test_that("all condition handlers first capture output", { test <- function() { plot(1, main = "one") message("this is an message!") plot(2, main = "two") warning("this is a warning") plot(3, main = "three") stop("this is an error") } expect_output_types( evaluate("test()"), c("source", "plot", "message", "plot", "warning", "plot", "error") ) }) test_that("conditions get calls stripped", { expect_equal(evaluate("warning('x')")[[2]]$call, NULL) expect_equal(evaluate("stop('x')")[[2]]$call, NULL) # including errors emitted by C expect_equal(evaluate("mpg")[[2]]$call, NULL) expect_equal(evaluate("3()")[[2]]$call, NULL) }) test_that("envvar overrides keep_* arguments", { withr::local_envvar(R_EVALUATE_BYPASS_MESSAGES = "true") expect_message(ev <- evaluate("message('Hi!')", keep_message = FALSE), "Hi") expect_output_types(ev, "source") expect_warning(ev <- evaluate("warning('Hi!')", keep_warning = FALSE), "Hi") expect_output_types(ev, "source") }) # messages -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("all three states of keep_message work as expected", { test <- function() { message("Hi!") } # message captured in output expect_no_message(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_message = TRUE)) expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "message")) # message propagated expect_message(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_message = NA), "Hi") expect_output_types(ev, "source") # message ignored expect_no_message(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_message = FALSE)) expect_output_types(ev, "source") }) # warnings -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("respects warn options", { # suppress warnings withr::local_options(warn = -1) ev <- evaluate("warning('hi')") expect_output_types(ev, "source") # delayed warnings are always immediate in knitr withr::local_options(warn = 0) ev <- evaluate("warning('hi')") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "warning")) # immediate warnings withr::local_options(warn = 1) ev <- evaluate("warning('hi')") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "warning")) # warnings become errors withr::local_options(warn = 2) ev <- evaluate("warning('hi')") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error")) }) test_that("all three states of keep_warning work as expected", { test <- function() { warning("Hi!") } # warning captured in output expect_no_warning(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_warning = TRUE)) expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "warning")) # warning propagated expect_warning(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_warning = NA), "Hi") expect_output_types(ev, "source") # warning ignored expect_no_warning(ev <- evaluate("test()", keep_warning = FALSE)) expect_output_types(ev, "source") }) test_that("log_warning causes warnings to be emitted", { f <- function() { warning("Hi!", immediate. = TRUE) } expect_snapshot(ev <- evaluate("f()", log_warning = TRUE)) # And still recorded in eval result expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "warning")) expect_equal(ev[[1]]$src, "f()\n") expect_equal(ev[[2]], simpleWarning("Hi!", quote(f()))) }) # errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("an error terminates evaluation of multi-expression input", { ev <- evaluate("stop('1');2\n3") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error", "source", "text")) expect_equal(ev[[1]]$src, "stop('1');2\n") ev <- evaluate("stop('1');2\n3", stop_on_error = 1L) expect_equal(ev[[1]]$src, "stop('1');2\n") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error")) }) test_that("all three starts of stop_on_error work as expected", { ev <- evaluate('stop("1")\n2', stop_on_error = 0L) expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error", "source", "text")) ev <- evaluate('stop("1")\n2', stop_on_error = 1L) expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error")) expect_snapshot(evaluate('stop("1")\n2', stop_on_error = 2L), error = TRUE) }) test_that("errors during printing are captured", { methods::setClass("A", contains = "function", where = environment()) methods::setMethod("show", "A", function(object) stop("B")) a <- methods::new("A", function() b) ev <- evaluate("a") expect_output_types(ev, c("source", "error")) })