R Under development (unstable) (2024-09-15 r87152 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/reference/test_package.html#special-files > > library(testthat) > library(exvatools) > > test_check("exvatools") ℹ Getting matrices Z, Y, X ℹ Calculating matrices A, B, V ℹ Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y ℹ Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld ℹ Calculating export matrices EXGR and E ℹ Preparing output... ✔ Done! ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating extraction matrix of ESP... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Value Added Exported (VAX) 1624.18 34.80 Reflection (REF) 256.41 5.49 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 2176.21 46.63 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 325.58 6.98 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), sink-based, standard output Country perspective, sink approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating extraction matrix of CHN... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF CHINA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 8575.51 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 4409.66 51.42 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 3469.40 40.46 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3117.58 36.35 Reflection (REF) 351.82 4.10 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 940.27 10.96 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4165.85 48.58 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3273.60 38.17 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 892.25 10.40 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), sink-based, standard output Country perspective, sink approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating extraction matrix of NAFTA... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF NAFTA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 10485.40 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 6127.84 58.44 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 4613.26 44.00 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3639.16 34.71 Reflection (REF) 974.09 9.29 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 1514.58 14.44 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4357.56 41.56 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3276.30 31.25 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 1081.26 10.31 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), sink-based, standard output Country perspective, sink approach Calculating inverse extraction matrix... ■■■■■■ 17% … Calculating inverse extraction matrix... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% … ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF ALL COUNTRIES IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 34905.11 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 15732.08 45.07 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 13029.83 37.33 Value Added Exported (VAX) 11608.00 33.26 Reflection (REF) 1421.83 4.07 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 2702.25 7.74 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 19173.03 54.93 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 16004.64 45.85 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 3168.39 9.08 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), sink-based, standard output Country perspective, sink approach ℹ Getting matrices Z, Y, X ℹ Calculating matrices A, B, V ℹ Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y ℹ Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld ℹ Calculating export matrices EXGR and E ℹ Preparing output... ✔ Done! ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Value Added Exported (VAX) 1624.18 34.80 Reflection (REF) 256.41 5.49 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 2176.21 46.63 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 325.58 6.98 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 4034.25 86.44 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 2786.36 59.70 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 1247.89 26.74 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), source-based, standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF CHINA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 8575.51 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 4409.66 51.42 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 3469.40 40.46 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3117.58 36.35 Reflection (REF) 351.82 4.10 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 940.27 10.96 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4165.85 48.58 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3273.60 38.17 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 892.25 10.40 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 7260.12 84.66 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 5106.11 59.54 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 2154.01 25.12 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), source-based, standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF NAFTA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 10485.40 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 6127.84 58.44 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 4613.26 44.00 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3639.16 34.71 Reflection (REF) 974.09 9.29 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 1514.58 14.44 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4357.56 41.56 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3276.30 31.25 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 1081.26 10.31 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 8656.71 82.56 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 5872.14 56.00 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 2784.57 26.56 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), source-based, standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF ALL COUNTRIES IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 34905.11 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 15732.08 45.07 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 13029.83 37.33 Value Added Exported (VAX) 11608.00 33.26 Reflection (REF) 1421.83 4.07 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 2702.25 7.74 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 19173.03 54.93 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 16004.64 45.85 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 3168.39 9.08 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 30013.82 85.99 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 21875.29 62.67 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 8138.53 23.32 ====================================================================== Method: Borin and Mancini (2023), source-based, standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Getting matrices Z, Y, X ℹ Calculating matrices A, B, V ℹ Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y ℹ Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld ℹ Calculating export matrices EXGR and E ℹ Preparing output... ✔ Done! ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 2176.21 46.63 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 325.58 6.98 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF CHINA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 8575.51 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 4409.66 51.42 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 3469.40 40.46 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 940.27 10.96 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4165.85 48.58 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3273.60 38.17 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 892.25 10.40 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF NAFTA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 10485.40 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 6127.84 58.44 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 4613.26 44.00 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 1514.58 14.44 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4357.56 41.56 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 3276.30 31.25 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 1081.26 10.31 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF ALL COUNTRIES IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 34905.11 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 15732.08 45.07 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 13029.83 37.33 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 2702.25 7.74 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 19173.03 54.93 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 16004.64 45.85 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 3168.39 9.08 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), standard output Exporting country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 0.00 0.00 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 2501.78 53.61 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), standard output World perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent EXGR (Gross exports of goods and services) 4666.96 100.00 T01 DVA (Domestic Value Added) 1880.60 40.30 T02 DDC (Domestic Double Counting) 284.58 6.10 T03 FVA (Foreign Value Added) 0.00 0.00 T04 FDC1 (Foreign Double Counting, 1st entry) 1015.98 21.77 T05 FDC2 (Foreign Double Counting, ulterior) 1485.80 31.84 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), alternative terms output for world perspective World perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating terms ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF EU-27 IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent EXGR (Gross exports of goods and services) 7577.09 100.00 T01 DVA (Domestic Value Added) 3114.35 41.10 T02 DDC (Domestic Double Counting) 807.03 10.65 T03 FVA (Foreign Value Added) 0.00 0.00 T04 FDC1 (Foreign Double Counting, 1st entry) 1648.26 21.75 T05 FDC2 (Foreign Double Counting, ulterior) 2007.45 26.49 ====================================================================== Method: Miroudot and Ye (2021), alternative terms output for world perspective World perspective, source approach ℹ Getting matrices Z, Y, X ℹ Calculating matrices A, B, V ℹ Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y ℹ Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld ℹ Calculating export matrices EXGR and E ℹ Preparing output... ✔ Done! ℹ Preparing simple auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing complex auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Value Added Exported (VAX) 1624.18 34.80 Reflection (REF) 256.41 5.49 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 5549.66 118.91 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 2501.78 53.61 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 3047.87 65.31 ====================================================================== Method: OECD (2022), standard output Country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing simple auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing complex auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF CHINA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 8575.51 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 4409.66 51.42 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 3469.40 40.46 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3117.58 36.35 Reflection (REF) 351.82 4.10 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 940.27 10.96 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4165.85 48.58 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 9004.13 105.00 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 4165.85 48.58 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 4838.28 56.42 ====================================================================== Method: OECD (2022), standard output Country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing simple auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing complex auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF NAFTA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 10485.40 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 6127.84 58.44 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 4613.26 44.00 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3639.16 34.71 Reflection (REF) 974.09 9.29 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 1514.58 14.44 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4357.56 41.56 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 10028.76 95.64 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 4357.56 41.56 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 5671.20 54.09 ====================================================================== Method: OECD (2022), standard output Country perspective, source approach ℹ Preparing simple auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing complex auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF ALL COUNTRIES IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 34905.11 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 15732.08 45.07 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 13029.83 37.33 Value Added Exported (VAX) 11608.00 33.26 Reflection (REF) 1421.83 4.07 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 2702.25 7.74 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 19173.03 54.93 Global Value Chain-related trade (GVC) 38346.07 109.86 GVC-related trade, backward (GVCB) 19173.03 54.93 GVC-related trade, forward (GVCF) 19173.03 54.93 ====================================================================== Method: OECD (2022), standard output Country perspective, source approach ℹ Getting matrices Z, Y, X ℹ Calculating matrices A, B, V ℹ Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y ℹ Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld ℹ Calculating export matrices EXGR and E ℹ Preparing output... ✔ Done! ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing FVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF SPAIN IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 4666.96 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 2165.17 46.39 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 1880.60 40.30 Value Added Exported (VAX) 1624.18 34.80 Reflection (REF) 256.41 5.49 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 284.58 6.10 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 2501.78 53.61 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 854.62 18.31 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 1647.16 35.29 ====================================================================== Method: Wang et al. (2013), standard output Mix of country and world perspective, mix of source and sink approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing FVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF CHINA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 8575.51 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 4409.66 51.42 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 3469.40 40.46 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3117.58 36.35 Reflection (REF) 351.82 4.10 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 940.27 10.96 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4165.85 48.58 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 1563.79 18.24 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 2602.05 30.34 ====================================================================== Method: Wang et al. (2013), standard output Mix of country and world perspective, mix of source and sink approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing FVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF NAFTA IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 10485.40 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 6127.84 58.44 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 4613.26 44.00 Value Added Exported (VAX) 3639.16 34.71 Reflection (REF) 974.09 9.29 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 1514.58 14.44 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 4357.56 41.56 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 1714.09 16.35 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 2643.47 25.21 ====================================================================== Method: Wang et al. (2013), standard output Mix of country and world perspective, mix of source and sink approach ℹ Preparing DVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Preparing FVA auxiliary matrices... ℹ Calculating DVA terms... ℹ Calculating FVA terms... ℹ Preparing output ... ✔ Done! ====================================================================== DECOMPOSITION OF VALUE ADDED IN EXPORTS OF ALL COUNTRIES IN 2022 Sector: All sectors Destination: All countries ====================================================================== VA_components USD_MM Percent Gross exports of goods and services (EXGR) 34905.11 100.00 Domestic Content in VA (DC) 15732.08 45.07 Domestic Value Added (DVA) 13029.83 37.33 Value Added Exported (VAX) 11608.00 33.26 Reflection (REF) 1421.83 4.07 Domestic Double Counting (DDC) 2702.25 7.74 Foreign Content in VA (FC) 19173.03 54.93 Foreign Value Added (FVA) 7114.34 20.38 Foreign Double Counting (FDC) 12058.69 34.55 ====================================================================== Method: Wang et al. (2013), standard output Mix of country and world perspective, mix of source and sink approach [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 301 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 3.39 0.35 3.75