# to avoid variability on terminals with different capabilities # plus generally random options being set if(getRversion() < "3.2.2") { warning("Cannot run tests with R version less than 3.2.2.") } else if(!suppressWarnings(require('fansi'))) { # this is to avoid accidentally running tests under valgrind without fansi # installed... (no, we've never done this...) warning("Cannot run tests without package `fansi`") } else if(!suppressWarnings(require('unitizer'))) { warning("Cannot run tests without package `unitizer`") } else { old.opt <- options( fansi.tabs.as.spaces=FALSE, fansi.tab.stops=8L, fansi.warn=TRUE, fansi.term.cap=c('bright', '256') # warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE, # warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE, # warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE ) on.exit(old.opt) pat.all <- "^[^.].*\\.[Rr]$" pattern <- pat.all # pattern <- "over" unitize_dir( 'unitizer', pattern=pattern, state='suggested' ) # we skip utf8 tests on solaris due to the problems with deparse (and maybe # others, don't have a solaris system handy for testing). if( !grepl("solaris|sun", Sys.info()[['sysname']], ignore.case=TRUE) && identical(pattern, pat.all) ) { unitize('special/utf8.R', state='suggested') } # UCD 12.1 update in 4.0.4 produces correct widths for emoji if(getRversion() >= "4.0.4" && identical(pattern, pat.all)) unitize('special/emo-graph.R', state='suggested') }