## Copyright (C) Brodie Gaslam ## ## This file is part of "fansi - ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions" ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or 3 of the License. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## Go to for copies of the licenses. library(unitizer) library(fansi) unitizer_sect('colors', { style <- "width: 16px; height: 16px; display: inline-block;" span <- '' colors.8 <- fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html(rbind(c(0:7), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L)) colors.8 # error fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html(matrix(c(9L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L))) colors.255 <- fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html(rbind(8L, 5L, 0:255, 0L, 0L)) colors.255 # Small sampling of tru color colors vals <- c(0L, 127L, 255L) colors.tru <- fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html( do.call(rbind, c(list(8L, 2L), expand.grid(vals, vals, vals))) ) colors.tru # ## The following is some code to display all the colors in an HTML page for # ## review # cells.8 <- sprintf(span, colors.8, style) # cells.255 <- sprintf(span, colors.255, style) # cells.255.color <- sapply( # split(head(tail(cells.255, -16), 216), rep(1:6, each=36)), # function(x) sprintf('
', paste0(x, collapse="")) # ) # vals <- as.integer(255 / 15 * 0:15) # vals.tru.raw <- expand.grid(vals, vals, vals) # vals.tru.raw <- vals.tru.raw[with(vals.tru.raw, order(Var1, Var2, Var3)),] # vals.tru.mx <- do.call(rbind, c(list(8L, 2L), vals.tru.raw)) # colors.tru <- fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html(vals.tru.mx) # cells.tru <- sprintf(span, colors.tru, style) # cells.tru.rows <- sapply( # split(cells.tru, rep(1:64, each=64)), # function(x) sprintf('
', paste0(x, collapse="")) # ) # tmp <- tempfile() # writeLines( # c( # '', # '

8 colors

', # '
', paste0(cells.8, collapse=""), '
', # '

255 colors

', # '
', paste0(cells.255[1:16], collapse=""), '
', # cells.255.color, # '
', paste0(cells.255[(256-23):256], collapse=""), '
', # '

True Color

', # cells.tru.rows, # '' # ), # tmp # ) # browseURL(tmp) }) unitizer_sect("simple html conversion", { as_html_page <- function(x) { # note this will clutter temp directory, but needed so we can examine source tmp <- tempfile() writeLines(c("
", as.character(x), "
"), tmp) browseURL(tmp) } sgr_to_html("hello \033[31;42;1mworld\033[0m") sgr_to_html("hello \033[31;48;5;23;1mworld\033[m") # this turned out to be a good corner case, italic is not actually # italicized sgr_to_html( "\033[1mbold\033[22m \033[2mfaint\033[22m \033[mitalic\033[24m\n" ) # similarly, we mistakenly seem to have thought below that 24 turns off # italic, when it actually doesn't. csi_string <- c( "\033[1mbold\033[22m \033[2mfaint\033[22m \033[3mitalic\033[24m", "\033[4munderline\033[24m \033[5mslow-blink\033[25m", "\033[6mfast-blink\033[25m", "\033[31;42mred-fg-green-bg\033[7minverse \033[7minverse-off\033[39;49m", "\033[8mconceal\033[28m reveal \033[9mcrossed-out\033[29mclear\033[m", "\033[1;41mbold\033[22m \033[2;42mfaint\033[22m \033[3;43mitalic\033[23m", "\033[4;44munderline\033[24m \033[5;45mslow-blink\033[25m", "\033[6;46mfast-blink\033[25m", "\033[31;42mred-fg-green-bg\033[7minverse \033[7minverse-off\033[39;49m", "\033[8mconceal\033[28m reveal \033[9mcrossed-out\033[29mclear\033[m", "\033[3mitalic again\033[24m not italic?\033[m" ) html_string <- sgr_to_html(csi_string) html_string # tmp <- tempfile() # writeLines(c("
", html_string, "
")) }) unitizer_sect("Bright Colors", { sgr_to_html("hello\033[94;101m world\033[39m yow\033[49mza") # oob color (!98 %in% 90:97) sgr_to_html("hello\033[98;101m world\033[39m yow\033[49mza") }) unitizer_sect("Corner cases", { sgr_to_html("hello\033[0m") sgr_to_html("hello\033[31m") # A string that shrinks; multiple repeated SGRs reduced to a single span sgrs <- paste0(rep("\033[31m", 20), collapse="") sgr_to_html(sprintf("%shello world\033[m", sgrs)) # non character inputs sgr_to_html(1:3) # Sequential escape sequences sgr_to_html("\033[31mhello\033[m\033[42m world\033[m") # Sequences in various spots sgr_to_html("\033[33mhello") sgr_to_html("he\033[33mllo") sgr_to_html("hello\033[33m") sgr_to_html(c("\033[33mhello", "world")) sgr_to_html(c("\033[33mhello", "\033[44mworld")) sgr_to_html(c("\033[33mhello", "wor\033[44mld")) sgr_to_html(c("\033[33mhello", "world\033[44m")) sgr_to_html(c("he\033[33mllo", "world")) sgr_to_html(c("he\033[33mllo", "\033[44mworld")) sgr_to_html(c("he\033[33mllo", "wor\033[44mld")) sgr_to_html(c("he\033[33mllo", "world\033[44m")) sgr_to_html(c("hello\033[33m", "world")) sgr_to_html(c("hello\033[33m", "\033[44mworld")) sgr_to_html(c("hello\033[33m", "wor\033[44mld")) sgr_to_html(c("hello\033[33m", "world\033[44m")) }) unitizer_sect("Bad inputs", { fansi:::esc_color_code_to_html(matrix(1:12, 4)) sgr_to_html(1:3) sgr_to_html("a", warn=1:3) sgr_to_html("a", term.cap=1:3) sgr_to_html("a", term.cap="hello") }) unitizer_sect("issue54", { string <- c("\033[31m", "\033[39m") fansi::sgr_to_html(string) string1 <- c("\033[31mhello", "world\033[39m moon") fansi::sgr_to_html(string1) string2 <- c("\033[3mhello\033[24m", "world\033[23m moon") fansi::sgr_to_html(string2) }) unitizer_sect("Colors as classes (#65)", { sgr_to_html("\033[94mhello\033[31;42;1mworld\033[m", classes=TRUE) class.8 <- do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(c("fg", "bg"), 0:7), sep="-")) class.16 <- do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(c("fg", "bg"), 0:15), sep="-")) class.256 <- do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(c("fg", "bg"), 0:255), sep="-")) x <- c( "\033[94mhe\033[107mllo\033[31;42;1mworld\033[m", "\033[48;5;11;38;5;70mgood\033[7mbye\033[39;49m super \033[48;2;235;0;20mmoon\033[m", NULL ) term.cap <- c('bright', '256', 'truecolor') sgr_to_html(x, classes=class.8, term.cap=term.cap) sgr_to_html(x, classes=class.16, term.cap=term.cap) sgr_to_html(x, classes=class.256, term.cap=term.cap) make_styles(class.8) make_styles(class.8, matrix(c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0), 3)) # shift channels # in_html(sgr_to_html(sgr_256())) sgr_to_html(sgr_256()) # in_html(sgr_to_html(sgr_256(), classes=make_styles(class.256))) sgr_to_html(sgr_256(), classes=class.256) # errors sgr_to_html("\033[31mhello\033[31m", classes=NULL) sgr_to_html("\033[31mhello\033[31m", classes=character(7L)) sgr_to_html("\033[31mhello\033[31m", classes=rep(NA_character_, 16)) sgr_to_html("\033[31mhello\033[31m", classes=rep("bad class", 16)) make_styles(class.8, c(1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0)) make_styles(class.8, matrix(c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,NA), 3)) make_styles(class.8, "hello") make_styles(letters, matrix(c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0), 3)) make_styles(NULL) ## see examples for visual testing }) unitizer_sect("chars to escape", { str.esc <- c("A\033[45mB","A\033[43m&B") # warning to_html(str.esc) # no warnings sgr_to_html(str.esc) to_html(str.esc, warn=FALSE) to_html(html_esc(str.esc)) str.esc2 <- c("A\033[45mB","A\033[201mB") to_html(str.esc2) to_html(str.esc2, warn=FALSE) }) unitizer_sect("helpers", { html <- sgr_to_html("\033[42mHello") f <- in_html(html, css="span {background-color: #CCC;}", display=FALSE) readLines(f) unlink(f) in_html(html, css="span {background-color: #CCC;}", display=FALSE, clean=TRUE) }) unitizer_sect("carry", { string.2 <- c("A\33[44m", "B\033[49m", "C", "\033[39mD") to_html(string.2) to_html(string.2, carry=FALSE) to_html(string.2, carry="\033[33m") to_html(string.2, carry="\033[33m\033]8;;https://w.z\033\\") ## NA propagation string.3 <- c("A\33[44m", "\033[31mC", NA, "\033[39mD") to_html(string.3) to_html(string.3, carry=FALSE) })