library(evalITR) library(dplyr) test_that("Sample Splitting Works", { load("star.rda") # specifying the outcome outcomes <- "g3tlangss" # specifying the treatment treatment <- "treatment" # specifying the data (remove other outcomes) star_data <- star %>% dplyr::select(-c(g3treadss,g3tmathss)) # specifying the formula user_formula <- as.formula( "g3tlangss ~ treatment + gender + race + birthmonth + birthyear + SCHLURBN + GRDRANGE + GKENRMNT + GKFRLNCH + GKBUSED + GKWHITE ") # estimate ITR fit <- estimate_itr( treatment = treatment, form = user_formula, data = star_data, algorithms = c("lasso"), budget = 0.2, split_ratio = 0.7) expect_no_error(estimate_itr( treatment = treatment, form = user_formula, data = star_data, algorithms = c("lasso"), budget = 0.2, split_ratio = 0.7)) # evaluate ITR est <- evaluate_itr(fit) expect_no_error(evaluate_itr(fit)) })