library(testthat) # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # extr_casrn_from_cid ---- # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ col_names <- c("cid", "iupac_name", "casrn", "source_name", "source_id", "query") Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_casrn_from_cid generate results with 2 cid, one wrong", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids_search <- c("bella", "712") expect_warning( { out <- extr_casrn_from_cid(pubchem_ids = ids_search, verbose = TRUE) }, "Chemical .* found!" ) expect_equal(sum($casrn)), 1) expect_true( expect_equal(names(out), col_names) expect_equal(nrow(out), 168) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_casrn_from_cid generate results with all wrong", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids_search <- c("bella", "ciao") expect_warning( { out <- extr_casrn_from_cid(pubchem_ids = ids_search, verbose = TRUE) }, "Chemicals .* found!" ) expect_equal(sum($casrn)), 2) expect_true( expect_equal(names(out), col_names) expect_equal(nrow(out), 2) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_casrn_from_cid generate results with all wrong", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids_search <- c("bella", "ciao") expect_silent({ out <- extr_casrn_from_cid(pubchem_ids = ids_search, verbose = FALSE) }) }) Sys.sleep(4) # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # extr_chem_info ---- # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ df_names <- create_na_df("ciao") test_that("extr_chem_info fetches chems", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids_search <- c("Formaldehyde", "Aflatoxin B1", "bella", "ciao") expect_warning({ out <- extr_chem_info(ids_search) }) expect_true( expect_equal(nrow(out), length(ids_search)) expect_equal(names(out), names(df_names)) expect_true(all(out$query %in% ids_search)) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_chem_info wrong only, silent", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids_search <- "bella ciao" skip_on_cran() expect_silent({ out <- extr_chem_info(ids_search, verbose = FALSE) }) expect_true( expect_equal(nrow(out), length(ids_search)) expect_equal(names(out), names(df_names)) expect_true(all(out$query %in% ids_search)) }) # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # extr_fema ---- # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ col_names <- c( "cid", "casrn", "IUPAC_name", "result", "source_name", "source_id", "other", "query" ) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_pubchem_fema works correctly", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() casrn_list <- c("1490-04-6", "50-00-0", "bella_ciao") expect_silent({ out <- extr_pubchem_fema(casrn_list, verbose = FALSE) }) expect_equal(nrow(out), length(casrn_list)) expect_equal(names(out), col_names) expect_equal(out$query, casrn_list) expect_equal(out$casrn, c("1490-04-6", "50-00-0", NA)) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_pubchem_fema produce CASRN warning", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { out <- extr_pubchem_fema(c("bella", "ciao"), verbose = TRUE) }, "Chemical.*not found!" ) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_pubchem_fema produce FEMA warning", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { out <- extr_pubchem_fema("50-00-0", verbose = TRUE) }, "FEMA .*not found" ) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_pubchem_ghs works correctly", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() casrn_list <- c("1490-04-6", "50-00-0", "bella_ciao") expect_silent({ out <- extr_pubchem_ghs(casrn_list, verbose = FALSE) }) expect_equal(unique(out$query), casrn_list) expect_equal(names(out), col_names) expect_equal(unique(out$casrn), c("1490-04-6", "50-00-0", NA)) }) Sys.sleep(4) test_that("extr_pubchem_ghs produce warning", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { out <- extr_pubchem_ghs(c("bella", "ciao"), verbose = TRUE) }, "not found" ) })