usethis_quiet_init <- getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE) tmp_dir <- tempdir(check = TRUE) pkg_dir <- paste0(tmp_dir, "/tmpkg") setup({ options(usethis.quiet = TRUE) fs::file_delete(fs::dir_ls(tmp_dir)) usethis::create_package(pkg_dir, rstudio = FALSE, open = FALSE) }) teardown({ options(usethis.quiet = usethis_quiet_init) fs::dir_delete(tmp_dir) }) test_that("`extract_examples()` error works", { skip_on_cran() # testing an error message from another package expect_error( extract_examples("detect", tempdir(check = TRUE)), "Path.+does.+not.+appear.+to.+be.+inside.+project.+or.+package.", class = "usethis_error" ) }) test_that("`extract_examples()` works", { fs::file_copy(system.file("extdata", "detect.R", package = "exampletestr" ), paste0(pkg_dir, "/R")) invisible(capture.output(roxygen2::roxygenize(pkg_dir))) detect_rd <- paste0(pkg_dir, "/man/str_detect.Rd") %>% readr::read_lines(lazy = FALSE) %>% stringr::str_trim() detect_rd_ex_lines <- match("\\examples{", detect_rd) %>% list(c(match("}", detect_rd[seq(., length(detect_rd))]) + . - 1)) %>%, .) readr::write_lines( detect_rd[-detect_rd_ex_lines], paste0(pkg_dir, "/man/str_detect.Rd") ) expect_equal( extract_examples("R/detect.R", pkg_dir = pkg_dir, document = FALSE ), list() ) extracted_examples <- extract_examples("detect", pkg_dir = pkg_dir) expect_equal( extracted_examples, list(str_detect = c( "### Name: str_detect", paste( "### Title:", "Detect the presence or absence of a pattern", "in a string." ), "### Aliases: str_detect", "", "### ** Examples", "", "fruit <- c(\"apple\", \"banana\", \"pear\", \"pinapple\")", "str_detect(fruit, \"a\")", "str_detect(fruit, \"^a\")", "str_detect(fruit, \"a$\")", "str_detect(fruit, \"b\")", "str_detect(fruit, \"[aeiou]\")", "", "# Also vectorised over pattern", "str_detect(\"aecfg\", letters)", "", "", "" )) ) })