context("dotplot test") #library(eudract) #library(grDevices) if( is_testing()){path <- tempdir()} else{ path <- "tests/testthat"} if( is_testing()){ref_path <- "."} else{ ref_path <- "tests/testthat"} safety_statistics <- safety_summary(safety, exposed=c("Experimental"=60,"Control"=67)) fig <- dot_plot(safety_statistics, type="non_serious", base=4) fig print(fig) plot(fig) save_ps <- function(fig){ temp <- tempfile(fileext=".ps") postscript(file = temp, onefile = TRUE) print(fig) # need to have print() as fig on its own doesn't work inside testthat on.exit( temp } if (FALSE) { local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_ps(fig), "") } test_that("compare image of dotplot",{ local_edition(3) #announce_snapshot_file("plot.svg") #path <- save_svg(fig) #expect_snapshot_file(save_ps(fig),"") vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("dotplot", fig) }) if(FALSE){ svg("tests/testthat/reference_plot.svg") print(fig) } test_that("warnings for repeated terms", { expect_warning( dot_plot(safety_statistics, type="non_serious", base=4, valid_estimates = FALSE), "The same Preferred Term is used repeatedly with multiple System Organ Classes" ) expect_error(dot_plot("whatever"),"invalid input: needs to be either safety_summary or relative_risk object") } ) rr <- relative_risk(safety_statistics) rr$relative_risk$term <- as.factor(rr$relative_risk$term) rr$percentage$term <- as.factor(rr$percentage$term) test_that("relative risk object as input",{ fig2 <- dot_plot(rr, type="non_serious", base=4) fig2 #fig2 <- ggplot(mapping=aes(x=x,y=y), data=data.frame(x=1,y=1))+geom_point() ## This is bending the rules. I want this to compare to the reference output ## that was create for line 35 above, by using the same title "dotplot" vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("dotplot", fig2) } ) # test_that("dotplot",{ # temp <- save_svg(fig) # #unlink(test_path("dotplot.png")) # checksum <- tools::md5sum(c(test_path(temp),test_path("reference_plot.svg"))) # #expect_true(file.exists(test_path(temp))) # expect_equivalent( # checksum[1],checksum[2]) # }) tab <- incidence_table(safety_statistics, type="serious") test_that("incidence table",{ expect_s3_class(tab,"data.frame") expect_equal(tab[1,3],"1% (1, 1)") } ) # with 3 groups test_that("three groups",{ other <- safety %>% dplyr::filter(group=="Control") %>% dplyr::mutate(group="Other") safety3 <- rbind(safety,other) stats3 <- safety_summary(safety3, exposed=c("Experimental"=60,"Control"=67, "Other"=67)) fig_3groups <- dot_plot(stats3, reference="Control", type = "non_serious") local_edition(3) vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("dotplot_3groups", fig_3groups) }) # test_that("one_group",{ other <- safety %>% dplyr::filter(group=="Control") %>% dplyr::mutate(group="Other") fig_1group <- other %>% safety_summary(exposed=c("Other"=67)) %>% dot_plot vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("dotplot_1group", fig_1group) } ) # other %>% safety_summary(exposed=c("Other"=67)) %>% incidence_table() # other %>% safety_summary(exposed=c("Other"=67)) %>% relative_risk() # other %>% safety_summary(exposed=c("Other"=67)) %>% relative_risk_table()