context("test-arima.R") stats_fit <- arima(USAccDeaths, c(0, 1, 1), list(order = c(0, 1, 1), 12)) test_that("Automatic ARIMA selection", { skip_if_not_installed("feasts") # Automatic model selection fable_fit <- USAccDeaths_tbl %>% model(arima = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(0:1, 0:1, 0:1) + PDQ(0:1, 0:1, 0:1))) expect_identical( coef(fable_fit$arima[[1]]$fit$model), coef(stats_fit) ) # Automatic (approximate) model selection fable_fit_approx <- USAccDeaths_tbl %>% model(arima = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(0:1, 0:1, 0:1) + PDQ(0:1, 0:1, 0:1), approximation = TRUE)) expect_output( report(fable_fit_approx), "ARIMA\\(0,1,1\\)\\(1,1,0\\)\\[12\\]" ) # Automatic d/D selection fit <- USAccDeaths_tbl %>% model(ARIMA(value ~ pdq(p = 0, q = 1) + PDQ(P = 0, Q = 1))) expect_identical( model_sum(fit[[1]][[1]]), "ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)[12]" ) }) test_that("Manual ARIMA selection", { # Manual model selection fable_fit <- USAccDeaths_tbl %>% model(model = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(0, 1, 1) + PDQ(0, 1, 1))) expect_identical( coef(fable_fit$model[[1]]$fit$model), coef(stats_fit) ) expect_identical( model_sum(fable_fit$model[[1]]), "ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)[12]" ) fable_fc <- fable_fit %>% forecast() stats_fc <- stats_fit %>% predict(24) expect_equivalent( fc_mean(fable_fc$value), unclass(stats_fc$pred) ) expect_equivalent( tidy(fable_fit)$estimate, coef(stats_fit) ) expect_equivalent( fitted(fable_fit)$.fitted, unclass(USAccDeaths - residuals(stats_fit)) ) expect_equivalent( residuals(fable_fit)$.resid, unclass(residuals(stats_fit)) ) expect_equivalent( fitted(fable_fit), fitted(refit(fable_fit, USAccDeaths_tbl)) ) expect_output( report(fable_fit), "log likelihood=-425.44" ) USAccDeaths_miss <- USAccDeaths_tbl USAccDeaths_miss$value[c(10, 14, 15)] <- NA USAccDeaths_miss <- fable_fit %>% interpolate(USAccDeaths_miss) expect_false( any($value)) ) expect_equal( USAccDeaths_tbl$value[-c(10, 14, 15)], USAccDeaths_miss$value[-c(10, 14, 15)] ) }) test_that("Fixed ARIMA coefficients", { # Manual model selection fable_fit <- USAccDeaths_tbl %>% model(model = ARIMA(value ~ xreg(1, fixed = list(constant = 20)) + pdq(0, 0, 1, fixed = list(ma1 = 0.3)) + PDQ(0, 1, 1, fixed = list(sma1 = 3)))) expect_identical( tidy(fable_fit)$estimate, c(0.3, 3, 20) ) }) test_that("ARIMA with bad inputs", { expect_warning( UKLungDeaths %>% model(ARIMA(mdeaths ~ 1 + pdq(2, 0, 0) + pdq(d = 1) + PDQ(2, 1, 0))), "Only one special for `pdq\\(\\)` and `PDQ\\(\\)` is allowed" ) expect_warning( UKLungDeaths %>% model(ARIMA(vars(mdeaths, fdeaths))), "Only univariate responses are supported by ARIMA" ) expect_warning( UKLungDeaths %>% model(ARIMA(mdeaths ~ 0 + pdq(2, 2, 0) + PDQ(2, 1, 0))), "Having 3 or more differencing operations is not recommended" ) expect_warning( UKLungDeaths %>% model(ARIMA(mdeaths ~ pdq(2, 0, 0) + PDQ(2, 2, 0))), "Having more than one seasonal difference is not recommended" ) expect_warning( fit <- UKLungDeaths %>% model(poly = ARIMA(mdeaths ~ 1 + pdq(2, 1, 0) + PDQ(2, 1, 0))), "Model specification induces a quadratic or higher order polynomial trend" ) expect_identical( model_sum(fit$poly[[1]]), "ARIMA(2,1,0)(2,1,0)[12] w/ poly" ) }) test_that("ARIMA with xregs", { skip_if_not_installed("feasts") tr <- UKLungDeaths %>% head(-12) ts <- UKLungDeaths %>% tail(12) fable_fit <- tr %>% model(model = ARIMA(mdeaths ~ 1 + fdeaths + PDQ(P = 0, Q = 0))) stats_fit <- arima(head(mdeaths, -12), c(1, 1, 1), xreg = data.frame(fdeaths = head(fdeaths, -12), intercept = seq_len(60)) ) expect_equivalent( coef(fable_fit$model[[1]]$fit$model), coef(stats_fit) ) fable_fc <- fable_fit %>% forecast(ts) stats_fc <- stats_fit %>% predict(12, newxreg = data.frame(fdeaths = tail(fdeaths, 12), intercept = 61:72) ) expect_equivalent( fc_mean(fable_fc$mdeaths), unclass(stats_fc$pred) ) expect_identical( model_sum(fable_fit$model[[1]]), "LM w/ ARIMA(1,1,1) errors" ) fable_fit <- tr %>% model(model = ARIMA(mdeaths ~ 1 + lag(fdeaths) + PDQ(P = 0, Q = 0))) expect_equal( model_sum(fable_fit$model[[1]]), "LM w/ ARIMA(2,0,1) errors" ) fable_fc <- fable_fit %>% forecast(ts) expect_true( !any($mdeaths)) ) })