 901) ) change_points_lasso_fastcpd_vanilla <- fastcpd.lasso( cbind(data[, d + 1], data[, 1:d]), vanilla_percentage = 1, epsilon = 1e-5, beta = beta, cost_adjustment = "BIC" )@cp_set testthat::expect_equal( change_points_lasso_fastcpd_vanilla, c(103, 299, 510, 800, 900) ) }) # nolint end