context("Ordinary shelf life estimation") # The tests use the values published by LeBlond et al. (LeBlond 2011), # i.e. in the various tables and figures that are presented in # LeBlond, D., Griffith, D. and Aubuchon, K. Linear Regression 102: # Stability Shelf Life Estimation Using Analysis of Covariance. # J Valid Technol (2011) 17(3): 47-68. test_that("expirest_osle_results_match_LeBlond_2011", { re <- expirest_osle(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(re[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "cics") expect_equivalent(signif(re[["POI"]]["cics"], 12), 25.9957631369) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["cics"]]$icpt, 12), 100.566878981) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Models"]][["cics"]]$coefficients[2], 12), -0.192993630573) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(0.435993484727, 0.228684731019)) expect_equivalent( signif(summary(re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[["fstatistic"]][1], 12), 129.051417200) # Results presented in LeBlond 2011 # Table V and Figure 4 # Model Type: cics # POI: 26 # Regression Equation: y = 100.567 - 0.192994 time # ANCOVA - F value for Batch: 0.436 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch * Time: 0.229 # Analysis of Variance - F value for Regression: 129.051 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re <- expirest_osle(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b3", "b4", "b5"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(re[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "dics") expect_equivalent(signif(re[["POI"]]["dics"], 12), 23.3972651235) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["dics"]]$icpt, 12), c(102.175653109, 104.255189423, 100.820021871)) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Models"]][["dics"]]$coefficients[4], 12), -0.213120866465) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(21.7380213596, 0.183108926252)) expect_equivalent( signif(summary(re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[["fstatistic"]][1], 12), 37.0144226385) # Results presented in LeBlond 2011 # Table VII and Figure 6 # Model Type: dics # POI: 23.4 # Regression Equations: # Batch 3: y = 102.176 - 0.213121 time # Batch 4: y = 104.255 - 0.213121 time # Batch 5: y = 100.82 - 0.213121 time # ANCOVA - F value for Batch: 21.738 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch * Time: 0.183 # Analysis of Variance - F value for Regression: 37.0144 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re <- expirest_osle(data = exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b4", "b5", "b8"), ], response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(re[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "dids") expect_equivalent(signif(re[["POI"]]["dids"], 12), 15.8448655130) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["dids"]]$icpt, 12), c(104.070645793, 100.781872268, 101.259375000)) expect_equivalent(signif( c(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[4], re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[4] + re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[5:6]), 12), c(-0.196151337247, -0.208608547839, -0.330208333333)) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(72.1242158003, 1.95541944320)) expect_equivalent( signif(summary(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]])[["fstatistic"]][1], 12), 49.8306556826) # Results presented in LeBlond 2011 # Table IX and Figure 7 # Model Type: dids # POI: 15.6 # Regression Equations: # Batch 4: y = 104.071 - 0.196151 time # Batch 5: y = 100.782 - 0.208609 time # Batch 8: y = 101.259 - 0.330208 time # ANCOVA - F value for Batch: 72.124 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch * Time: 1.955 # Analysis of Variance - F value for Regression: 49.831 # Note that the POI of 15.6 is obtained when using the dids model. When # the POI estimation is based on the models fitted to the individual # batches, and using the result of the worst case batch, the estimated POI # is 15.8. This procedure is the one that is used also by SAS JMP. In # JMP 12.0.1, for this data set the POI is estimated as 15.844877978. The # result differs from the fifth decimal place. This is due do the fact # that the POI estimation is based on an iterative method. It is not # calculated analytically. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re <- expirest_osle(data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(re[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "dids") expect_equivalent(signif(re[["POI"]]["dids"], 12), 15.8448655130) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["dids"]]$icpt, 12), c(0.027880626223, 0.126543831957, 0.112218750000)) expect_equivalent(signif( c(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[4], re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[4] + re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[5:6]), 12), c(0.005884540117, 0.006258256435, 0.009906250000)) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(72.1242158003, 1.95541944320)) expect_equivalent( signif(summary(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]])[["fstatistic"]][1], 12), 49.8306556826) # Results presented in LeBlond 2011 # Table XII and Figure 8 # Model Type: dids # POI: 15.61 # Regression Equations: # Batch 4: y = 0.0278806 + 0.00588454 time # Batch 5: y = 0.126544 + 0.00625826 time # Batch 8: y = 0.112219 + 0.00990625 time # ANCOVA - F value for Batch: 72.124 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch * Time: 1.955 # Analysis of Variance - F value for Regression: 49.831 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rel <- expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(1.5, 3.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "lower") reu <- expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(1.5, 3.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "upper") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(rel[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "cics") expect_equivalent(signif(rel[["POI"]]["cics"], 12), 50.7665191694) expect_equivalent(signif(reu[["POI"]]["cics"], 12), 45.3460440833) expect_equivalent(signif(reu[["Intercepts"]][["cics"]]$icpt, 12), 2.45678204711) expect_equivalent(signif(reu[["Models"]][["cics"]]$coefficients[2], 12), 0.002272338514) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(reu[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], reu[["Models"]][["dics"]], reu[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(reu[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], reu[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(0.353853883257, 0.748152729736)) expect_equivalent( signif(summary(reu[["Models"]][["cics"]])[["fstatistic"]][1], 12), 0.034723832039) # Results presented in LeBlond 2011 # Table XIV and Figure 9 # Model Type: cics # POI: 45.35 # Regression Equations: 2.45678 + 0.0022724 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch: 0.354 # ANCOVA - F value for Batch * Time: 0.748 # Analysis of Variance - F value for Regression: 0.034726 # Note that the value at the sixth decimal place of the F value differs # from the corresponding value of the calculated value. Thus, the model # was fitted also in JMP 12.0.1 where the F value was calculated as # 0.034723832039 which is exactly the same value that was calculated # here (by R). Therefore, it must be concluded that the results presented # in LeBlond 2011, Table XIV, must have been obtained with a data set # that slightly deviates from the data set that is presented in Table XIII. }) # The tests use the values published in the JMP(R) 12 Reliability and Survival # Methods manual, i.e. in chapter Degradation, sub-chapter Stability Analysis # on p. 174-176 of the manual, i.e. in SAS Institute Inc. 2015. JMP(R) 12 # Reliability and Survival Methods. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. test_that("expirest_osle_results_match_JMP_reliability_and_survival_methods_ manual", { re <- expirest_osle(data = exp4, response_vbl = "Conc", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") r_mod <- stats::lm(Conc ~ Month * Batch, data = exp4) lsl <- 95 tmp <- find_poi(srch_range = c(0, 500), model = r_mod, sl = lsl, alpha = 0.05, ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower", ivl = "confidence") # <-><-><-><-> expect_is(re, "expirest_osle") expect_equal(re[["Model.Type"]]$type.acronym, "dics") expect_equivalent(re$wc.batch["dics"], 2) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["POI"]], 12), c(29.9856687174, 23.4750503440, 23.2441996167, 23.1159717387)) expect_equal(signif(c(stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[2, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]], re[["Models"]][["cics"]])[3, "F"], stats::anova(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]], re[["Models"]][["dics"]])[2, "F"]), 12), c(10.1083606518, 19.8876404032, 0.329080900382)) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["cics"]]$icpt, 12), 101.906446205) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Models"]][["cics"]]$coefficients[2], 12), -0.190871685462) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["dics"]]$icpt, 12), c(101.833246643, 100.450143334, 102.066579977, 104.136572391)) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Models"]][["dics"]]$coefficients[5], 12), -0.202213553211) expect_equivalent(signif(re[["Intercepts"]][["dids"]]$icpt, 12), c(101.817460317, 100.249139280, 102.384126984, 104.070645793)) expect_equivalent(signif( c(re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[5], re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[5] + re[["Models"]][["dids.pmse"]]$coefficients[6:8]), 12), c(-0.200634920635, -0.180125195618153, -0.233968253968254, -0.196151337247228)) # Transcription of results shown in Figure 6.27 Stability Models # The best model accepted at the significance level of 0.25 has Different # intercepts and Common slopes. The model suggests the earliest crossing # time at 23.47505 with 95 percent confidence. ICH Guidelines indicate an # expiration time of 23.47505. # Display Intercept Slope Earliest Crossing Time # O Different Different 23.11596 # X Different Common 23.47505 # O Common Common 29.98567 # # Note that when using the dids model for estimation of the POI as proposed # in LeBlond 2011, a POI of 23.244185941565 is obtained, i.e. a value that # is greater. There are examples, though, where the situation is the other # way round, i.e. where the estimate that is obtained based on the dids # model results in a smaller POI (see example in LeBlond 2011, Table IX). # Results from analysis in JMP 12.0.1 software, Degradation platform, # Stability Test tab # Worst case batch: 2_12 (from graphical output) # # Model Comparisons - F Statistic # Source Intercept Slope | Intercept Slope F Statistic # A Different Different | Common Common 10.10836 # B Different Common | Common Common 19.88764 # C Different Different | Different Common 0.329081 # # Model 1 - Simple Linear Path, Parameter Estimates # Parameter Estimate # Intercept[Batch Number=1_11] 101.8175 # Slope[Batch Number=1_11] -0.20063 # Intercept[Batch Number=2_12] 100.2491 # Slope[Batch Number=2_12] -0.18013 # Intercept[Batch Number=3_13] 102.3841 # Slope[Batch Number=3_13] -0.23397 # Intercept[Batch Number=4_14] 104.0706 # Slope[Batch Number=4_14] -0.19615 # # Model 2 - Simple Linear Path, Parameter Estimates # Parameter Estimate # Slope -0.20221 # Intercept[Batch Number=1_11] 101.8332 # Intercept[Batch Number=2_12] 100.4501 # Intercept[Batch Number=3_13] 102.0666 # Intercept[Batch Number=4_14] 104.1366 # # Model 3 - Simple Linear Path, Parameter Estimates # Parameter Estimate # Intercept 101.9064 # Slope -0.19087 # # Model 1 - Simple Linear Path, Parameter Estimates # Parameter Batch Number Estimate # Intercept 1_11 101.8175 # Slope 1_11 -0.20063 # Intercept 2_12 100.2491 # Slope 2_12 -0.18013 # Intercept 3_13 102.3841 # Slope 3_13 -0.23397 # Intercept 4_14 104.0706 # Slope 4_14 -0.19615 }) test_that("expirest_osle_estimation_succeeds_for_poi", { usl <- 4.5 lsl <- 0.5 tmp <- rep(NA, 8) # <-><-><-><-> tmp[1] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[2] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[3] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = usl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[4] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = usl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[5] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[6] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[7] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = usl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"] tmp[8] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = usl, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"] # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(signif(tmp, 12), c(115.468684445, 102.847355846, 96.3055219561, 84.0292339443, 95.4652197782, 79.6924982370, 82.6037890116, 67.2979863914)) }) test_that("expirest_osle_estimation_succeeds_with_transformations", { tmp <- rep(NA, 7) # <-><-><-><-> tmp[1] <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("log", "log"), shift = c(1, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[2] <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sqrt", "sqrt"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[3] <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 5000), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sq", "sq"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[4] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 5000), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sq", "sq"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower" )[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[5] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 5000), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sq", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower" )[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[6] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 5000), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sq", "sq"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper" )[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[7] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 5000), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("sq", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper" )[["POI"]]["dids"] # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(signif(tmp, 12), c(22.9926049346, 20.3205949274, 14.7086080921, 26.1751174005, 31.8950504925, 37.1116679193, 33.9520528257)) }) test_that("expirest_osle_estimation_succeeds_with_a_single_batch", { tmp <- rep(NA, 4) # <-><-><-><-> tmp[1] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b1", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[2] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b2", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[3] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b3", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["dids"] tmp[4] <- expirest_osle( data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b1", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "both")[["POI"]]["dids"] # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(signif(tmp, 12), c(50.0621475632, 43.7101461304, 199.8917947989, 41.1584877869)) }) test_that("expirest_osle_estimation_succeeds_for_model_type", { t_dat1 <- exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ] t_dat2 <- exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b3", "b4", "b5"), ] t_dat3 <- exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b4", "b5", "b8"), ] # <-><-><-><-> r_ret1 <- expirest_osle( data = t_dat1, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") r_ret2 <- expirest_osle( data = t_dat2, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") r_ret3 <- expirest_osle( data = t_dat3, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower") # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(r_ret1[["Model.Type"]][[2]], "cics") expect_equal(r_ret2[["Model.Type"]][[2]], "dics") expect_equal(r_ret3[["Model.Type"]][[2]], "dids") expect_equivalent(r_ret1[["Model.Type"]][[1]], c(1, 1)) expect_equivalent(r_ret2[["Model.Type"]][[1]], c(0, 1)) expect_equivalent(r_ret3[["Model.Type"]][[1]], c(0, 0)) }) test_that("expirest_osle_succeeds_for_variables", { tmp1 <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(1, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["Variables"]] tmp2 <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("log", "log"), shift = c(1, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["Variables"]] tmp3 <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("log", "no"), shift = c(1, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["Variables"]] tmp4 <- expirest_osle( data = exp2, response_vbl = "Related", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 0.3, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "log"), shift = c(1, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["Variables"]] # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal(tmp1[["response"]], "Related") expect_equal(tmp1[["time"]], "Month") expect_equal(tmp1[["batch"]], "Batch") expect_equal(tmp2[["response"]], "log.Related") expect_equal(tmp2[["response.orig"]], "Related") expect_equal(tmp2[["time"]], "log.Month") expect_equal(tmp2[["time.orig"]], "Month") expect_equal(tmp2[["batch"]], "Batch") expect_equal(tmp3[["response"]], "Related") expect_equal(tmp3[["time"]], "log.Month") expect_equal(tmp3[["time.orig"]], "Month") expect_equal(tmp3[["batch"]], "Batch") expect_equal(tmp4[["response"]], "log.Related") expect_equal(tmp4[["response.orig"]], "Related") expect_equal(tmp4[["time"]], "Month") expect_equal(tmp4[["batch"]], "Batch") }) test_that("expirest_osle_warns", { expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 1.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "Not for all model types POI values obtained.") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 1.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(5, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "Not for all model types POI values obtained.") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(1.5, 3.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "both"), "Not for all model types POI values obtained.") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b1", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 1.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "No POI value was obtained.") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3[exp3$Batch == "b1", ], response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 1.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(5, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "No POI value was obtained.") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(0.5, 2.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "You specified ivl_side = \"upper\".") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(2.5, 4.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "You specified ivl_side = \"lower\".") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 2.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "You specified ivl_side = \"upper\".") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 2.5, sl_sf = 2, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower"), "You specified ivl_side = \"lower\".") expect_warning( expirest_osle(data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(1.5, 3.5), sl_sf = c(2, 2), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "both"), "ivl_side is specified as \"both\" " ) }) test_that("expirest_osle_fails_with_warning_tight_spec_limits", { usl <- 3.5 lsl <- 1.5 tmp <- numeric(2) # <-><-><-><-> tmp[1] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"]) tmp[2] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = exp3, response_vbl = "Moisture", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "tight", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"]) # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal([1]), TRUE) expect_equal([2]), TRUE) }) test_that("expirest_osle_fails_with_warning_tight_uniroot_interval", { t_dat <- exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ] usl <- 105 lsl <- 95 tmp <- numeric(4) # <-><-><-><-> tmp[1] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 5), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"]) tmp[2] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 5), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "lower")[["POI"]]["cics"]) tmp[3] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 5), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"]) tmp[4] <- suppressWarnings( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = lsl, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 5), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "prediction", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper")[["POI"]]["cics"]) # <-><-><-><-> expect_equal([1]), TRUE) expect_equal([2]), TRUE) expect_equal([3]), TRUE) expect_equal([4]), TRUE) }) test_that("expirest_osle_fails_with_error", { t_dat <- exp1[exp1$Batch %in% c("b2", "b5", "b7"), ] t_dal <- t_dat t_dal$Batch <- as.character(t_dal$Batch) # <-><-><-><-> expect_error( expirest_osle( data = as.matrix(t_dat[, c("Month", "Potency")]), response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "data must be provided as data frame") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = 2, time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "response_vbl must be a string") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Mass", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "response_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = 3, batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "time_vbl must be a string") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Year", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "time_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = 4, sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "batch_vbl must be a string") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Lot", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "batch_vbl was not found in the provided data frame") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dal, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "column in data specified by batch_vbl") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = "sl", sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl must be a numeric") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(95, 100, 105), sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl must be a numeric or vector of length 1 or 2") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(105, 95), sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl must be of the form") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = "4", srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl_sf must be a positive integer") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 105, sl_sf = -3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl_sf must be a positive integer") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(95, 105), sl_sf = 4, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl_sf must be a positive integer") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(95, 105), sl_sf = c(4.4, 3.3), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "sl_sf must be a positive integer") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = "alpha", alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "srch_range must be a vector of length 2") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = 500, alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "srch_range must be a vector of length 2") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 5, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify alpha") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = -1, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify alpha") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 5, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify alpha_pool") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = -1, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify alpha_pool") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = "no", shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify xform appropriately") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("yes", "no"), sf_option = "loose", ivl_type = "one.sided", shift = c(0, 0), ivl_side = "upper", ivl = "confidence"), "specify xform appropriately") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "yes"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify xform appropriately") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c("no", "no"), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "shift must be a numeric vector of length 2") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = 1, sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "shift must be a numeric vector of length 2") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "strict", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify sf_option either as \"tight\" or \"loose\"") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "incorrect", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify ivl either as \"confidence\" or \"prediction\"") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "incorrect", ivl_side = "upper"), "specify ivl_type either as \"one.sided\" or \"two.sided\"") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "incorrect"), "specify ivl_side either as \"lower\", \"upper\" or \"both\"") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = 95, sl_sf = 3, srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "one.sided", ivl_side = "both"), "Please provide a specification with two sides.") expect_error( expirest_osle( data = t_dat, response_vbl = "Potency", time_vbl = "Month", batch_vbl = "Batch", sl = c(95, 105), sl_sf = c(3, 3), srch_range = c(0, 500), alpha = 0.05, alpha_pool = 0.25, xform = c("no", "no"), shift = c(0, 0), sf_option = "loose", ivl = "confidence", ivl_type = "two.sided", ivl_side = "both", rl = c(100, 99, 08)), "ivl_side must be either \"lower\" or \"upper\"") })