# This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. # It is recommended that you do not modify it. # # Where should you do additional test configuration? # Learn more about the roles of various files in: # * https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/reference/test_package.html#special-files library(testthat) library(exhaustiveRasch) test_check("exhaustiveRasch") ### unit tests package coverage version 0.3.2 (2024-12-05) # exhaustiveRasch Coverage: 88.08% # R/test_waldtest.R: 80.00% # R/pairwise_functions.R: 81.82% # R/parallized_tests.R: 83.64% # R/exhaustive_tests.R: 84.97% # R/test_DIFtree.R: 85.19% # R/tests_psychotools.R: 85.38% # R/test_PSI.R: 86.21% # R/threshold_order.R: 86.36% # R/remove_subsets.R: 87.50% # R/fit_rasch.R: 89.47% # R/summary.passed_exRa.R: 90.48% # R/test_itemfit.R: 91.80% # R/test_personsItems.R: 94.12% # R/add_ICs.R: 94.44% # R/apply_combo_rules.R: 95.65% # R/test_respca.R: 96.43% # R/all_rawscores.R: 100.00% # R/check_combo_rules.R: 100.00% # R/estimation_control.R: 100.00% # R/itemfit_control.R: 100.00% # R/no_test.R: 100.00% # R/test_LR.R: 100.00% # R/test_mloef.R: 100.00%