library(testthat) Sys.sleep(3) # Test 1: Check if the function works with a valid chemical name input test_that("Valid chemical name input", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_silent({ out <- extr_comptox( ids = c("Aspirin"), download_items = c("DTXCID", "CASRN"), verbose = FALSE ) }) expect_true(is.list(out)) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(out, expect_equal(nrow(out$comptox_main_data), 1) expect_equal(nrow(out$comptox_main_data), 1) expect_equal(nrow(out$comptox_cover_sheet), 4) }) Sys.sleep(3) col_names <- c( "comptox_cover_sheet", "comptox_main_data", "comptox_abstract_sifter", "comptox_synonym_identifier", "comptox_related_relationships", "comptox_toxcast_assays_ac50", "comptox_toxval_details", "comptox_chemical_properties" ) test_that("Valid inputs", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() ids <- c("50-00-0", "Aspirin", "DTXSID5020023") expect_message( { out <- extr_comptox( ids = ids ) }, "Getting info from CompTox" ) expect_equal(names(out), col_names) expect_equal(out$comptox_main_data$input, ids) expect_equal(ncol(out$comptox_main_data), 64) }) Sys.sleep(3) test_that("extr_comptox when download_items is set to one val", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_no_error( out <- extr_comptox(c("50-00-0", "80-05-7")) ) }) test_that("extr_comptox warn for unknown ids", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() expect_warning( { out <- extr_comptox(c("31-12-5", "bella", "ciao")) }, "Chemicals.*bella.*ciao.*not found!" ) })