context("ANCOVA model check") test_that("check_ancova_succeeds", { l_res <- vector(mode = "list", length = 8) l_res[[1]] <- check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[2]] <- check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b3", "b4", "b5"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[3]] <- check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b4", "b5", "b8"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[4]] <- check_ancova(data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[5]] <- check_ancova(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[6]] <- check_ancova(data = exp4, response_vbl = "Conc", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[7]] <- check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch == "b2", ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25) l_res[[8]] <- check_ancova(data = exp11, response_vbl = "release", time_vbl = "month", batch_vbl = "batch", alpha = 0.25) tmp1 <- vapply(l_res, function(x) x[[1]], numeric(2)) tmp2 <- vapply(l_res, function(x) x[[2]], character(1)) # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(tmp1["common.icpt", ], c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NA, 0)) expect_equal(tmp1["common.slp", ], c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, NA, 0)) expect_equal(tmp2, c("cics", "dics", "dids", "dids", "cics", "dics", "n.a.", "dids")) }) test_that("check_ancova_fails", { tmp <- exp1 tmp$Batch <- as.character(tmp$Batch) # <-><-><-><-> expect_error( check_ancova(data = as.matrix(exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), 2:3]), response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "data must be provided as data frame") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = 4, time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "response_vbl must be a string") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Mass", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "response_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = 3, batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "time_vbl must be a string") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Time", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "time_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = 2, alpha = 0.25), "batch_vbl must be a string") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Lot", alpha = 0.25), "batch_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( check_ancova(data = tmp[tmp$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "column in data specified by batch_vbl") expect_error( check_ancova(data = tmp[tmp$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 0.25), "column in data specified by batch_vbl") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = 5), "specify alpha") expect_error( check_ancova(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", alpha = -1), "specify alpha") })