library(testthat) input_terms <- c("50-00-0", "64-17-5", "methanal", "ethanol") song <- c("bella", "ciao bella ciao", "bella ciao ciao ciao") expected_columns <- c( "chemical_name", "chemical_id", "casrn", "gene_symbol", "gene_id", "organism", "organism_id", "pubmed_ids", "query" ) # @@@@@@@@@@@@@ # extr_ctd ---- # @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_ctd fetches valid expression data", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() dat <- extr_ctd( input_terms = input_terms, report_type = "cgixns", category = "chem", action_types = "expression" ) expect_true( expect_true(all(expected_columns %in% colnames(dat))) expect_gt(nrow(dat), 0) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_ctd fetches other data", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() dat <- extr_ctd( input_terms = input_terms, category = "chem", report_type = "genes_curated", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", action_types = "ANY", ontology = c("go_bp", "go_cc") ) expect_true( expect_true(all(expected_columns %in% colnames(dat))) expect_gt(nrow(dat), 0) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_ctd no results", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { dat <- extr_ctd( input_terms = song, category = "chem", report_type = "genes_curated", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", action_types = "ANY", ontology = c("go_bp", "go_cc") ) }, "Chemicals .*not found!" ) expect_equal(nrow(dat), 3) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_ctd no results with song (verbose = FALSE)", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() # Expect no output and no error when verbose = FALSE expect_silent({ dat <- extr_ctd( input_terms = song, category = "chem", report_type = "genes_curated", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", action_types = "ANY", ontology = c("go_bp", "go_cc"), verbose = FALSE ) }) }) # Check out Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_tetramer return NAS for unknown ids", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { dat <- extr_ctd( input_terms = c( "50-00-0", "64-17-5", "methanal", "ethanol", "bella", "ciao", "50-0000000" ), category = "chem", report_type = "genes_curated", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", action_types = "ANY", ontology = c("go_bp", "go_cc") ) }, "Chemicals .*not found!" ) expect_equal(sum($gene_id)), 3) }) # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # extr_tetramer ---- # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_tetramer fetches tetramers data", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() dat <- extr_tetramer( chem = c("50-00-0", "ethanol"), disease = "", gene = "", go = "", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", qt_match_type = "equals" ) expect_true( expected_columns <- c( "chemical", "chemical_id", "gene", "gene_id", "phenotype", "phenotype_id", "disease", "disease_id", "query" ) expect_true(all(expected_columns %in% colnames(dat))) expect_gt(nrow(dat), 0) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_tetramer no results", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { dat <- extr_tetramer( chem = song, disease = "", gene = "", go = "", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", qt_match_type = "equals" ) }, "Chemicals .*not found!" ) expect_true( expect_equal(nrow(dat), 3) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_tetramer no results with song (verbose = FALSE)", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() # Expect no output and no error when verbose = FALSE expect_silent({ dat <- extr_tetramer( chem = song, disease = "", gene = "", go = "", input_term_search_type = "directAssociations", qt_match_type = "equals", verbose = FALSE ) }) })